
Are rural people pitiful? The laid-off workers in the city are even more pitiful! It's so sad to read it!

author:Xiaoyu self-media 8Q
Are rural people pitiful? The laid-off workers in the city are even more pitiful! It's so sad to read it!

Are rural people pitiful? In fact, the laid-off workers in the city are more pitiful than them.


Because rural people have their own homesteads, they can also pass on to future generations, and the property rights of buildings in the city will not belong to you after a few decades, and farmers have land to plant, and the state also subsidizes farming, if the land cannot be planted, it can also be rented to others to plant, and they can collect rent.

Are rural people pitiful? The laid-off workers in the city are even more pitiful! It's so sad to read it!

If you are lucky enough to occupy an area, demolition, and the subsidy can make you rich overnight, and it is not a matter of being a millionaire.

Rural people do not have to work from 9 to 5 like in the city, they can be self-sufficient with only one acre and three points of land they plant, and the grain and vegetables are all green, and the food is healthier than that of urban people

Are rural people pitiful? The laid-off workers in the city are even more pitiful! It's so sad to read it!

Almost every household in the countryside raises some poultry, chickens, ducks, geese and dogs, so eggs, goose eggs, duck eggs, everything, all of which are "stupid" and are much healthier and more nutritious than the eggs laid by carnivorous chickens eaten by people in the city.

Are rural people pitiful? The laid-off workers in the city are even more pitiful! It's so sad to read it!

In the countryside, as long as you are not too lazy, you don't have to worry about the family's rations, you don't have to compare with the clothes, you just have clothes to wear, and you don't go out often, you can save a lot of money.

But some people have to say that it is very hard for rural people to work with their backs to the loess facing the sky, and it is indeed hard, but they don't have to do it every day, they can sit and wait for the fruits of their labor to be harvested after working hard for a while

Are rural people pitiful? The laid-off workers in the city are even more pitiful! It's so sad to read it!

People in the city are different, 365 days except for holidays, the rest of the day does not go to work, even overtime, but also has to be managed by the leader, no free time at all.

Are rural people pitiful? The laid-off workers in the city are even more pitiful! It's so sad to read it!

The living pressure of urban people is also great, and the happiness index is not as high as that of rural people, every day when they open their eyes, housing loans, car loans, water, electricity and gas bills, property fees, parking fees, etc., add up to 7.8 thousand expenses for a month without eating or drinking, and they dare not stop working at all.

Are rural people pitiful? The laid-off workers in the city are even more pitiful! It's so sad to read it!

Once you are laid off and can't find a job, these various expenses can directly crush you, and finally the house is confiscated, eating is a problem, the cost of living in the city is too high, the pressure is too great, do you say that the rural people are pitiful or the laid-off workers in the city are more pitiful? I think everyone has the answer in their hearts.

If you have any different views on this, please leave a message in the comment area to discuss, thank you for your attention, and see you in the next issue!