
Break the defense, the gospel of weight loss people, if you want to lose weight but don't dare to eat meat, look at it~

author:Eat a maltose

Spicy chicken breast slices

Break the defense, the gospel of weight loss people, if you want to lose weight but don't dare to eat meat, look at it~

Ingredients: chicken breast, minced garlic, chopped green onion, spicy millet, green onion ginger~

Sauce: Put chopped green onions, minced garlic, millet spicy, white sesame seeds, chili noodles, drizzle with hot oil, put two spoons of light soy sauce, two spoons of aged vinegar, and a spoonful of oyster sauce and stir well~

Break the defense, the gospel of weight loss people, if you want to lose weight but don't dare to eat meat, look at it~

Slice the chicken breast, put baking soda to grasp evenly, wash and wipe dry, coat with starch on both sides, and beat the rolling pin into thin slices~

Boil water in the pot, put green onions, ginger, peppercorns and cooking wine, boil the chicken breast and boil for one minute, remove it, pour in the juice and stir evenly~

Break the defense, the gospel of weight loss people, if you want to lose weight but don't dare to eat meat, look at it~

The smooth chicken breast slices, with their own soul sauce, are delicious and not greasy, and they are really addictive~

Sisters who lose fat can change the oil to olive oil~

Break the defense, the gospel of weight loss people, if you want to lose weight but don't dare to eat meat, look at it~

Cold lettuce chicken breast

Break the defense, the gospel of weight loss people, if you want to lose weight but don't dare to eat meat, look at it~

Ingredients: chicken breast, carrots, lettuce, corn~

Sauce: 1 spoonful of light soy sauce, 1 spoonful of chili noodles, 1 spoonful of oyster sauce, 2 spoons of vinegar, a little black pepper and stir well for later use~

Method: Cut the chicken breast into pieces, fry in the pan until golden brown on both sides, cook the carrots and corn, put all the ingredients into a bowl, pour the sauce and mix well~

Break the defense, the gospel of weight loss people, if you want to lose weight but don't dare to eat meat, look at it~

There are vegetables and meat, the corn and carrots are sweet and delicious, and the taste of the barbecue restaurant is eaten, and the low calorie is delicious~

Break the defense, the gospel of weight loss people, if you want to lose weight but don't dare to eat meat, look at it~

Pan-fried chicken breast

Break the defense, the gospel of weight loss people, if you want to lose weight but don't dare to eat meat, look at it~

Ingredients: 鸡breast meat~

Method: Slice the chicken breast, add a spoonful of cooking wine, a spoonful of light soy sauce, a spoonful of oyster sauce, an appropriate amount of black pepper, a little salt, grasp and marinate for 15 minutes~

Break the defense, the gospel of weight loss people, if you want to lose weight but don't dare to eat meat, look at it~

Heat the chicken breast with less oil and fry it until golden brown on both sides, and sprinkle it with black pepper and salt and pepper~

Break the defense, the gospel of weight loss people, if you want to lose weight but don't dare to eat meat, look at it~

The chicken breast sprinkled with black pepper is more chewy and fragrant, the meat is tender and not woody, and the method is very simple~

Break the defense, the gospel of weight loss people, if you want to lose weight but don't dare to eat meat, look at it~

Vegetable chicken breast patties

Break the defense, the gospel of weight loss people, if you want to lose weight but don't dare to eat meat, look at it~

Ingredients: chicken breast, corn, shiitake mushrooms, carrots~

Method: Cut the vegetables into cubes and blanch them for later use, mince the chicken breast, add the blanched vegetables, add a little salt, half a spoon of cooking wine, two spoons of light soy sauce, and two spoons of starch and whip evenly ~

Heat the oil in the pot, pinch it into a cake shape and fry it in the pan, and fry it on both sides on low heat~

Break the defense, the gospel of weight loss people, if you want to lose weight but don't dare to eat meat, look at it~

This vegetable chicken breast patty is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and the juice bursts in one bite, and the feeling of satiety is really strong~

Break the defense, the gospel of weight loss people, if you want to lose weight but don't dare to eat meat, look at it~

Sweet and sour chicken breast

Break the defense, the gospel of weight loss people, if you want to lose weight but don't dare to eat meat, look at it~

Ingredients: Chicken breast, egg~

Sauce: a spoonful of low-calorie tomato paste, a spoonful of light soy sauce, half a spoon of starch, half a spoon of salt and a little water and stir well for later use~

Method: Cut the chicken breast into strips and add eggs to stir well, and wrap in a layer of starch~

Put less oil in the pot, fry the chicken breast until golden brown, pour in the sauce, and cook until the soup is thick~

Break the defense, the gospel of weight loss people, if you want to lose weight but don't dare to eat meat, look at it~

This sweet and sour chicken breast is low-fat and high-protein, sweet and sour, especially appetizing and greasy~

Break the defense, the gospel of weight loss people, if you want to lose weight but don't dare to eat meat, look at it~

Each dish is not just a taste sensation, it is a unique culinary journey. Hello everyone, I'm eating maltose, a person who loves food, and I'm excited to share detailed home cooking and local delicacies with you...... Insufficient to the place welcome more advice!