
The video platform misreported that "just pick up", and tens of thousands of catties of shrimp in the lobster breeding base were "picked up".

author:Green Mango 168

Yao Honglong's experience, social media misinformation led to the "picking" of lobsters incident


In recent years, with the rapid development of the Internet, social media has become an important platform for people to obtain information, express opinions and disseminate information. However, at the same time, there are also certain problems in the dissemination of information on social media, such as the authenticity of information cannot be guaranteed, and it is easy to cause bad influence on public opinion. Recently, a farmer named Yao Honglong in Suining, Sichuan Province, encountered unprecedented difficulties due to misinformation on social media, and his rice and shrimp breeding base was mistaken by a large number of people for "picking up" lobsters for free, resulting in heavy losses to the base, which also sounded the alarm bell for us.

The video platform misreported that "just pick up", and tens of thousands of catties of shrimp in the lobster breeding base were "picked up".

1. Misinformation on social media has led to a disaster in the "picking" of lobsters

Recently, a farmer named Yao Honglong in Suining, Sichuan Province encountered a very troublesome thing, the rice and shrimp breeding base he operated was frantically forwarded on social media because of a false message, resulting in a large number of people coming to "pick up" lobsters, and the lobsters in the base suffered serious losses. It is understood that this false information said that Yao Honglong's rice and shrimp breeding base can "pick up" lobsters for free, and it is also equipped with detailed addresses and contact information, as soon as this information was released on social media, it immediately attracted the attention and forwarding of the majority of netizens, and in just a few days, thousands of people came to "pick up" lobsters.

Although Yao Honglong refuted the rumors through his social media in a timely manner, and even posted pictures and videos of the breeding at the time, reminding everyone that this was just a misunderstanding, but with the continuous spread of false information, more and more people came to "pick up" lobsters, and Yao Honglong's base was completely out of control, at least two or three hundred people came to "pick up" lobsters every night, in the face of this situation, Yao Honglong and the shareholders of the base had to be on duty overnight, trying every means to stop everyone's behavior, but the effect was not obvious.

The video platform misreported that "just pick up", and tens of thousands of catties of shrimp in the lobster breeding base were "picked up".

Second, the misinformation of social media has brought heavy losses to farmers

It is precisely because of this misinformation incident on social media that Yao Honglong's rice and shrimp breeding base will suffer such serious losses, according to his estimates, the accident caused the base to lose tens of thousands of pounds of shrimp, and the direct economic loss reached hundreds of thousands of yuan, and this is only a conservative estimate, not including the cost of seedlings next year, it can be said that this is already a heavy blow to Yao Honglong.

In addition, in order to protect their breeding base, Yao Honglong and other shareholders had to be on duty for several days in a row, producing during the day and keeping vigil at night, it is conceivable that such high-intensity work is undoubtedly a huge torture for them, not only physically under great pressure, but also psychologically very tired and helpless, and the loss of the base also makes them feel very sad, after all, these shrimp are cultivated after they have worked hard for a whole quarter.

The video platform misreported that "just pick up", and tens of thousands of catties of shrimp in the lobster breeding base were "picked up".

3. How to avoid the recurrence of similar incidents

1. Social media needs to post more responsibly

For this incident, it can be said that the temporary negligence of social media will lead to the spread of false information, which has brought such serious losses to Yao Honglong's breeding base, therefore, in the future work, social media needs to be more responsible for the release of information, once false information involving the interests of others is found, it must be deleted as soon as possible, and release information to the public to refute rumors to avoid its continued spread.

2. Strengthen the security protection and management of agricultural breeding bases

Judging from this incident, Yao Honglong's breeding base did not do a good job of safety protection and management, and it will be misunderstood by a large number of people as being able to "pick up" lobsters for free.

3. The public needs to pay more attention to the importance of agricultural production

In this incident, although Yao Honglong has refuted the rumors in a variety of ways, the effect is not very obvious, there are still a large number of people misled by wrong information, which also reflects that there is still a certain deviation in the public's understanding of agricultural production, that you can "pick up" lobsters at will, and ignore the importance of farmers' hard work, therefore, in the future work, we need to let the public know more about the hard work and importance of agricultural production through various ways, and respect the fruits of farmers' labor.

4. Strengthen the supervision and punishment of infringements

Finally, for the infringement of agricultural production, the public must have a correct understanding, this is not just an unintentional "pick-up" of lobster, but a direct infringement of other people's agricultural production, should be severely punished by the law, therefore, the relevant departments in dealing with similar incidents, must be taken seriously, according to the law to give administrative penalties, and require the infringer to compensate, only in this way, in order to effectively maintain the normal order of agricultural production.

The video platform misreported that "just pick up", and tens of thousands of catties of shrimp in the lobster breeding base were "picked up".


Through the occurrence of such an incident, we can not only see some problems in the dissemination of information on social media, but also realize the difficulties and challenges faced by farmers in the process of agricultural production. Therefore, in the future work, whether it is social media or the public, we need to learn some useful lessons from it, enhance the ability to identify information, treat the information received more rationally, and at the same time give farmers more understanding and support, and jointly create a caring and harmonious social atmosphere.

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