
"Celebrating More Than Years 2" small goofs shot! Sneakers, watches, boutique upheaval to shoddy?

author:Da Dong

Copywriting|Da Dong

Editor|Da Dong

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" small goofs shot! Sneakers, watches, boutique upheaval to shoddy?
"Celebrating More Than Years 2" goofs are hotly discussed: Emperor Qing Chen Daoming runs in sneakers; The second prince Liu Duanduan appeared in a tattoo goof; Stills and trailers feature modern items; The audience reacted differently and was understanding of the older actors; There are many goofs in the first season, and there are relatively fewer in the second season; It calls for improving the production sophistication and improving the quality of the episodes.

What broke into the sight was Emperor Qing's eye-catching sneaker goof.

Emperor Qing, played by Chen Daoming, actually pedaled modern sneakers and ran when he was emotional, and this sudden picture really gave people a strong visual impact and psychological contrast.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" small goofs shot! Sneakers, watches, boutique upheaval to shoddy?

Some viewers speculated that it was in consideration of Mr. Chen Daoming's advanced age, in order to ensure the safety of his movements, he deliberately chose this kind of sneakers for the elderly.

But there are also netizens with big brains, who joked in combination with the plot, maybe this is a special gift from Ye Qingmei to Emperor Qingdi! In any case, this goofs shot has undoubtedly become a topic of conversation among the audience after dinner.

Immediately afterwards, the appearance of the second prince was also accompanied by a rather conspicuous tattoo goof.

When Liu Duanduan, the second prince in the play, appeared on his right hand, a tattoo that was incompatible with the ancient background appeared, which made him instantly ridiculed as the "second prince of fashion".

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" small goofs shot! Sneakers, watches, boutique upheaval to shoddy?

What's even more interesting is that this tattoo sometimes appears and sometimes disappears, apparently a considerable oversight on the part of the maker.

Not only in the feature film, but also in the stills and trailers.

In the stills, the power tower and modern buildings that appear in the background are extremely inconsistent with the background of the ancient story.

And in the trailer, the loopholes in the step special effects are also seen through by attentive viewers at a glance.

In the face of these goofs, the audience's reactions can be described as varied.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" small goofs shot! Sneakers, watches, boutique upheaval to shoddy?

Some viewers think that the actors are not dedicated enough, and there are too many goofs that really shouldn't be, and they strongly condemn this; However, most viewers understood Mr. Chen Daoming's age and thought that they should not be too harsh.

In general, the audience still has a relatively tolerant attitude towards goofs, and feels that as long as it does not affect the advancement of the plot, there is no need to be overly concerned.

If you compare "Celebrating More Than Years 2" with the first season, you will find that there were also many ridiculous goofs in the first season, such as the figures of off-site staff who have not been cleaned up.

Although the number of goofs in the second season is relatively reduced, there are still some obvious oversights, such as the modern watch worn by the tailor on his wrist.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" small goofs shot! Sneakers, watches, boutique upheaval to shoddy?

Summing up these phenomena, I have to admit that goofs can sometimes bring a certain amount of fun to the audience, but for a series that pursues high quality, it is true that the best efforts should be made to reduce this roughness.

The audience generally believes that the producer's lack of detail processing has affected the reputation of the series, and they hope that the production quality can be improved in the subsequent production to enhance everyone's viewing experience.

The audience has higher expectations and pursuits for high-quality dramas.

In fact, in film and television dramas, goofs are not uncommon.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" small goofs shot! Sneakers, watches, boutique upheaval to shoddy?

These minor imperfections can be caused by the rush of the shoot, the negligence of the crew, or a variety of unforeseen circumstances.

That doesn't mean they can be easily overlooked.

The production team should be more rigorous in every detail, and strive to present a more perfect work for the audience.

There is also a limit to the tolerance of the audience.

Although everyone may temporarily tolerate some goofs because they love a drama, if this situation occurs frequently, it will inevitably affect the audience's overall evaluation of the series.

Too many goofs can also make viewers question the professionalism of the production team, which can reduce trust in the series.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" small goofs shot! Sneakers, watches, boutique upheaval to shoddy?

In the case of "Celebrating More Than Years 2", despite the controversy caused by the goofs, it still attracted many viewers with its wonderful plot and excellent cast.

This also shows that goofs are not the only factor that determines the success or failure of a drama.

In order to be able to create a true classic, the production team should still attach great importance to these issues and constantly improve their professional quality and production level.

The audience should also maintain a rational attitude.

When spotting goofs, it's okay to be moderate in your criticism and suggestions, but don't be overly harsh.

The birth of each work embodies the hard work and efforts of countless people.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" small goofs shot! Sneakers, watches, boutique upheaval to shoddy?

We can also find some fun in these goofs, and see it as a different kind of experience in the process of watching the show.

The goofs of "Celebrating More Than Years 2" have not only sparked controversy, but also brought a lot of food for thought.

How to reduce goofs as much as possible and improve the quality of the episodes while ensuring that the plot is exciting is a problem that the producer must take seriously.

While the audience enjoys the drama to the fullest, they should also look at these phenomena with a more inclusive and rational attitude.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" small goofs shot! Sneakers, watches, boutique upheaval to shoddy?

I believe that with the joint efforts of everyone, the future film and television industry will surely present more high-quality works, bringing a more colorful and wonderful visual feast to the audience.

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