
The Philippine defense minister visited Thitu Island, and the Chinese coast guard ship 5204 and the Chinese side could be seen in the distance

author:Tomato L


In 2024, the waves in the South China Sea will once again make waves, and a series of actions by the Philippines will challenge the calm of this blue land. Since the beginning of the year, the Philippines has escalated its provocative behavior, and Chinese territories such as Scarborough Shoal and Thitu Island have become the focus of its attempted provocations. As a sovereign state of Nanhai Zhudao, China firmly upholds its territorial integrity and maritime rights and interests. This article will dissect two key events in the South China Sea in 2024 from multiple perspectives, as well as China's firm stance on them.

Philippine fishing boats massed in an attempt to encroach on Scarborough Shoal

The Philippine defense minister visited Thitu Island, and the Chinese coast guard ship 5204 and the Chinese side could be seen in the distance

In early May 2024, Philippine fishing boats assembled in the waters around Scarborough Shoal with the intention of illegally invading Chinese territory. Scarborough Shoal has been China's inalienable sacred territory since ancient times, and the Philippines' actions are undoubtedly a blatant provocation to China's sovereignty. The Chinese Coast Guard acted quickly and dispatched ships to the waters near Scarborough Shoal to warn and drive away Philippine fishing boats.

The current build-up of Philippine fishing boats is not only a serious violation of China's territory, but also a flagrant violation of international law and basic norms governing international relations. As China's inherent territory, Scarborough Shoal's sovereignty and territorial integrity brook no violation. The CCG's swift response fully demonstrates China's firm determination and strong ability to safeguard national sovereignty and maritime rights and interests. At the same time, China also calls on the international community to jointly maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea and respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries.

Philippine Secretary of Defense paid a high-profile visit to Thitu Island

The Philippine defense minister visited Thitu Island, and the Chinese coast guard ship 5204 and the Chinese side could be seen in the distance

Just as the Philippine fishing boat assembly incident has not subsided, the Philippine Secretary of Defense paid a high-profile visit to Thitu Island on the morning of May 16, 2024. Thitu Island is also an inalienable part of China's territory, and the Philippine defense secretary's move is undoubtedly a serious violation of China's sovereignty and dignity.

The Philippine defense secretary's visit is not only another provocation against China's territory, but also a blatant challenge to international law and basic norms governing international relations. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed strong dissatisfaction and solemn protest against this, and demanded that the Philippines immediately stop all provocative acts and respect China's sovereignty and territorial integrity. At the same time, China has also sent a clear signal to the international community that any attempt to infringe on China's territorial and maritime rights and interests will be resolutely and forcefully retaliated against by China.

The staunch guard of the China Coast Guard 5204 ship

The Philippine defense minister visited Thitu Island, and the Chinese coast guard ship 5204 and the Chinese side could be seen in the distance

Under the close monitoring of the China Coast Guard, the Haijing 5204 has become an important force guarding the Wire Reef. The ship is not only a symbol of China's coast guard strength, but also a manifestation of China's firm determination to safeguard its sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea. At the same time as the Philippine defense secretary visited Thitu Island, the Haijing 5204 ship was quickly deployed to the waters near the Wire Reef, demonstrating China's persistence and defense of every inch of territory in the South China Sea.

The deployment of Haijing 5204 is not accidental, but behind it is China's thoughtful and long-term planning for the South China Sea issue. China is well aware that only a strong maritime power can ensure peace and stability in the South China Sea, and only a firm determination can safeguard the country's core interests. Therefore, the China Coast Guard will continue to strengthen patrols and surveillance in the South China Sea to ensure peace and tranquility in the South China Sea.

The solemn position of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Philippine defense minister visited Thitu Island, and the Chinese coast guard ship 5204 and the Chinese side could be seen in the distance

In the face of the provocative actions of the Philippines, the Chinese Foreign Ministry responded swiftly and made clear its solemn position and attitude. A spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry said that the Philippines' actions are a serious violation of China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and China expresses strong dissatisfaction and solemn protest against it. At the same time, China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs also warned the Philippines that if it continues to provoke China's bottom line, China will take all necessary measures to safeguard its sovereignty and security in the South China Sea.

This position of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs is not only a warning to the Philippines, but also a commitment to the international community. China will unswervingly safeguard its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, and will never tolerate any form of infringement or provocation. At the same time, China also calls on the international community to jointly maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea and respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries.

Editor's spicy comment: The changes in the South China Sea highlight the game and competition between major powers. The Philippines' provocative act is undoubtedly a blatant provocation against China's sovereignty and territorial integrity. However, the steadfastness of the China Coast Guard and the solemn stance of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs demonstrate China's firm determination to safeguard its sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea. We believe that with the joint efforts of the international community, peace and stability in the South China Sea will eventually be maintained.

The Philippine defense minister visited Thitu Island, and the Chinese coast guard ship 5204 and the Chinese side could be seen in the distance

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