
"Oyster" can not be pronounced "dù lì", oh! What is the correct pronunciation?

author:A guest history said

In the depths of the ocean, a peculiar creature is hidden - the oyster. Maybe you've ever rubbed shoulders with it at a seafood market or caught a glimpse of its name on the menu of a high-end restaurant. But today, we're going to delve deeper into this often misunderstood maritime delicacy.

"Oyster" can not be pronounced "dù lì", oh! What is the correct pronunciation?

First, let's correct a common misconception. Many people mispronounce "oyster" as "杜蛎" (dù lì), probably because of the similarity in pronunciation between "oyster" and "du." But in reality, the correct pronunciation of "oyster" is "mǔ lì".

Now that you've mastered the correct pronunciation, do you feel like a marine biologist?

The oyster, this mollusk with two shells, one small and flat, the other large and bulging, with an uneven surface of the shell, as if recording the vicissitudes of the ocean. Don't underestimate this unassuming little guy, not only is it delicious enough to cook a variety of delicious dishes, but it is also an important ingredient in making oyster sauce.

When it comes to oyster sauce, it's the secret weapon in the kitchen. With just one drop, you can add the flavor of seafood to your dishes. And the source of this deliciousness is the tender flesh of the oysters.

"Oyster" can not be pronounced "dù lì", oh! What is the correct pronunciation?

What's even more amazing is that oysters are not only a delicacy, but also have medicinal properties. Whether it is meat, shell or refined oil, it can be used in medicine. In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, oysters have the effects of nourishing yin, nourishing blood, and calming the nerves. What a precious gift from nature!

Oysters also have another affectionate name – oysters or oysters. In coastal areas, it is often referred to by this name. When night falls, stroll along the coastline and you may see fishermen busy harvesting these delicious oysters from the sea.

Imagine sitting in an open-air restaurant by the sea on a summer evening, sipping freshly prepared oysters with the sea breeze blowing. At this moment, you are not only enjoying the food, but also feeling the gifts of nature and the wisdom of human beings.

"Oyster" can not be pronounced "dù lì", oh! What is the correct pronunciation?

In addition to their delicious and medicinal properties, oysters have a unique ecological significance. They are an important part of the marine ecosystem and play an important role in maintaining the balance of the marine ecosystem by filtering the tiny organisms in the seawater.

Therefore, when we taste the delicious taste of oysters, we should also cherish this gift from nature.

In short, the "oyster", a small sea creature, is not only delicious, but also rich in medicinal value and ecological significance.

Now that you've mastered the correct pronunciation and a lot of knowledge, do you feel like you've become a marine expert? The next time you see oysters at the seafood market, show off your new knowledge to your friends!

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