
The universal mantra of photography, parametric skills, is so well organized. I like to shoot the preservation collection

author:Affection between the mountains and rivers
The universal mantra of photography, parametric skills, is so well organized. I like to shoot the preservation collection
The universal mantra of photography, parametric skills, is so well organized. I like to shoot the preservation collection
The universal mantra of photography, parametric skills, is so well organized. I like to shoot the preservation collection
The universal mantra of photography, parametric skills, is so well organized. I like to shoot the preservation collection
The universal mantra of photography, parametric skills, is so well organized. I like to shoot the preservation collection
The universal mantra of photography, parametric skills, is so well organized. I like to shoot the preservation collection
The universal mantra of photography, parametric skills, is so well organized. I like to shoot the preservation collection
The universal mantra of photography, parametric skills, is so well organized. I like to shoot the preservation collection
The universal mantra of photography, parametric skills, is so well organized. I like to shoot the preservation collection
The universal mantra of photography, parametric skills, is so well organized. I like to shoot the preservation collection
The universal mantra of photography, parametric skills, is so well organized. I like to shoot the preservation collection
The universal mantra of photography, parametric skills, is so well organized. I like to shoot the preservation collection
The universal mantra of photography, parametric skills, is so well organized. I like to shoot the preservation collection
The universal mantra of photography, parametric skills, is so well organized. I like to shoot the preservation collection
The universal mantra of photography, parametric skills, is so well organized. I like to shoot the preservation collection
The universal mantra of photography, parametric skills, is so well organized. I like to shoot the preservation collection
The universal mantra of photography, parametric skills, is so well organized. I like to shoot the preservation collection
The universal mantra of photography, parametric skills, is so well organized. I like to shoot the preservation collection

"Wow, this picture is amazing! How did you shoot it? Xiao Ling looked at a night photo in Xiao Ming's hand, her eyes were full of amazement and curiosity.

Xiao Ming smiled and said mysteriously: "This is my unique secret, but if you are really interested, I can share with you some universal mantras and parametric tips for photography." ”

Xiao Ling immediately came to her senses, "Say it quickly, I want to know!" ”

Xiao Ming pretended to pause mysteriously, and then spoke: "First of all, remember the 'rule of thirds composition, golden section point'." This way your photo composition will be more layered and aesthetically pleasing. ”

"What else?" Xiaoling couldn't wait to ask.

"There's also 'wide aperture, shallow depth of field; Small aperture, deep depth of field'. This way, you can choose the right depth of field to make the subject stand out more or the background richer. Xiao Ming continued to share.

Xiaoling listened to it with relish, and couldn't help but sigh: "It turns out that there are so many ways to shoot, and I used to shoot randomly." ”

"Yes, photography isn't just about pressing the shutter." Xiao Ming said with deep feelings, "There is also 'the slower the shutter, the longer the exposure; The faster the shutter, the shorter the exposure'. This mantra can help you better grasp the exposure time. ”

Xiao Ling carefully memorized every mantra Xiao Ming said, and then couldn't wait to try these techniques.

"By the way, one of the most important mantras is 'low sensitivity, delicate image quality; High sensitivity, high noise'. This one has a big impact on the quality of the photo. Xiao Ming added.

Xiao Ling nodded again and again after hearing this, and decided that she must try these formulas and techniques the next time she takes pictures.

A few days later, Xiao Ling found Xiao Ming excitedly, holding a newly taken photo in her hand: "Look, I used the mantras and skills you taught, is this photo much better than before?" ”

Xiao Ming took the photo and took a closer look, it was indeed more layered and beautiful than the photos taken by Xiao Ling before. He nodded approvingly: "Well, that's good! It looks like you've got a good grasp of it. ”

Xiao Ling jumped up happily: "Great! I will continue to learn more photography skills in the future. ”

Xiao Ming was also very happy to be able to help Xiao Ling and encouraged her to continue her efforts. After chatting for a while, Xiao Ming suddenly came up with a good idea: "By the way, we can compile these mantras and tips into a document and share them with more photography enthusiasts." ”

After hearing this, Xiao Ling immediately agreed: "Good idea! This can help more people improve their photography. ”

So the two of them began to organize the documents. They organized the mantras and techniques into categories, with some examples, photos and explanations. After a few days of hard work, a complete documentation of photographic mantras and tips was finally completed.

The two shared the document on social media and invited everyone to learn and communicate together. Soon, the document received a lot of attention and praise. Many photography enthusiasts have said that this document has helped them a lot in their studies.

Xiao Ming and Xiao Ling felt very happy and satisfied to see that this document could help so many people. They decided to continue to organize and share more photography knowledge and skills to provide more learning resources for photography enthusiasts.

As time went by, Xiao Ming and Xiao Ling's documentation was constantly updated and improved, attracting more and more photography enthusiasts to join their learning and exchange group. It is a place where people share their work and experiences, learn from each other, and make progress from each other. This small learning and exchange group has gradually turned into a vibrant and positive photography community.

And Xiao Ming and Xiao Ling have also made many like-minded friends because of this document, and their photography skills are constantly improving. Whenever they see someone in the group sharing excellent works, they will feel sincerely relieved and proud. Because they know that behind these works there is everyone's common efforts and progress.

On a sunny weekend, Xiao Ming and Xiao Ling organized an offline photo event. They invited their friends from the group to join in and explore the beauty of the city and record it together. Everyone came together with their cameras and enthusiasm to start this unforgettable photography journey.

During the event, everyone exchanged ideas and experiences with each other, and worked together to find the best shooting angle and composition. Whenever someone shoots a satisfactory work, it will attract a round of admiration and applause. This event not only made everyone more familiar with each other, but also enhanced the friendship and tacit understanding between each other.

After the event, everyone said that it was an unforgettable experience. They thanked Xiao Ming and Xiao Ling for providing such a platform for learning and communication, and said that they would continue to support their documentation and community building. And Xiao Ming and Xiao Ling were also deeply relieved and moved, because they saw the value and significance of their efforts.

Since then, they have strengthened their determination to continue to organize and share their photographic knowledge. They believe that as long as everyone works together and progresses, they will be able to create more excellent works and enjoy the fun and sense of accomplishment brought by photography. And the document "Universal Formulas and Parameter Techniques of Photography" has also become a witness and bond of their friendship and common progress.

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