
There are 7 bad habits that the elderly in China can't get rid of, almost everyone has them, look at your old people?

author:Dr. Na of Chinese Medicine

With the evolution of the times and the leap of science and technology, the people's pursuit and attention to healthy life have become increasingly prominent, and the concept of health has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Around us, especially among some elderly people, there are still some bad habits that seem to be common but pose a potential threat to health.

There are 7 bad habits that the elderly in China can't get rid of, almost everyone has them, look at your old people?

1. Neglect of oral health: teeth are "laid off" and the whole body suffers

In China, many elderly people often regard "tooth loss" as the norm of the years, and rarely pay enough attention to the maintenance and health of the oral cavity. Oral health is closely related to overall health. The loss of teeth, or the weakening of chewing power, potentially threatens the overall fluidity of the digestive system. In the long run, insufficient nutrient intake will become the norm and may even induce multiple health risks.

Grandpa Wang is nearly eighty years old, and because he has been missing teeth for many years, he can only eat some soft and rotten food. Over time, he developed problems with his digestive system, often feeling bloated and undigested. It wasn't until he was hospitalized with stomach pain that doctors discovered that his problem stemmed from his oral health.

In the long run, insufficient nutrient intake will become the norm and may even induce multiple health risks. Missing teeth should be repaired promptly to maintain normal chewing function.

There are 7 bad habits that the elderly in China can't get rid of, almost everyone has them, look at your old people?

2. Excessive oil and salt intake: the "invisible killer" on the table

The traditional Chinese cooking method is mainly frying, stir-frying, and frying, which has led to many elderly people getting used to heavy eating and excessive intake of oil and salt. A diet high in oil and salt is the main trigger for chronic health problems such as high blood pressure and high blood lipids.

Grandma Li usually has a heavy taste and likes to eat pickles and fried foods. In recent years, her blood pressure and blood lipids have been high, and although she has been taking medication to control it, the effect is not ideal. Next, according to the doctor's instructions, she changed her dietary pattern, reduced her intake of oil and salt, and her health gradually showed signs of improvement.

It is recommended that elderly friends cultivate a light diet and consume more fruits and vegetables rich in fiber and vitamins to promote health. When cooking, we highly recommend steaming, boiling, stewing and other healthy cooking methods to drastically reduce fat and salt intake and help build healthy eating habits.

There are 7 bad habits that the elderly in China can't get rid of, almost everyone has them, look at your old people?

3. Lack of exercise: the body's "rusty machine"

As we age, the physical function of the elderly gradually declines, and many people become lazy and lack exercise as a result. Lack of exercise is one of the significant factors that contribute to a variety of chronic diseases.

After Uncle Zhang retired, he lived a quiet old age, mostly accompanied by TV every day, and went to bed early at night, rarely set foot in outdoor activities, and enjoyed this quiet leisure. Over time, his body began to gain weight, and there were problems with his blood pressure and blood sugar. Subsequently, following the doctor's advice, he embarked on a daily half-hour stroll, and his physical condition quietly improved significantly.

Elderly friends need to choose appropriate exercise methods based on their personal health conditions, such as leisurely walking, tai chi stretching, square dancing, etc., to maintain their vitality. Moderate exercise can not only strengthen various body functions, but also effectively improve the immune defense line against the invasion of a variety of chronic diseases.

There are 7 bad habits that the elderly in China can't get rid of, almost everyone has them, look at your old people?

4. Drug abuse: the "hidden danger" in the medicine jar

In China, many elderly people believe that "long-term illness is self-healing" and prefer to choose and use medicines on their own. Substance abuse can not only cause side effects to the body, but also obscure the truth of the disease, so that the timely opportunity for treatment is ruthlessly missed.

Granny Zhao suffers from a variety of chronic diseases, and she habitually goes to pharmacies to buy medicines on her own. Once, she mistakenly took a variety of cold medicines due to a cold, resulting in serious drug interactions, and she was urgently admitted to the hospital for treatment, and she was in danger.

Elderly friends should follow the doctor's advice in terms of medication and do not buy and use drugs on their own. If you experience any discomfort, you must seek medical attention in time and strictly follow the doctor's guidance for necessary treatment.

There are 7 bad habits that the elderly in China can't get rid of, almost everyone has them, look at your old people?

5. Ignoring mental health: the "invisible scar" of the soul

As the years go by, old age may be accompanied by more life challenges and psychological distress, such as loneliness, anxiety, depression, etc. Many elderly people ignore the health of their minds, which compounds the pre-existing medical conditions.

【Case】Grandma Liu has been living alone since she retired, she rarely communicates with others, and often feels lonely and anxious. Recently, her mood has become very low and she has even had suicidal thoughts. Later, with the company of her children and the help of a psychological counselor, her emotions gradually stabilized.

