
One million Japanese are "disappearing", not working, not getting married, gnawing on old age and waiting for death, and there are many in China

author:Mo Shangshi was speechless
One million Japanese are "disappearing", not working, not getting married, gnawing on old age and waiting for death, and there are many in China

I don't want to cause trouble to society!

People who don't work, don't get married, don't socialize, are completely out of touch with society, and eat at home until they die, such people are called "squatting at home" in Japan, and "squatting at home" in China.

One million Japanese are "disappearing", not working, not getting married, gnawing on old age and waiting for death, and there are many in China

Although the names are different, these people are all "troublesome guys", and in Japan, there are more than 1 million such troubles, and they increase every year, and there are many in China, but they are the victims.

Why are there so many "dormants" in Japan? And why are they the victims?

One million Japanese are "disappearing", not working, not getting married, gnawing on old age and waiting for death, and there are many in China
All of the statements in this article are based on reliable sources and are reproduced at the end of this article

The Japanese "Dormant Clan" who are completely rotten

There is such a group of "transparent" people in Japan, their attitude towards life is only two words, that is, "rotten", both give up their careers and their families, do not communicate with anyone, live without leaving home, and let their families support them without money, these people are called "slumbered people" in Japan.

One million Japanese are "disappearing", not working, not getting married, gnawing on old age and waiting for death, and there are many in China

In 2023, the Japanese official released a data, in today's Japan, there are more than 1.4 million people like the above-mentioned "slumbering people", these people are completely derailed from society and become parasites in the family, they are complacent and very satisfied in the face of such a life, because they no longer have to face social pressure.

One million Japanese are "disappearing", not working, not getting married, gnawing on old age and waiting for death, and there are many in China

Most of the reasons why the Japanese choose the path of "scumbags" is the fear of "failure", they enter the workplace with high spirits when they are young, and then they are completely suppressed by various dogmas of society, and they are not only extremely disappointed in themselves, but also in society as a whole.

One million Japanese are "disappearing", not working, not getting married, gnawing on old age and waiting for death, and there are many in China

So after working hard and not seeing the results, they chose the path of not working hard, not struggling, not fighting, even the famous Japanese playwright did not escape this psychology before he succeeded, when he was young, he enjoyed doing nothing, nesting at home every day, thinking about what time to sleep, what time to get up and what time to get up, and not having to lose his hair for work every day, he sank.

One million Japanese are "disappearing", not working, not getting married, gnawing on old age and waiting for death, and there are many in China

Unlimited efforts can't be exchanged for success, and the failure of himself will only fall into unlimited internal friction, and the life of playing games and watching dramas at home every day is too easy, after a few years of such a "dormant" life, he suddenly began to feel that he was weak and degenerate, and he couldn't go on like this.

One million Japanese are "disappearing", not working, not getting married, gnawing on old age and waiting for death, and there are many in China

So he began to step out of his comfort zone and start his new life until he succeeded, but this is only a special case, most of the Japanese people do not want to give up their comfortable life at all, they are still immersed in escapism and escape from their own happiness.

One million Japanese are "disappearing", not working, not getting married, gnawing on old age and waiting for death, and there are many in China

couldn't bear the blow, but fortunately became a "slumbering family"

A reporter interviewed different age groups of "slumbers", the one in the photo is a 19-year-old boy, he became a "scuba people" from junior high school, at that time he did not do well in the class, many subjects failed, he was anxious about this matter.

One million Japanese are "disappearing", not working, not getting married, gnawing on old age and waiting for death, and there are many in China

After the class ran for class cadres, he confidently participated in the election, but unfortunately was not selected, that is, under such a double blow, he began to feel that he was such a "no" person, so he locked himself at home and stayed at home.

One million Japanese are "disappearing", not working, not getting married, gnawing on old age and waiting for death, and there are many in China

In so many years of life, he has hardly gone out, even his parents rarely talk, let alone make new friends, years of "dormant" life has actually made him slowly forget the pain of the year, but he still can't be ready for a new life, because he knows that as long as he doesn't step out of this room, he will never be hurt.

One million Japanese are "disappearing", not working, not getting married, gnawing on old age and waiting for death, and there are many in China

The second "slumber" is over 30 years old, he lost the college entrance examination and collapsed, gnawing at home every day, his parents have communicated with him many times, but there has been no improvement, he is determined that he will never go out, neither want to work nor socialize.

