
China Mobile has fallen, how long will the other two remaining hold out? 510,000 is just the beginning

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China Mobile: User churn and service quality issues

Tear apart the suspense: China Mobile users have left the scene

This is an exclusive story, in this era of digital abundance, our mobile phone number is no longer just a string of numbers, but a link between our social relationships, workplace networks, and private lives. But! China Mobile, the former communications hegemon, has recently encountered unprecedented trouble! The latest data shows that in February alone, China Mobile lost 510,000 subscribers! What makes these users leave? Could it be that the service is too poor? This is no joke!

China Mobile has fallen, how long will the other two remaining hold out? 510,000 is just the beginning

Lost Users: What the hell is going on?

China Mobile's subscribers seem to be moving in two directions: either they will close their accounts outright or switch to other operators. For many users, a mobile phone number is not just a phone number, it is linked to bank cards, social accounts, JA, work contacts, etc.! Therefore, number porting has become the first choice for many people. However, some of China Mobile's operations are simply laughable!

China Mobile has fallen, how long will the other two remaining hold out? 510,000 is just the beginning

The technology is upgraded, and the user cost is also soaring

Let's take a look at the experience of an old user. It has been 19 years since I started using China Mobile in 2005! From the monthly rent of 19 yuan to today's 199 yuan, it is simply a "sky-high" chasing drama along the way! Although the technology is advancing, from 2G to 5G, the package seems to be more and more insufficient! Especially in the 5G era, traffic is simply flying fast! In order to meet the needs of work, users often have to buy traffic packages. Once, the customer service called and said, "Buy one get Y free", but 30 yuan was deducted in the second month! Who knows, it turns out that my package was upgraded to a 229 yuan package without knowing it!

China Mobile has fallen, how long will the other two remaining hold out? 510,000 is just the beginning

Customer service: Apathetic and incompetent

However, when it comes to problems, customer service is incompetent and indifferent. The user had to ask for a lower package, only to be told that they had to go to the sales hall to do it, and the waiting there was maddening! After waiting in line for several hours, the result was to lower the package, and the staff's attitude immediately changed 180 degrees, saying that "the high-quality number is not on the list of number porting". Isn't that a joke about us?

China Mobile has fallen, how long will the other two remaining hold out? 510,000 is just the beginning

The promise is ethereal, and the user is cold

More than one user has experienced such annoyance. For example, an old user who has used China Mobile for more than 20 years originally used a 128 global pass package and used traffic casually. As a result, the customer service called, saying that he wanted to "give back to the old users" and asked him to upgrade to a 158 yuan package for free, saying that the network speed was faster and the cost remained the same. As a result, a year later, not only did the cost go up, but the unlimited data also became 30G per month! He looked for customer service theory, but the customer service said that this was all done by the outsourcing company, and it had nothing to do with China Mobile! Isn't that shirking responsibility? However, if the outsourcing company dares to do this, isn't it authorized by China Mobile?

China Mobile has fallen, how long will the other two remaining hold out? 510,000 is just the beginning

Ending: Where do users' demands go?

These experiences have made users completely disappointed with China Mobile! As a result, someone decided not to put up with these "stinky problems" anymore and demanded that the tariff be reduced to the lowest standard! What about the other two operators? Can anyone share their experience?

China Mobile has fallen, how long will the other two remaining hold out? 510,000 is just the beginning

China Mobile's dilemma: a reflection of the problems of the entire communications industry

But this is not only a problem for China Mobile, but also reflects some problems in the entire communications industry. User trust and loyalty don't build up overnight, but when you lose it, it can be gone overnight! For the remaining two operators, this is both an opportunity and a challenge. Will they be able to learn from this and provide better service and win the hearts and minds of their users? For users, choosing a reliable operator is like choosing a good partner, which needs to be carefully considered!

China Mobile has fallen, how long will the other two remaining hold out? 510,000 is just the beginning

Continuous innovation and continuous improvement can stand!

The communications market is like a never-ending competition, where every participant is constantly fighting for a place. Competition in this field is fierce, and competitors have to constantly innovate and improve in order to stand out from the competition. As you can imagine, it's like navigating a vast labyrinth, where new challenges and opportunities can be hidden around every corner. In this intricate labyrinth, only those who are constantly researching and adjusting their direction will be able to find a way out and ultimately win.

China Mobile has fallen, how long will the other two remaining hold out? 510,000 is just the beginning

First, let's take a look at the competitive landscape of this communications market. Whether it is an operator, equipment manufacturer, or service provider, every player is trying its best to compete for market share and win the favor of users. They strive to gain a foothold in the market by constantly introducing new products and services to enhance their competitiveness. In this fierce competition, only those enterprises that continue to innovate and improve can be invincible.

