
A Picture of Family Happiness on the Huai River: A Turning Point in the Trajectory of Life in the Midst of Political Turmoil


During my childhood, I listened to my mother talk about the true experience of a family in Bengbu, on the banks of the Huai River in the early 60th century. The photo album at home records the moments that are ordinary but full of important historical factors. In the photo, Zhang Yuesheng and Fang Zhongmou and their five children gather together, full of happy smiles. However, the impermanence of fate quietly descended at this time, and the political turmoil instantly changed the trajectory of their lives, and they experienced vicissitudes of life.

Behind the happiness of the family

Zhang Yuesheng and Fang Zhongmou are married to a hospital in the city, although the salary level is not good, but with their diligence and harmonious family environment, they have won wide acclaim. The two elderly people spend the rest of their lives together, and the five children are all unique, bringing laughter and laughter to the whole family. The two parents did their best to optimize the environment in which they grew up, and the children were deeply nurtured and lived together in harmony. This family model vividly shows the happy life of ordinary people in society at that time.

A Picture of Family Happiness on the Huai River: A Turning Point in the Trajectory of Life in the Midst of Political Turmoil
A twist of fate

However, the temporary calm was shattered by the political crisis, and Zhang Yuesheng and Fang Zhongmou were in a difficult situation, constantly subjected to malicious attacks and violent coercion. At a particular stage, freedom of expression was suppressed, political contradictions spread to the grassroots of society, and innocent people became victims. The once-harmonious family collapsed in an instant, and they faced unprecedented challenges.

A Picture of Family Happiness on the Huai River: A Turning Point in the Trajectory of Life in the Midst of Political Turmoil
The breakdown of the family

One evening in the 1970s, the whole family sat around the dinner table and discussed current events. His mother, Fang Zhongmou, spoke out about government policy, sparking the attention of family members and revealing the truth. Due to differences in political views, cracks began to appear in this once harmonious and happy family, and the warm scene of mother's love was gone. The mother was arrested and imprisoned for freedom of belief, and the betrayal of the father and son brought indelible painful memories to the people of the time.

A Picture of Family Happiness on the Huai River: A Turning Point in the Trajectory of Life in the Midst of Political Turmoil
Perseverance and sacrifice

Fang Zhongmou, who was in trouble, suffered physically and mentally, but still adhered to his faith and dignity. However, in the context of that era, the dignity and conviction of the individual seemed insignificant, and the severe and ruthless political competition deformed human nature, and sacrifice became a daily phenomenon.

A Picture of Family Happiness on the Huai River: A Turning Point in the Trajectory of Life in the Midst of Political Turmoil
Regain the snow
A Picture of Family Happiness on the Huai River: A Turning Point in the Trajectory of Life in the Midst of Political Turmoil

After a long period of baptism, Ms. Fang Zhongmou finally got her grievances in 1980, and her injustices were revealed to the world. Today, her grave has healed and is a monument to her resilient spirit. The Fang family has gradually released their grief and ushered in a new stage of life. This heavy historical experience will leave eternal traces in their hearts.

Reflect and cherish

Recalling the past, Zhang Hongbing felt a lot of emotion. He admits that he has made mistakes and calls on us to cherish the beauty in front of us. The experience of this family not only interprets that special era, but also reflects the deep reflection on human nature and history. Through careful reflection and learning from history, we should be grateful for the present and let the spirit of true love and harmony remain in our hearts.

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