
Yang Mi's "generous dressing" and Yang Ying's ribs made me see the difference in the figure of female stars

author:Abu talks about the world

1. Focus on the "extreme" trend of celebrity body management

In today's ever-changing entertainment industry, body management has increasingly shown a phenomenon of "extreme"! We have seen that actresses such as Yang Mi boldly showed their healthy and sexy figures, winning the applause and love of countless fans.

On the other hand, Yang Ying's "rib body" has aroused a strong response on the Internet, and the affectionate "Yang Ying, don't lose weight anymore" has set off a heated discussion on Weibo! .

Yang Mi's "generous dressing" and Yang Ying's ribs made me see the difference in the figure of female stars

When the audience paid attention to this once popular star again, what they saw was a pair of high-combed ponytail hairstyles, Yang Ying in a black jumpsuit, with clear ribs and an unproportioned figure, which made people feel pity.

Netizens expressed concern and called on Yang Ying to pay attention to her physical health and not to pursue thinness excessively.

The two diametrically opposed body forms of Yang Mi and Yang Ying vividly reveal the two extreme choices faced by today's celebrity body management - confident and healthy beauty, or the dangerous edge of morbid emaciation.

Yang Mi's "generous dressing" and Yang Ying's ribs made me see the difference in the figure of female stars

On one side is a vibrant "generous dress", and on the other side is a skinny "rib body".

2. Explore the evolution of the aesthetic concept of body in the entertainment industry

Looking back, we can clearly see that the entertainment industry's preference for body aesthetics is not static. In the 90s of the last century, the slender figure became the mainstream of aesthetics.

Yang Mi's "generous dressing" and Yang Ying's ribs made me see the difference in the figure of female stars

During that period, the slender Sammi Cheng captured the hearts of countless teenagers with her sexy curves and smart dancing, and she successfully turned the tables in front of the public with her moving song "Reluctant You", and quickly rose to become a household name in Hong Kong.

With the passage of time, after entering the 21st century, a healthy and energetic body is gradually favored by the public. At that time, Yang Mi, who was plump and sexy, showed off his swimsuit in the low-budget movie "Far Cry", attracting a large number of audiences to voluntarily enter the theater and creating a box office miracle.

People are gradually realizing that being too slender is not the same as being beautiful, and that women should have a healthy and energetic body.

Yang Mi's "generous dressing" and Yang Ying's ribs made me see the difference in the figure of female stars

Yang Mi, who was once controversial by others and accused of "making a fortune", now has a well-proportioned figure and beautiful lines, and has become a symbol of the ideal model figure in everyone's minds. This change in the concept of body management undoubtedly reflects the significant improvement of the general public's diversified understanding of beauty and aesthetic tolerance.

The deplorable reality is far beyond our imagination. In fact, what makes many celebrities have to fall into the dilemma of body management is a series of intricate factors secretly at work.

The high-pressure environment of the industry, personal mental health problems, and long-term lifestyle habits are intertwined and together constitute the root cause of their body anxiety.

Yang Mi's "generous dressing" and Yang Ying's ribs made me see the difference in the figure of female stars

For celebrities, the ups and downs of their careers often have a great impact on their bodies and minds. Take Sammi Cheng as an example, during the low ebb of her career, she had to rely on medication for depression, which led to huge changes in her body, and her weight soared to a staggering 130 pounds.

When she became popular again, she had to work hard to maintain the image of "Hong Kong's thinnest" in the process of crazy dieting.

In addition to external stress, internal mental health issues are also one of the culprits that cannot be ignored. Ying'er was ridiculed by others for being overweight, and in order to lose weight, she did not hesitate to sacrifice her health, and even ate Lao Gan Ma for a living; Wu Jinyan has been subject to the strict weight control requirements of his teachers since he was a child, and he has formed an anxious mentality of extreme fear of obesity in his childhood.

Yang Mi's "generous dressing" and Yang Ying's ribs made me see the difference in the figure of female stars

The formation of lifestyle habits often comes from the long-term accumulation of individuals. For example, Chen Zihan has always adhered to a dieting lifestyle for many years, and now her figure is getting thinner, which has even affected her career development; Since Lin Yun starred in the movie "Mermaid", he has also fallen into the whirlpool of weight loss and is unable to extricate himself.

Industry pressure, psychological problems, and living habits, these three are closely linked like chains, shackling celebrities tightly on the narrow road of body management, making them more and more distant from their true selves.

For celebrities, the road to pursuing an ideal body is full of contradictions and challenges, and the price they pay is even heavier. They must spend a lot of effort and energy, even at the expense of physical and mental health, just to meet the endless pursuit and praise of the outside world for a "perfect body".

Yang Mi's "generous dressing" and Yang Ying's ribs made me see the difference in the figure of female stars

Take Sammi Cheng, the "thinnest diva in Hong Kong", as an example, she has made a lot of hard efforts to maintain a slim body, even at the expense of more than 100 years. She is outspoken, and has been steadfast in her diet for decades to prevent weight gain, and has never tasted the taste of a hearty meal.

When she was young, she even dared to try to use weight loss drugs, and the level of obsession caused obvious changes in her body, which eventually caused her weight to soar to a staggering 130 pounds. Despite experiencing the ups and downs of weight, Sammi Cheng has never given up the pursuit of a beautiful body.