China Mobile has fallen, how long will the other two remaining hold out? 510,000 is just the beginning

Second, let's think about the trends in the communications market. With the continuous advancement of technology and the continuous change of user needs, the communication market is also constantly evolving and developing. New technologies and new applications are constantly emerging, bringing new opportunities and challenges to the communications industry. In this era of rapid change, only those companies that can seize opportunities in time and respond flexibly to challenges can be invincible in the market.

China Mobile has fallen, how long will the other two remaining hold out? 510,000 is just the beginning

Finally, let's think about the key factors for success. In this highly competitive market, only companies that continue to innovate and improve can be invincible. Innovation is the driving force for the development of the industry and the key for enterprises to win competitive advantages. Improvement is an important means to maintain competitiveness, and it is the key for enterprises to continuously improve their own strength. Only those companies that dare to innovate and are good at improving can win the ultimate victory in this highly competitive market.

China Mobile has fallen, how long will the other two remaining hold out? 510,000 is just the beginning

To sum up, the communication market is an area full of competition and opportunities, and only those companies that are constantly innovating and improving can be invincible in this fierce competition. Let's wait and see which companies can stand out from the crowd and win!

China Mobile has fallen, how long will the other two remaining hold out? 510,000 is just the beginning

Refine and innovate to present diversified services

Innovation doesn't just stop at technology, but also includes everything from service to marketing strategy to JA product design. Operators can meet the needs of different users by launching more diversified packages, such as customized packages that combine data, calls, and SMS, as well as exclusive services for different industries and different groups of people. In addition, it is also a good direction to develop more intelligent apps and provide personalized service experience. In terms of marketing, it is necessary to use data analysis and social media more skillfully to accurately locate target users and improve marketing effectiveness.

China Mobile has fallen, how long will the other two remaining hold out? 510,000 is just the beginning

Continuous improvement to enhance the user experience

In this highly competitive communications market, in addition to continuous innovation, improving the user experience is also crucial. When user satisfaction becomes a key indicator of business success or failure, operators must take network construction and maintenance seriously to ensure network stability, speed, and coverage.

China Mobile has fallen, how long will the other two remaining hold out? 510,000 is just the beginning

First of all, network construction and maintenance is the foundation for improving user experience. Operators need to invest more money and technical resources to continuously improve network infrastructure to ensure network stability and reliability. This includes strengthening base station construction, optimizing network coverage layout, improving signal coverage and quality, and maintaining and updating network equipment in a timely manner to cope with increasing user demand and traffic pressure.

China Mobile has fallen, how long will the other two remaining hold out? 510,000 is just the beginning

Secondly, enhancing customer service is also a key measure to improve the user experience. In addition to providing multi-channel services, such as phone, online chat, social media, etc., operators should also focus on improving the service level and quality of customer service personnel. This includes strengthening the training and education of customer service personnel, improving their communication skills and problem-solving skills, enabling them to respond to user needs and complaints in a timely and effective manner, and providing professional technical support and assistance.

China Mobile has fallen, how long will the other two remaining hold out? 510,000 is just the beginning

At the same time, operators can also collect users' opinions and suggestions in a timely manner by establishing a user feedback mechanism and a complaint handling mechanism, so as to improve service quality and enhance user satisfaction.

China Mobile has fallen, how long will the other two remaining hold out? 510,000 is just the beginning

Overall, improving the user experience is an important issue that telecom operators must face. By increasing investment in network construction and maintenance, ensuring network stability, fast speed, and wide coverage, as well as strengthening customer service and improving the service level and quality of customer service personnel, operators can effectively improve user experience, enhance user stickiness, enhance market competitiveness, and achieve sustainable and healthy business development.

China Mobile has fallen, how long will the other two remaining hold out? 510,000 is just the beginning

Strategy deployment, who has the last laugh?

Who can have the last laugh in this competitive market? The answer may depend on who is better able to execute innovation and improvement strategies, who can better grasp the psychology and needs of users, and who can better stay up to date and keep up with the times. After all, "whoever wins the hearts of the people wins the world", this sentence will never go out of style!

China Mobile has fallen, how long will the other two remaining hold out? 510,000 is just the beginning


In this unpredictable market, only continuous innovation and improvement can be invincible in the fierce competition. Let's wait and see, looking forward to the person who can have the last laugh, the person who can win the hearts of the people, and the person who can become the market overlord!

China Mobile has fallen, how long will the other two remaining hold out? 510,000 is just the beginning

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