
It is the most nourishing fruit in summer, and the effect is comparable to that of ginseng! Make up for the lost body

author:Health Road Plue

It has just entered the summer, and some people who are in poor health already feel tired and lack of fluid, which is not because people become lazy in hot weather, and Chinese medicine believes that it may be due to lack of effort.

Cultivate your heart in summer!

After the beginning of summer, the summer passes through the heart, the heart gradually strengthens, the heart belongs to the fire, the heart is vigorous, it is easy to make the heart on fire, and people are easy to be restless and sleep unstable.

And as the temperature rises, sweating in the summer heat, blood and sweat are of the same origin, and sweat is the liquid of the heart. Sweating too much can also cause sadness and blood consumption, leading to problems such as poor sleep, dreams, and upset.

In addition, modern people worry about a lot of labor, the so-called "overthinking, dark effort", everyone day after day between work and family, staying up late, sleeping late and other behaviors, are also dissipating effort.

In the long run, there will be a problem of heart and blood deficiency, and over time, it will also affect the health of the spleen.

There is a kind of heart-nourishing fruit in summer!

People who are deficient in their hearts and minds will be restless.

Because the heart hides God, the heart is lost, the god can't hide it, sleep will be affected, and insomnia will appear.

And I can't sleep at night, my heart and blood are consumed again, and I will be listless during the day.

In order to solve this problem, nature is very "intimate" to send us a good fruit for nourishment - longan.

Longan from the mainland, depending on the variety and growing environment, begins to ripen in March and is available in large quantities in midsummer.

Due to the good nourishing effect, there is a saying that "southern longan, northern ginseng" has been said since ancient times, and it is believed that its function can be comparable to ginseng.

The famous doctor Zhang Xichun said in "Medical Hearts and Western Records": sweet taste, fragrant atmosphere, and flat nature. The liquid is thick and moist, and it is a medicine for the heart and spleen. It can nourish the heart and blood, maintain the heart qi, nourish the spleen and blood, and strengthen the spleen and stomach.

Eating longan in summer can play a role in nourishing qi and blood, nourishing the heart and soothing the nerves, and tonifying the spleen and stomach.

Three types of people can eat more longan


People with a bad complexion

If a person has a sallow complexion, dry hair, brittle nails, listlessness, and fatigue easily, you can often eat longan to nourish qi and nourish blood.


People who are overthinking/forgetful

Often thinking too much, prone to palpitations, forgetfulness and insomnia, can be relieved by eating longan.

For example, some old people with poor memories pat their heads from time to time: "Oops, how did I forget this!" ”

Or some young and strong people, overworked for a certain period of time, will also find that they have memory loss, distraction and other problems, and at night they are confused and sleep unsteadily.

In the view of traditional Chinese medicine, these are all caused by the lack of heart and blood.


People who pursue beauty

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that if you want to cultivate a good complexion, you must start with the dual replenishment of qi and blood.

The spleen and stomach are the foundation of nurture, the source of qi and blood biochemistry.

Longan has a strong effect on tonifying the spleen and stomach and strengthening the function of the spleen and stomach, which can help the spleen and stomach produce more sufficient qi and blood.

It has a good improvement for problems such as paleness, dry skin, and cracked nails caused by insufficient qi and blood.

How do you eat longan?

There are many ways to eat longan, which can generally be eaten raw, steamed and made in tea, so let's introduce it in detail:


Eat it straight

It is the most nourishing fruit in summer, and the effect is comparable to that of ginseng! Make up for the lost body

Fresh longan:

It can be eaten as a fruit, but eating too much may cause indigestion and bloating, so be sure to control the amount you eat.

It is the most nourishing fruit in summer, and the effect is comparable to that of ginseng! Make up for the lost body
It is the most nourishing fruit in summer, and the effect is comparable to that of ginseng! Make up for the lost body

Dried longan:

Take a piece of dried longan, remove the core of the meat in your mouth, then chew it into a paste, swallow it with the liquid in your mouth, and eat a total of nine pieces like this.

Eat once in the morning, once in the morning, once in the afternoon, and before going to bed, four times a day for a month.

"Feng's Secret Record" contains this method as "the method of taking the hurdle and filling the gap, those who are tired, diligent for one month, all those who are cured, and the secret of the monk." ”


Eat with a meal

It is the most nourishing fruit in summer, and the effect is comparable to that of ginseng! Make up for the lost body

Longan red date lotus seed soup

Ingredients: 8 longan, 10 red dates, 20 lotus seeds, 3 white fungus, 15 grams of brown sugar, 1 liter of water.

Method: Soak the white fungus, remove the yellow root, and soak the lotus seeds. Wash the longan meat, red dates, lotus seeds, and white fungus with water, put them in a pot together, pour in 1 liter of water, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat, and continue to simmer for 20 minutes. After cooking, add brown sugar while hot and stir well to serve.

It is the most nourishing fruit in summer, and the effect is comparable to that of ginseng! Make up for the lost body

Efficacy: Tonifying the heart and spleen, treating spleen deficiency, diarrhea, swelling, replenishing qi and blood, calming the nerves, treating insomnia, forgetfulness and palpitations.

It is the most nourishing fruit in summer, and the effect is comparable to that of ginseng! Make up for the lost body

Substitute plaster

Method: Take 30 grams of longan meat and 3 grams of sugar, put them in a bowl, and steam them in a cage.

Efficacy: Nourishing qi and blood, comparable to ginseng and astragalus, so it is called "substitute ginseng ointment", suitable for the old and young and those with weak constitution.

It is the most nourishing fruit in summer, and the effect is comparable to that of ginseng! Make up for the lost body

Steamed longan

In "The Record of References to the West in Medicine", Zhang Xichun admired the way to eat: "Foolishness cures the heart and is apprehensive, Heng Yu buys a pound of longan meat alone, steamed the rice retort, and slowly takes it, all of which are very meritorious, and they are the clear signs that can replenish the heart." ”

This way to eat is to steam the longan meat, then use it as a snack, and eat a little when you have nothing to do. Stick to it for a while, and you can see the effect of the tonic.

It is the most nourishing fruit in summer, and the effect is comparable to that of ginseng! Make up for the lost body

Contraindications for consumption

● Because longan is warm, longan meat is sweet and helps the fire, if you eat a large amount, it is easy to cause fire, in order to avoid this problem, you may wish to have a cup of chrysanthemum tea when eating longan;

● Pregnant women should be particular about eating longan, and should never eat too much;

● People with stomach heat, phlegm and fire, people with wind and heat in the lungs, cough with phlegm and blood, people with vomiting and diaphragm stagnation should not eat longan.

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