
Jews become masters of America? An in-depth look at the Jewish Ansa behind American politics?

author:Military analysis

The statue on the U.S. Capitol has undoubtedly become an iconic symbol of the highest legislative authority and the spiritual core of the United States. In this statue, three remarkable historical figures, Moses, Confucius, and Solon, speak together to speak of wisdom that transcends cultures and eras, and we should not be surprised when the image of Confucius comes into view, because the United States has always been known for its remarkable ability to borrow and integrate.

Jews become masters of America? An in-depth look at the Jewish Ansa behind American politics?

The debate over who is the master between the Anglo-Saxons and the Jews has sparked widespread concern and speculation around the world. Conspiracy theories such as the US deep state, the Skull and Bones Society, and the Illuminati are endless, and these topics are not entirely unfamiliar to us Chinese. But after my own in-depth observation and understanding, I believe that this problem is far from as simple as it seems.

It is difficult to distinguish between Anglo-Saxons and Jews in the big business or political power in the United States today. Because between these two ethnic groups, an intricate blend has long been formed. President Trump, for example, has the support of both Anglo-Saxons from the military-industrial complex and Jewish financial giants. Nowhere is this interweaving of forces more evident than in the media world, where there is also a pluralistic factional strife among Jews.

The concept of Anglo-Saxons is now not limited to traditional British ancestry, but has expanded to include other Western aristocratic camps such as Germany and Italy, and has become a general term for the white elite of Europe and the United States. In the process of long-term integration and interaction, these two ethnic groups have formed a deep community of interests. They are more focused on common interests and goals than on simple ethnic identity. This is precisely the ultimate goal that Jews have pursued in the centuries-long struggle of the United States, a society that transcends ethnic boundaries and prospers.

To delve deeper into America's unwavering support for Israel, we need to go beyond the superficial political stance and delve into the underlying logic behind that attitude. This is not only a reflection of the strength of the Jewish nation itself, but also a reflection of the solidity of the American state system. Over the course of its long history, the Jewish community has ceased to be a mere parasite, but has gradually infiltrated and become a central component of the American social fabric, closely linked to the national life of the United States. The influence and presence of Jews has penetrated into every corner of the United States, and any threat or damage to Jews could pose a major challenge to the stability of American society, as if shaking the foundation of the country.

Against the backdrop of rising anti-Israel sentiment on American university campuses, a striking phenomenon is that many Jews, who have already achieved prominence in American society, are beginning to try to distance themselves from Israel. However, these Jews, as members of society that have been struggling in the United States for many years and have gained wide recognition, are not willing to allow their poor relatives from Israel to undermine their hard-won stability and prosperity.

We also have to ask: despite their influence in American society, can Jews really be the true masters of the United States? This is a question that deserves to be explored in depth. After all, the fate of a country is not determined by a single group, but by the collision and integration of diverse cultures and the joint efforts of different ethnic groups. What we need on this issue is not only understanding and judgment, but also respect and tolerance for multiculturalism.

People who study Chinese history in depth often form a consensus that our goal is not to simply copy or imitate, but to carry out creative development and inheritance on the basis of a deep understanding and absorption of the essence of traditional culture, combined with the actual needs of modern society. Any kind of civilization that has survived vicissitudes and is still thriving must carry deep and indescribable unique ideas and values behind it.

Taking the Manchu Dynasty as an example, although it once occupied an important position on the historical stage, after the change of dynasty, it did not gain widespread acceptance and recognition of the Chinese nation. Even countries such as Korea and Vietnam, which neighbored China, privately regarded the Qing Dynasty as a foreign regime, were ashamed to pay tribute to the Qing Dynasty, and even secretly financed forces that rebelled against the Qing Dynasty in the hope of restoring Ming rule. North Korea insisted on using the official uniform system of the Ming Dynasty, and mercilessly ridiculed and ridiculed the Vietnamese vassal kings who flattered the Qing Dynasty and wore Qing official uniforms.

In Europe, so-called orthodoxy is often closely associated with white male groups, including the Ansa people, and the military power in the United States is often in the hands of these people. For thousands of years, the intermingling of European royalty has been uninterrupted, just as the Jews had been prominent in Europe before World War II. Here I would like to draw an analogy from the wisdom of the ancient Chinese Zongheng family: the Zongheng family is good at using the vassal states as their pawns, and when they get angry, they will make the vassal states tremble, and stability can make the whole world return to tranquility. This is similar to the modern Jews, who have the power to change the world in the context of global finance, and who make the princes of all countries fear them.

Behind these seemingly complex appearances lies a deeper truth. When a global crisis sweeps like a storm and the world is plunged into a brutal competition for survival, those who have been in the past with unlimited wisdom, aides and celebrities with huge resources are often the first to fall victim, which is a warning that fate is too dependent on power and resources. The statue of Confucius on the U.S. Capitol is not only a sculpture, but also a symbol of the solid moral norms and legal system of human society that have been precipitated for hundreds of years.

The Jewish people understand this deeply, and their attachment to the promised land is not only the pursuit of a piece of land, but also a firm belief in their own destiny and future. They know that in a foreign land, only by relying on their own wisdom and hard work can they take root in this land and achieve true independence and freedom.

Therefore, it is not difficult to understand the current radical behavior of the Israelis and the growing contradictions with American Jews. They have dreams of becoming masters of the United States, hoping to draw a line with their poor relatives at a critical moment; He also dared to challenge secular ideas and hoped to fight for the eternal interests of his nation. However, after many setbacks and disappointments, these fanatics began to use the global industrial chain in their hands to set off stormy waves, even at the risk of the well-being of the Arabs and all mankind.

Their next actions will undoubtedly be full of unknowns and uncertainties. And that turning point, which could push them to destruction, could lead the United States to repeat the mistakes of the collapse of the former Soviet Union, triggering global shocks and reflections.

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