
The 45-year-old male bachelor was unwilling to marry a 35-year-old leftover girl, completely shattering the daydreams of the older leftover woman

author:Niuer self-media
The 45-year-old male bachelor was unwilling to marry a 35-year-old leftover girl, completely shattering the daydreams of the older leftover woman

The 45-year-old male bachelor was unwilling to marry a first-married leftover girl who was more than 10 years younger than him, and the words of this eldest brother really shattered the daydreams of all older leftover women.

The 45-year-old male bachelor was unwilling to marry a 35-year-old leftover girl, completely shattering the daydreams of the older leftover woman

It was a good intention, but it was a slap in the face, I wanted to introduce a 35-year-old leftover girl to a neighbor's 45-year-old bachelor with a baby, but I never expected it.

He listened to what I said, and he refused! I didn't even give a chance to meet, which really poured cold water on my warm-heartedness.

Here's the thing, this neighbor of mine lives upstairs from me, and we've lived in one building for 20 years.

He's in his 20s, he bought this house when he wasn't married, and he's 45 now.

He is very honest, works in a public institution, with an annual salary of 120,000 yuan, and left because his daughter-in-law was sick two years ago, leaving a 10-year-old girl, who is both a father and a mother.

The 45-year-old male bachelor was unwilling to marry a 35-year-old leftover girl, completely shattering the daydreams of the older leftover woman

I thought he was quite pitiful, so I found a girl for him.

This girl is the daughter of my former colleague's family, and my colleague came to my house two days ago.

I'm worried about my daughter's marriage, and I'm good at hearing about it.

People are not only beautiful, but also work as a public relations manager in the sales department, with an annual salary of more than 200,000 yuan, which is definitely a high salary in our small city.

So I told my colleague that we had such a neighbor upstairs.

My colleague felt good when he heard it, although he had a child, he was a girl.

The 45-year-old male bachelor was unwilling to marry a 35-year-old leftover girl, completely shattering the daydreams of the older leftover woman

I said anxiously. Hurry up and get them to meet up.

I saw that my colleague agreed, and was in a hurry. In the evening, he went to the neighbor's house and knocked on the door to tell him about it.

I didn't expect my neighbor's reply to me, which really surprised me! I don't belong to the genus "Good heart as a donkey liver and lungs." ”

He said this, thank you sister-in-law for worrying about my marriage and introducing me to someone. But I don't want to find a girl with such conditions.

One is that she is so old. The second is that he is not married.

The 45-year-old male bachelor was unwilling to marry a 35-year-old leftover girl, completely shattering the daydreams of the older leftover woman

As soon as I heard it, no, don't all men want to find someone who is not married, how can there be a reason to want to find a second marriage?

He went on to say that most of today's girls are married before the age of 30. The girl is 35 years old and not married. There could be two scenarios.

One is that she is high-spirited and picky.

She felt that her conditions were good, and few people could match him.

She works as a manager in the sales department. There must have been a lot of people who have seen it. He would pick and choose among the men he knew, and then turn himself into an older leftover woman.

The 45-year-old male bachelor was unwilling to marry a 35-year-old leftover girl, completely shattering the daydreams of the older leftover woman

He may not be able to agree to such a condition. Even if I agreed, I reluctantly accepted it in my heart.

How can such a woman live with us wholeheartedly? Even if she is married, she will still take her arrogant posture to handle things.

I just want to find someone who can share the ups and downs with me, I don't want to find a strong person, I have to listen to him in everything, and I feel that I have no family status at all.

Women need to be petted, not supported.

And such a woman can't be particularly good to my daughter. I don't want my daughter to suffer in front of her.

The 45-year-old male bachelor was unwilling to marry a 35-year-old leftover girl, completely shattering the daydreams of the older leftover woman

I'm this age, but I hope to find someone who can be good to my daughter and share the ups and downs with me. Even if I don't have a job, I would consider it if I could help me take care of my children and take care of my family at home.

There is another situation where you may have been emotionally hurt.

has become an older leftover girl, or it may be that she has not yet come out of her hurt feelings.

If you don't come out of a hurt relationship, how can you accept a new relationship?

Either it's the pressure of the family, or the pressure of the environment.

They don't have hope for their feelings anymore. It's just to find someone to make do with it.

I don't want to live with someone like that. It feels like it's a sad thing for two people who have no feelings to live together.

The 45-year-old male bachelor was unwilling to marry a 35-year-old leftover girl, completely shattering the daydreams of the older leftover woman

Listening to these words of my neighbors, I feel that men are quite realistic nowadays.

I won't pursue those high-quality girls anymore. In the old traditional concept, it is necessary to be the right person.

Many of today's girls read the novels of those domineering presidents. I thought that I could also meet a domineering president, but I got old after waiting.

Girls, be realistic. Don't wait until you're old, you don't even want to marry an old bachelor, it's time to wake up from daydreaming.

Okay, that's all for today. Do you have such an old leftover girl around you? What do you think of them differently? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss.

