
Unexpectedly, after more than four hours, these foods should never be eaten

author:Mountains and rivers have met - there will be a period later
Unexpectedly, after more than four hours, these foods should never be eaten
Unexpectedly, after more than four hours, these foods should never be eaten
Unexpectedly, after more than four hours, these foods should never be eaten
Unexpectedly, after more than four hours, these foods should never be eaten
Unexpectedly, after more than four hours, these foods should never be eaten
Unexpectedly, after more than four hours, these foods should never be eaten
Unexpectedly, after more than four hours, these foods should never be eaten
Unexpectedly, after more than four hours, these foods should never be eaten
Unexpectedly, after more than four hours, these foods should never be eaten
Unexpectedly, after more than four hours, these foods should never be eaten
Unexpectedly, after more than four hours, these foods should never be eaten
Unexpectedly, after more than four hours, these foods should never be eaten
Unexpectedly, after more than four hours, these foods should never be eaten
Unexpectedly, after more than four hours, these foods should never be eaten
Unexpectedly, after more than four hours, these foods should never be eaten
Unexpectedly, after more than four hours, these foods should never be eaten
Unexpectedly, after more than four hours, these foods should never be eaten
Unexpectedly, after more than four hours, these foods should never be eaten
Unexpectedly, after more than four hours, these foods should never be eaten
Unexpectedly, after more than four hours, these foods should never be eaten

In a prosperous capital city in ancient times, there was a family famous for its cooking skills - the Meng family. The Meng family has inherited a unique culinary technique for generations, and the food they cook is not only full of flavor and taste, but also able to maintain its flavor for a long time. However, this secret is not known to outsiders, and the Meng family will only demonstrate this skill to distinguished guests on specific festivals or celebrations.

The current head of the Meng family, Master Meng, is a kind and stern elder. He understands the importance of food to people and how to keep it fresh. Therefore, he made a strict rule: no food should be eaten once it has exceeded four hours (i.e., eight hours in modern times). This rule has been passed down from generation to generation by the children and grandchildren of the Meng family and has become the family motto of the Meng family.

One day, however, this rule was almost broken.

It was the annual temple fair in the capital, and the Meng family was invited to participate in it to show off their cooking skills to the people at the temple fair. Master Meng personally cooked and cooked a sumptuous feast. The banquet was filled with all kinds of delicacies, and the aroma was overflowing, attracting countless onlookers and admiration.

However, just as the banquet was about to end, an accident happened. A beggar named Li Si, because he was hungry, sneaked into the kitchen of the Meng family. When he saw that there was still some uneaten food left on the table, he was overjoyed and wanted to steal some of it.

Just as Li Si stretched out his hand to get the food, Xiao Zhang, the chef of the Meng family, discovered his whereabouts. Seeing this, Xiao Zhang shouted: "Stop! You dare to steal the food of the Meng family! Li Si was startled, but hunger made him lose his mind, and he begged: "Please, I haven't eaten for a few days, just let me get something to eat." ”

Xiao Zhang looked at Li Si's pitiful appearance, and his heart was a little shaken. But thinking of the rules of the Meng family and the strictness of Master Meng, he finally rejected Li Si's request. Seeing this, Li Si was desperate in his heart, and could only watch the food on the table.

At this moment, Master Meng walked into the kitchen. He saw the argument between Li Si and Xiao Zhang, and also heard their conversation. He walked up to Li Si and asked with a smile, "Child, why are you so hungry?" Li Si lowered his head and answered truthfully what happened to him.

After hearing this, Master Meng was silent for a moment, and then said to Xiao Zhang, "Go, get him some food." Xiao Zhang was a little surprised, but did it anyway. He took some leftover food and gave it to Li Si and told him, "This food has been more than four hours, and although it can still be eaten, it is not as fresh as before." You have to be careful. ”

Li Si took the food and was grateful. He devoured it as if it were the most delicious dish in the world. After eating, he bowed deeply to Master Meng and Xiao Zhang, and then left the kitchen.

In the evening, Master Meng gathered the family members and told them about today's events. He said: "I know that our rules are strict, but the rules are dead, and people are alive. We should learn to be compassionate and tolerant in the face of the suffering of others. Of course, that doesn't mean we can break the rules at will. We need to remember that food is precious, we need to cherish every piece of food, and we also want to make sure that the food is fresh and safe. ”

After hearing this, the children and grandchildren of the Meng family nodded yes one after another. They understood Master Meng's intentions, and they also strengthened their beliefs. Since then, the Meng family has not only continued to inherit and innovate in culinary skills, but also set a good example in terms of morality.

This story spread throughout the capital, and people praised the Meng family's cooking skills and morality. They understand the importance of food and learn to cherish and be grateful. More importantly, they learned to be compassionate and tolerant in the face of the suffering of others.

This story tells us that food is not only a substance that satisfies people's physiological needs, but also a vehicle for conveying emotions and culture. We should cherish every piece of food and make sure they are fresh and safe. At the same time, we must learn to be compassionate and tolerant in the face of the suffering of others. Only in this way can we truly feel the beauty and hope that food brings.

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