
The man dripped the "wind oil essence" into the navel before going to bed and insisted on it for a period of time, how was his body?

author:Dr. Ren Health Talk

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On a hot summer, a middle-aged man named Li Ming listened to a home remedy on the Internet.

Start by trying to put a few drops of wind oil essence into your belly button every day before bedtime.

He is a programmer who has a lot of pressure at work, and is always looking for some easy way to relieve fatigue and improve his physical condition.

The man dripped the "wind oil essence" into the navel before going to bed and insisted on it for a period of time, how was his body?

Li Ming heard that the wind oil essence has the effect of driving away cold and dampness, so he decided to try it for a while to see if it would have a miraculous effect.

At first, Li Ming did not feel any discomfort, but felt that the navel was cool and slightly soothing.

But as time went on, Li Ming found that he began to have a dull pain in his abdomen, accompanied by mild diarrhea.

The man dripped the "wind oil essence" into the navel before going to bed and insisted on it for a period of time, how was his body?

He began to worry about whether his actions had caused him physical discomfort. Finally, on a night of unbearable abdominal pain, Li Ming decided to go to the hospital to have a look.

Li Ming went to the central hospital, and after registering at the registration office, he was arranged to see Dr. Wang from the Department of Internal Medicine.

Dr. Wang is a seasoned internal medicine specialist with extensive experience in a wide range of incurable diseases.

The man dripped the "wind oil essence" into the navel before going to bed and insisted on it for a period of time, how was his body?

After patiently listening to Li Ming's description, his expression gradually became serious.

"Mr. Li, you have been dripping wind oil essence into your navel every day during this time, right?" Dr. Wang asked.

"Yes, doctor. I've heard that this can ward off cold and dampness, and it also has a health care effect. Li Ming replied, his eyes revealing a hint of unease.

The man dripped the "wind oil essence" into the navel before going to bed and insisted on it for a period of time, how was his body?

Dr. Wang nodded and continued to ask, "When did you start experiencing abdominal pain and diarrhea?" ”

"About a week ago, it was just a dull ache at first, but it's getting worse and worse in the past few days." Li Ming recalled.

Dr. Wang nodded, motioned for Li Ming to lie down on the examination table, and began a detailed physical examination.

The man dripped the "wind oil essence" into the navel before going to bed and insisted on it for a period of time, how was his body?

While pressing on Li Ming's abdomen, Dr. Wang noticed significant tender points and asked more about lifestyle habits and health history.

Subsequently, Dr. Wang arranged for Li Ming to have some routine blood and urine tests, as well as an abdominal ultrasound.

While waiting for the test results, Dr. Wang explained to Li Ming: "Feng Youjing is a topical medicine whose main ingredients include menthol, eucalyptus oil and camphor, which have the effects of cooling, relieving pain and carminating wind.

The man dripped the "wind oil essence" into the navel before going to bed and insisted on it for a period of time, how was his body?

However, they are not suitable for direct absorption into the abdominal cavity through the skin.

The navel is a relatively weak part of our body, and the skin is thinner and easily absorbs substances from the outside world.

If you drip wind oil essence into your belly button for a long time, it may not only cause local skin irritation and inflammation, but may also cause other more serious problems. ”

The man dripped the "wind oil essence" into the navel before going to bed and insisted on it for a period of time, how was his body?

Li Ming's heart tightened when he heard this, and he asked worriedly, "Then will my current symptoms be serious?" ”

"Don't worry, let's see the results of the test." Dr. Wang reassured.

A few hours later, the results of the examination came back. Dr. Wang took the report and said to Li Ming with a solemn expression: "Mr. Li, your test results show mild symptoms of peritonitis, and at the same time, there are also elevated inflammatory indicators in the blood test.

The man dripped the "wind oil essence" into the navel before going to bed and insisted on it for a period of time, how was his body?

This may be because you have been dripping wind oil essence into your belly button for a long time, triggering local infection and inflammation. ”

Li Ming felt a little panicked and hurriedly asked, "Then what should I do?" ”

Dr. Wang thought for a moment and gave a treatment plan: "First of all, we need to stop using Feng Youjing and take antibiotic treatment for a period of time to eliminate inflammation.

The man dripped the "wind oil essence" into the navel before going to bed and insisted on it for a period of time, how was his body?

Secondly, you need to pay attention to the cleanliness of the navel area to avoid re-irritation and infection.

If symptoms worsen or do not improve, further testing and treatment are needed. In the following weeks, Li Ming stopped using Feng Youjing and took antibiotics on time, as instructed by his doctor.

The symptoms of abdominal pain and diarrhea gradually eased, and his physical condition improved.

The man dripped the "wind oil essence" into the navel before going to bed and insisted on it for a period of time, how was his body?

Li Ming felt extremely fortunate and secretly vowed never to believe in home remedies on the Internet again.

Through this experience, Li Ming deeply realized the importance of health and the rigor of medicine.

Understand that any medication should be used according to the instructions, especially topical drugs, and should not be changed to internal or used in inappropriate areas.

The man dripped the "wind oil essence" into the navel before going to bed and insisted on it for a period of time, how was his body?

Although the so-called home remedies may have a certain historical background or folk experience, in the absence of scientific verification, random attempts are likely to bring serious health risks.

At the end of the story, Li Ming not only recovered his health, but also shared his experience with friends and colleagues, reminding everyone to pay attention to health, respect science, and not blindly follow the trend.

In this lesson, he learned a valuable lesson, and that is that no matter what problems he encounters.

The man dripped the "wind oil essence" into the navel before going to bed and insisted on it for a period of time, how was his body?

You should first consult a professional doctor and listen to professional advice, rather than believing in home remedies on the Internet.

In the era of information explosion, various so-called "magic remedies" emerge in an endless stream, and we must remain rational and vigilant on the road of pursuing health.

The right thing to do is to trust medical professionals to solve health problems through scientific methods and avoid paying a heavy price for blindly trying.

The man dripped the "wind oil essence" into the navel before going to bed and insisted on it for a period of time, how was his body?

Health is no trivial matter, and science is the most reliable. I hope that everyone can be rational on the road of pursuing health.

Choose carefully and don't let home remedies become a weapon to hurt yourself.

Only through scientific and standardized methods can we truly have a healthy body and a good life.

The man dripped the "wind oil essence" into the navel before going to bed and insisted on it for a period of time, how was his body?
[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

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