Yang Mi's "generous dressing" and Yang Ying's ribs made me see the difference in the figure of female stars

After countless challenges and setbacks, Sammi Cheng once again embarked on a weight loss journey, but this time the means were too drastic, and she chose crazy exercise and strict diet control. However, this radical approach took a toll on her body, and at one point Sammi even fainted at home due to excessive hunger.

Seeing such a shocking thin image, Xiao S, who has always been outstanding in figure, couldn't help but sigh: "She is the thinnest artist I have ever seen."

Today's Zheng Xiuwen has gradually slowed down the pace of weight loss and began to maintain a good posture through moderate exercise. However, this peerless diva has consumed most of her youth and paid a heavy price in the long-term diet struggle.

Yang Mi's "generous dressing" and Yang Ying's ribs made me see the difference in the figure of female stars

Compared with Zheng Xiuwen, Yinger's body management road is more tortuous and difficult. In order to participate in the TV series "A Thousand Mountains and Twilight Snow", she once boldly tried to take weight loss drugs without any regard for her own health.

This so-called "panacea" had the opposite effect, Ying'er became obese instead, and the screen full of bad comments made her physically and mentally exhausted.

Therefore, Yinger once again chose an extreme diet and weight loss method, and even "didn't eat all day, and tasted the taste of the old godmother when she was hungry". This practice aroused strong opposition from the host, because such an extreme way to lose weight is destined to be as frightening as Yinger's prominent "rib breast".

Yang Mi's "generous dressing" and Yang Ying's ribs made me see the difference in the figure of female stars

In addition, Wu Jinyan, who has been instilled with the concept of "fat is a sin" since he was a child, has been subject to strict weight control by his teacher since he was 7 years old, and will be severely criticized if he exceeds the standard.

Under the shroud of this shadow, Wu Jinyan lived a light and restrained life, and did not dare to try even a small snack easily.

Wu Jinyan, who is only 165 centimeters tall, weighs only 97 pounds, and when the host showed him his childhood photos, he couldn't help but exclaim in surprise: "You were already so slim when you were ten years old?" It looks like a six-year-old! Such a height-to-weight ratio makes Wu Jinyan's body look extremely unbalanced, and his head is too large, but with slender limbs, it is amazing.

Yang Mi's "generous dressing" and Yang Ying's ribs made me see the difference in the figure of female stars

And Chen Zihan, a veteran artist known for his superb acting skills, may be even more dangerous. Obsessed with maintaining a slender figure all day long, she has so far been so thin that her body cannot bear the weight of the costume, and in order to maintain her pursuit of beauty, she has to wear a special lining in the play as a "filler".

She laughed at herself and said: "I have lost weight beyond recognition, if I continue like this, I am afraid I will never receive filming again" It seems that over the years, in order to maintain this slenderness, her efforts and bitterness are really immeasurable.

And Lin Yun's body change process is more like a microcosm of a modern tragedy. From the image of the "Little Mermaid" full of aura in "The Mermaid" to the emaciated appearance that is now criticized by netizens as "too thin", Lin Yun's transformation can be described as amazing.

Yang Mi's "generous dressing" and Yang Ying's ribs made me see the difference in the figure of female stars

The price she paid behind this was undoubtedly painful.

Lin Yun herself has frankly said that although her weight has dropped to less than 90 kilograms, she still feels that her legs are too thick. Step by step towards the "point of no return", her obsession with her appearance has reached the point of almost madness.

Fifth, the media and the public's admiration for "thin aesthetics".

Yang Mi's "generous dressing" and Yang Ying's ribs made me see the difference in the figure of female stars

Celebrities embark on this road of no return for body management, in addition to their own reasons, the media and the public should also bear some responsibility for this. After all, for so many years, we have been pursuing "thinness" as the only criterion of "beauty".

Looking back on history, the entertainment industry's preference for body aesthetic standards has been constantly evolving. In the 90s of the last century, thin bodies were all the rage, and Sammi Cheng became a goddess in the hearts of countless people with her slender curves and elf-like dancing.

After entering the new millennium, the healthy and energetic figure has gradually been loved by everyone, and the plump and sexy Yang Mi has shown his skills in the swimsuit scene, but has won more attention.

Yang Mi's "generous dressing" and Yang Ying's ribs made me see the difference in the figure of female stars

Although people's definitions of "beauty" have become more and more diverse, "thinness" is still the core keyword of mainstream aesthetics. Whether it is a magazine or a TV variety show, you can always see weight loss advertisements and the loud voices of the "masters", calling on everyone to seize the time to lose weight.

In today's developed social media, there are a lot of questions such as "Get Slim Fast, Follow Their Footsteps!" and "Plastic fitness, enjoy a spicy and beautiful life" and other very attractive slimming marketing advertorials.

The phenomenon behind these words is jaw-dropping: some celebrity fans are crazy about their idols, and even confuse them, mistaking "thinness" for "beauty" and "perfection", while turning a blind eye to health issues.

Yang Mi's "generous dressing" and Yang Ying's ribs made me see the difference in the figure of female stars

In the face of this strong pressure of public opinion, celebrities had to devote themselves to an unprecedented tug-of-war for weight loss. Take Lin Yun as an example, this actress who has achieved great results at a young age also can't get rid of the whirlpool of pursuing weight loss; And Chen Zihan, who has superb acting skills, in order to show a better image on the screen, can only choose to use "filling" to support the too thin costumes.

We live in an age of pluralism, and the definition of beauty should be rich and diverse. However, the media and fanatics who blindly follow "skinny" are brazenly distorting healthy body standards, pushing celebrities down a lonely and challenging path.

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