
A 53-year-old man died of gout, and he didn't eat offal seafood and soy products, and the doctor sighed: There is no taboo for those who should be taboo

author:Dr. Zhang Yu, a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner

Today, I would like to tell you a heart-wrenching story, a real case of life, health, and the eating habits of each of us.

Not long ago, a 53-year-old man died of gout;

His departure not only brought endless grief to his family, but also sounded the alarm for all those who care about their health.

A 53-year-old man died of gout, and he didn't eat offal seafood and soy products, and the doctor sighed: There is no taboo for those who should be taboo

The man had insisted on abstaining from offal, seafood and soy products during his lifetime, however, he eventually lost to gout.

The doctor sighed at his bedside: "There is no taboo for those who should be taboo." ”

What kind of health myths are hidden behind this? Let's dive in.

One, the invisible killer of gout

Gout, a seemingly distant but increasingly common metabolic disease, is actually not far away.

It is like an invisible killer, silently eroding our joints and even threatening our lives.

A 53-year-old man died of gout, and he didn't eat offal seafood and soy products, and the doctor sighed: There is no taboo for those who should be taboo

Many people think that as long as they stay away from offal, seafood and soy products, they can sit back and relax.

But in fact, the triggers of gout are far more complex than we think.

The death of this man is a profound warning to us.

In the view of TCM, avoiding food is more than simply avoiding certain foods.

More importantly, the diet should be adjusted according to the individual's constitution and condition.

A 53-year-old man died of gout, and he didn't eat offal seafood and soy products, and the doctor sighed: There is no taboo for those who should be taboo

Although this man avoided common foods that are contraindicated for gout, he ignored other factors that could have elevated uric acid;

For example, excessive meat, sweets, and irregular lifestyle habits.

These are his blind spots.

Second, the dietary wisdom of Chinese medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) focuses on "food therapy", believing that food not only nourishes the body, but also treats diseases.

1. Diet control

Low-purine foods

Patients with gout should choose low-purine foods to eat, such as milk, eggs, lean meat, etc.

A 53-year-old man died of gout, and he didn't eat offal seafood and soy products, and the doctor sighed: There is no taboo for those who should be taboo

Alkaline foods

Eating some alkaline foods in moderation can help promote the excretion of uric acid from the body, such as kelp, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.

Foods rich in vitamin C

Vitamin C can help reduce the concentration of uric acid in the blood, which is conducive to recovery, and common fruits include lemons, oranges, strawberries, etc.

Avoid high-purine foods

A 53-year-old man died of gout, and he didn't eat offal seafood and soy products, and the doctor sighed: There is no taboo for those who should be taboo

Patients with gout should avoid high-fat, high-calorie, high-purine foods, such as meat, animal offal, seafood, etc.

2. Lifestyle adjustments

Exercise moderately

Moderate exercise can help people with gout manage their weight, boost metabolism, and help with the excretion of uric acid.

However, strenuous exercise, especially those that can cause joint damage, should be avoided.

A 53-year-old man died of gout, and he didn't eat offal seafood and soy products, and the doctor sighed: There is no taboo for those who should be taboo

Avoid overexertion

Overexertion may cause people with gout to have a weakened body resistance, which can trigger or worsen the symptoms of gout.

Therefore, patients with gout should pay attention to reasonable rest time and maintain adequate sleep.

Maintain a good mindset

Emotional factors such as nervousness, anxiety, and stress may cause symptoms to worsen in people with gout.

A 53-year-old man died of gout, and he didn't eat offal seafood and soy products, and the doctor sighed: There is no taboo for those who should be taboo

Therefore, patients with gout should pay attention to maintaining a good attitude and learn how to cope with stress.

3. Other precautions

Avoid alcohol

People with gout should avoid alcohol, especially beer and spirits;

Because alcohol increases uric acid production and decreases uric acid excretion.

Drink plenty of water

Patients with gout should ensure adequate fluid intake to aid in the excretion of uric acid.

A 53-year-old man died of gout, and he didn't eat offal seafood and soy products, and the doctor sighed: There is no taboo for those who should be taboo

Regular check-ups

People with gout need regular check-ups, including blood uric acid levels and kidney function tests;

In order to keep abreast of changes in the condition and adjust the treatment plan.

Third, what types of exercises can gout patients do


Swimming is a low-impact exercise that can help reduce stress on the joints;

A 53-year-old man died of gout, and he didn't eat offal seafood and soy products, and the doctor sighed: There is no taboo for those who should be taboo

At the same time, swimming in a heated pool can also improve blood circulation and relieve joint pain.


Walking is a simple aerobic exercise that can help increase heart rate and metabolic rate, improve blood circulation, and relieve joint pain.

It is advisable to choose to walk on a flat road surface and avoid climbing hills or taking stairs.

A 53-year-old man died of gout, and he didn't eat offal seafood and soy products, and the doctor sighed: There is no taboo for those who should be taboo


Yoga is an exercise suitable for people with gout that can help improve joint flexibility and balance and reduce joint pain.

You should choose yoga poses and exercises that suit you and avoid overstretching or twisting your joints.

Ride a bike

Cycling is an aerobic exercise that can help increase heart rate and metabolic rate, promote blood circulation, and reduce stress on the joints.

A 53-year-old man died of gout, and he didn't eat offal seafood and soy products, and the doctor sighed: There is no taboo for those who should be taboo

You need to choose a bike that suits you and avoid putting too much stress on your joints during riding.


Tai Chi is a gentle form of martial art that can help improve the body's flexibility and balance;

It also helps to reduce stress and improve mental health.

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