【Appeal】Elderly friends need to pay attention to inner peace and strive to cultivate an optimistic, cheerful and positive attitude towards life. It is recommended to participate in social gatherings, travel exploration, and reading and learning to enrich your life and expand your horizons. If you have psychological problems, you should seek help from a professional psychological counselor in time.

6. Bad work and rest habits: the body's "chronic poison"

Many elderly friends have unhealthy work and rest habits, such as sleepless late nights and daytime sleep. These habits can lead to bodily dysfunction and affect health.

Grandpa Chen is a night owl who likes to watch TV and play cards late at night. As a result, I couldn't get out of bed the next morning, and I didn't have enough energy during the day. In the long run, his physical condition gradually declined.

Elderly friends should develop a regular routine and get up early. Try to avoid overly excited activities at night and get enough sleep. Outdoor activities can be carried out appropriately during the day to improve the vitality of the body.

There are 7 bad habits that the elderly in China can't get rid of, almost everyone has them, look at your old people?

7. Neglecting regular physical examinations: the "gatekeeper" of health

Regular check-ups are one of the most important ways to prevent disease. Many elderly people think that physical examinations are a waste of time and money, and ignore the importance of regular medical examinations.

Grandma Zhou is usually in good health, but she rarely goes to the hospital for physical examinations. Once she was taken to the hospital with chest pain, and doctors found that she had a serious heart condition. It turned out that her heart problems had been going on for a long time, and it was only because they were not detected and treated in time that their condition worsened.

Elderly friends should pay attention to the importance of regular physical examinations and have a comprehensive physical examination at least once a year. Potential health problems can be detected in a timely manner through physical examinations and

Implement the necessary treatments to ensure that the body remains at a healthy and stable level.

8. Ignoring the sanitation of living environment, in fact, we are in the invisible "net of pollution".

The hygienic condition of the living environment also has a great impact on the health of the elderly. Many elderly people may be negligent in the cleanliness and hygiene of their living environment due to limited mobility and other reasons.

Grandpa Sun lived in an old neighborhood, and his home often seemed cluttered, and the kitchen and bathroom were often unclean. Such an environment not only affected his quality of life, but also increased the risk of disease.

Elderly friends should pay attention to the hygiene of the living environment and keep the home clean and tidy. To prevent the growth of bacteria and viruses, clean your home regularly, wash your clothes and bed linen to ensure that your living environment is clean and sound. Kitchen and bathroom cleaning and maintenance should not be neglected, ensuring good air circulation and maintaining a dry environment to curb the growth of bacteria caused by humid environments.

There are 7 bad habits that the elderly in China can't get rid of, almost everyone has them, look at your old people?

9. Unhealthy Social Habits: The "Cage" of the Soul

As they get older, their social circle may shrink, and some people may even fall into unhealthy social habits, such as over-reliance on alcohol, addiction to gambling, etc.

After Uncle Ho retired, he began to participate in gambling activities frequently due to boredom in life. He gradually became addicted to it, not only spending a lot of money, but also affecting his relationship with his family. In the end, he lost all his savings in a gambling trip and was physically and mentally exhausted.

Older people should develop healthy social habits and participate in activities that are wholesome for their body and mind, such as participating in community activities, joining interest groups, and gathering with old friends. Avoid over-reliance on unhealthy behaviors such as alcohol and gambling, and maintain a positive attitude towards life.

10. Ignoring Nutritional Balance: The "Nutritional Famine" of the Body

With the passage of time and the natural aging of bodily functions, the elderly group has ushered in a subtle adjustment in their nutritional intake and needs, which is reflected in the re-evaluation of different nutrients and subtle changes in the structure of demand. However, many older people may ignore the importance of nutritional balance, leading to malnutrition or overnutrition in the body.

Grandma Huang usually likes to eat sweets and high-fat foods, and rarely eats vegetables and fruits. Eventually, her weight continued to climb, accompanied by unstable blood pressure and fluctuations in blood sugar, and her health turned red. With the advice of her doctor, she re-examined her eating habits, made careful adjustments to her diet, significantly increased her intake of vegetables and fruits, and gradually stabilized and improved her physical condition over time.

Elderly friends should pay attention to the importance of nutritional balance and arrange their diet reasonably. It is recommended to increase the amount of protein, vitamins and minerals rich in food, such as carefully selected lean meats, deep-sea nutrient-rich fish, high-quality legumes, and fresh fruits and vegetables, all of which can help nourish the body and mind and maintain a healthy body. In order to build a strong body, it is strongly recommended to control excessive intake of foods high in fat, sugar and salt to ensure the stability and harmony of body functions and protect health.

There are 7 bad habits that the elderly in China can't get rid of, almost everyone has them, look at your old people?

With the evolution of the times and the leap of technology, we are more and more aware of the importance of health. Older people should abandon some bad habits that seem to be common but pose a potential threat to health, and actively cultivate a healthy lifestyle.

I'm Dr. Na, welcome everyone to like and follow, and say your views in the comment area, let's chat

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