
The price has risen 4 times in 1 month, and lead-acid batteries have entered the 340 and 440 eras, why has the price of batteries been rising?

author:Three or two things about electric cars

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The core of electric vehicles is the three-electric system, the battery is the top priority of the three-electric system, in recent times, the price of electric vehicle batteries has soared, the price has risen 4 times a month, the current lead-acid battery has entered the era of 340 and 440 yuan, why has the battery been rising? Insiders tell you the real reason.

The price has risen 4 times in 1 month, and lead-acid batteries have entered the 340 and 440 eras, why has the price of batteries been rising?

The price has risen 4 times in 1 month, and lead-acid batteries have entered the 340 and 440 era

Entering April 2024, the price of electric vehicle batteries began to rise, and the initial increase was not very large, only 5 yuan each time, and the frequency of the increase was not very fast.

The price has risen 4 times in 1 month, and lead-acid batteries have entered the 340 and 440 eras, why has the price of batteries been rising?

However, in the past month, the lead-acid battery has risen in price for 4 consecutive times, and the agent has received a notice from the battery manufacturer, from May 20, the price of the 48V12Ah battery is 340 yuan / group, the price of the 48V20Ah battery is 440 yuan / group, and other models of batteries are also adjusted synchronously.

The price has risen 4 times in 1 month, and lead-acid batteries have entered the 340 and 440 eras, why has the price of batteries been rising?

Every year in the summer, the price of batteries will rise, but this year is special, not only the frequency of price adjustment is relatively high, but also the price increase is also very high, the current price of lead-acid batteries is almost the highest price.

Why does the price of batteries keep rising?

The rise in battery prices is generally affected by the relationship between supply and demand, that is, the so-called off-season and peak season, and the price will naturally rise in the peak season, but why has the price been rising this year? So that many dealers are afraid to stock up. As a practitioner of electric vehicles, here is the reason for the increase in battery prices.

The price has risen 4 times in 1 month, and lead-acid batteries have entered the 340 and 440 eras, why has the price of batteries been rising?

As we all know, lead-acid batteries, the main raw material is lead, if the price of lead fluctuates, the price of the battery will also fluctuate.

The price has risen 4 times in 1 month, and lead-acid batteries have entered the 340 and 440 eras, why has the price of batteries been rising?

In lead-acid batteries, the content of lead accounts for about 70% of the total weight of the battery, for example, the weight of a 20Ah lead-acid battery is about 6 kg, of which the lead content can reach about 4.2 kg.

Although each battery only has about 4.2 kg of lead, one ton of lead can only produce 1000÷4.2=238 batteries, so it seems that the number of batteries produced is not much.

The price has risen 4 times in 1 month, and lead-acid batteries have entered the 340 and 440 eras, why has the price of batteries been rising?

Entering 2024, lead prices have soared, at the beginning of April, the price of lead was around 16,200 yuan per ton, and by May 17, the price of lead had risen to 18,600 yuan/ton, an increase of 2,400 yuan/ton.

If the price of lead is evenly spread to each battery, then the price of each battery will rise to 2400÷238 = 10 yuan, that is, only the price of lead has risen, which has made the price of each battery rise by 10 yuan.

The price has risen 4 times in 1 month, and lead-acid batteries have entered the 340 and 440 eras, why has the price of batteries been rising?

If a group of 60V20Ah batteries, the price rises to 10×5=50 yuan, such a high rise is still relatively rare.


Entering May 2024, the price of lead-acid batteries for electric vehicles has risen 4 times a month, and it has now risen to 340, 440 times, this time the price rise, mainly due to the rise in lead raw materials, for users, if the battery can continue to be used, there is no need to replace the battery in a hurry, the price is already at a high level, you can wait for the price to fall back and then replace it is not too late.

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