
In summer, lotus seeds are a perfect match with it, a small bowl every day, nourishing blood and soothing the nerves, sleeping well, and sleeping until dawn

author:Dr. Ren Health Talk

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Li Ming is a middle-aged man who works in the city, and he is busy with work on weekdays, stressful and often feels physically exhausted.

I often toss and turn at night, making it difficult to sleep. Friends recommended a variety of methods, including exercise, foot soaking, and drinking hot milk, but none of them really solved his sleep problems.

Until one day, he heard that lotus seeds help improve sleep, and he decided to give it a try.

In summer, lotus seeds are a perfect match with it, a small bowl every day, nourishing blood and soothing the nerves, sleeping well, and sleeping until dawn

Li Ming came to a traditional Chinese medicine clinic, which was decorated in an antique atmosphere and full of traditional Chinese medicine.

He was greeted by a gray-haired old Chinese medicine doctor, who kindly invited Li Ming to sit down and asked him in detail about his symptoms and lifestyle habits.

"Doctor, I've been under a lot of work pressure lately, and I always can't sleep well at night, and a friend said that lotus seeds can help improve sleep, is it true?" Li Ming asked.

In summer, lotus seeds are a perfect match with it, a small bowl every day, nourishing blood and soothing the nerves, sleeping well, and sleeping until dawn

The old Chinese medicine doctor stroked his beard, smiled and said, "Lotus seeds, there are indeed many benefits, especially for nourishing blood and calming the nerves, and improving sleep.

However, we need to fully understand your situation before making specific recommendations. ”

The old Chinese medicine doctor asked Li Ming to stretch out his hand and carefully check his pulse, and then he also checked Li Ming's tongue coating and complexion.

In summer, lotus seeds are a perfect match with it, a small bowl every day, nourishing blood and soothing the nerves, sleeping well, and sleeping until dawn

After the diagnosis, he nodded: "Your condition is indeed due to the lack of qi and blood caused by stress, and the mind is restless.

Lotus seeds can help you nourish your blood and calm your nerves, but they also need to be combined with some other Chinese herbs to be more effective. ”

Lotus seeds, also known as lotus seeds and lotus flesh, are the mature seeds of the lotus plant. It is rich in protein, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, calcium, iron and other nutrients.

In summer, lotus seeds are a perfect match with it, a small bowl every day, nourishing blood and soothing the nerves, sleeping well, and sleeping until dawn

Among them, the lotus heart in the lotus seed contains a variety of alkaloids such as lotus heart, which has the effect of clearing the heart and fire, calming the nerves and helping sleep.

Lotus seeds are widely used in traditional Chinese medicine, and it is believed that they are flat in nature, sweet and astringent, and enter the spleen, kidneys, and heart meridians. It mainly has the following medicinal properties:

Lotus seeds can replenish the spleen and strengthen astringency, and are suitable for symptoms such as spleen deficiency and diarrhea and loss of appetite.

In summer, lotus seeds are a perfect match with it, a small bowl every day, nourishing blood and soothing the nerves, sleeping well, and sleeping until dawn

Lotus seeds have the effect of tonifying the kidney and strengthening essence, and are suitable for spermatozoa, white turbidity and other symptoms caused by kidney deficiency.

Lotus seeds, especially lotus hearts, have the effect of clearing the heart, calming the heart and calming the nerves, and can be used for symptoms such as upset, insomnia, and palpitations.

According to Li Ming's situation, the old Chinese medicine doctor prescribed him some traditional Chinese medicines, including lotus seeds, longan meat, lilies, etc.

In summer, lotus seeds are a perfect match with it, a small bowl every day, nourishing blood and soothing the nerves, sleeping well, and sleeping until dawn

At the same time, the old Chinese medicine doctor also specially instructed Li Ming: "A small bowl of lotus seed porridge every day can effectively help you improve your sleep, but you should also pay attention to other dietary therapy and adjustment of living habits." ”

Li Ming followed the doctor's advice and began to cook a bowl of lotus seed porridge every night after returning home. Lotus seed porridge is simple to make, just take an appropriate amount of lotus seeds and soak them in warm water for half an hour.

Then add water and boil, and then add an appropriate amount of rock sugar.

In summer, lotus seeds are a perfect match with it, a small bowl every day, nourishing blood and soothing the nerves, sleeping well, and sleeping until dawn

Li Ming found that after eating lotus seed porridge, he did feel that his sleep had improved, and it was no longer so difficult to fall asleep at night.

In fact, modern medical research has also found that lotus seeds do have a variety of health benefits.

Studies have shown that the lotus heart line, lotus leaf line and other components in lotus seeds have a calming and calming effect, which can help relieve stress and improve sleep quality.

In summer, lotus seeds are a perfect match with it, a small bowl every day, nourishing blood and soothing the nerves, sleeping well, and sleeping until dawn

In addition, lotus seeds are rich in protein and vitamins, which can supplement the nutrients needed by the human body and enhance physical fitness.

One study found that lotus seed extract had a significant inhibitory effect on the central nervous system, significantly prolonging sleep duration and reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Other studies have pointed out that the antioxidants in lotus seeds can remove free radicals in the body, which has the effect of anti-aging and improving immunity.

In summer, lotus seeds are a perfect match with it, a small bowl every day, nourishing blood and soothing the nerves, sleeping well, and sleeping until dawn

After a period of conditioning, Li Ming's sleep quality has improved significantly, and he feels a lot more energetic during the day.

He gratefully came to the TCM clinic again to express his gratitude to the old TCM practitioner.

"Thank you very much, doctor, now I can sleep soundly at night and I am not so tired during the day." Li Ming said happily.

In summer, lotus seeds are a perfect match with it, a small bowl every day, nourishing blood and soothing the nerves, sleeping well, and sleeping until dawn

The old Chinese medicine doctor smiled and nodded: "That's good." Remember, a healthy lifestyle is key, and maintain a good routine.

Exercise properly and eat a balanced diet can fundamentally improve your physical condition. ”

As a common Chinese herbal medicine and ingredient, lotus seeds have been recognized by many people and supported by scientific research for their effects of nourishing blood and calming the nerves and improving sleep.

In summer, lotus seeds are a perfect match with it, a small bowl every day, nourishing blood and soothing the nerves, sleeping well, and sleeping until dawn

Any dietary therapy needs to be combined with personal physique and specific conditions, and cannot blindly follow the trend.

Reasonable diet and healthy lifestyle are of great significance to improve physical condition and quality of life.

I hope that everyone can find a healthy way for themselves through scientific methods.

In summer, lotus seeds are a perfect match with it, a small bowl every day, nourishing blood and soothing the nerves, sleeping well, and sleeping until dawn
[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

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