One million Japanese are "disappearing", not working, not getting married, gnawing on old age and waiting for death, and there are many in China

The last interviewee is almost 60 years old, he has been at home for more than 20 years, he has experienced the company's layoffs, and the instant unemployment led to the departure of his wife, since then he has given up hope in life, returned to his hometown and his mother to rely on each other, and only briefly chatted with his mother every day.

One million Japanese are "disappearing", not working, not getting married, gnawing on old age and waiting for death, and there are many in China

The reluctance to go out to meet people or even go out of the room to eat in the living room also made his old mother very worried, because if she died of old age or illness, her son would have no one to take care of her, and the reason why the Japanese became "dormants" is almost the same, either they lost their jobs, or they had difficulty going to school, or they suffered trauma in the process of interacting with people.

One million Japanese are "disappearing", not working, not getting married, gnawing on old age and waiting for death, and there are many in China

And these people who seem to be unenterprising, who only want to retreat when they encounter setbacks, and who are useless to society and only add burden to their families, are in fact the sorrows of this era, and they also reflect the problems of Japanese society.

One million Japanese are "disappearing", not working, not getting married, gnawing on old age and waiting for death, and there are many in China

The emergence of the "Sleepers" is a wake-up call for us

In Japan, there is a very deep hierarchy system, whether it is family, school, or workplace, which means that Japanese people have been in an "inferior" position for a period or even a lifetime from childhood to adulthood, and "inferior" people are to face injustice, which will cause psychological imbalance and great pressure.

One million Japanese are "disappearing", not working, not getting married, gnawing on old age and waiting for death, and there are many in China

The Japanese are educated in the ideology of "subtle forbearance" and "not causing trouble to others", so many Japanese people will more or less backlog some dissatisfaction, and the backlog will form a psychological distortion after a long time, and there is no good solution to these deep-rooted problems, so people begin to choose to "escape".

One million Japanese are "disappearing", not working, not getting married, gnawing on old age and waiting for death, and there are many in China

Although there is no way to solve the problem of "escape", it is indeed a way to solve the problem, rather than making yourself more painful to face the possible worse outcome, it is better not to solve the problem for the rest of your life, very extreme thinking, and it is also very in line with human thinking.

One million Japanese are "disappearing", not working, not getting married, gnawing on old age and waiting for death, and there are many in China

Under this extreme pressure, everyone's thinking is, I must be perfect, I must not mess things up, otherwise I will receive sarcasm from others, and I will lack value myself, so when facing social problems, study problems, and work problems, their tense sensitive nerves will be broken.

One million Japanese are "disappearing", not working, not getting married, gnawing on old age and waiting for death, and there are many in China

And when they are absolutely disappointed in themselves, the only way they can think of is to "escape", avoid all the people, things, and things that may hurt them again, Japan has quite serious social problems, becoming more and more competitive, the population is aging, and people's desire for life is becoming more and more slim.

One million Japanese are "disappearing", not working, not getting married, gnawing on old age and waiting for death, and there are many in China

Every year, many people in Japan are forced to end their lives under the pressure of this oppressive social environment, and those who still have any worries, or cannot make up their minds to die, choose the path of "slumbering people", and this choice of separation from society allows them to enjoy temporary safety.

One million Japanese are "disappearing", not working, not getting married, gnawing on old age and waiting for death, and there are many in China

However, it is worth thinking that Japan is actually sounding the alarm bell for us, and at a time when the pressure of social competition in China is intensifying, the aging population is also increasing every year, and the annual marriage rate and fertility rate are also decreasing year after year, which are all signals that society is deviating from the normal track.

One million Japanese are "disappearing", not working, not getting married, gnawing on old age and waiting for death, and there are many in China

Every year, how many people are forced to gnaw at home because they can't find a job, this situation is just not as violent as in Japan, but the "slumbering people" in China are by no means absent, this is a social problem, but also a problem of the times, but too few people realize the seriousness of the problem.

One million Japanese are "disappearing", not working, not getting married, gnawing on old age and waiting for death, and there are many in China

Information sources:

People's Daily Online Japan Channel: 2023-4-6 "There are estimated 1.46 million "slumbering people" in Japan

One million Japanese are "disappearing", not working, not getting married, gnawing on old age and waiting for death, and there are many in China
Heilongjiang News Network: 2024-5-7"Children are not independent, "gnawing the old" is global"
One million Japanese are "disappearing", not working, not getting married, gnawing on old age and waiting for death, and there are many in China

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