
A 62-year-old security guard in Hong Kong died on a holiday feeding a dog, and his widow heard the bad news and was painful: I can't accept it!

author:Green Mango 168


On the afternoon of May 12, a 62-year-old man disappeared in Hong Kong's Lion Rock Country Park, which attracted great attention from all walks of life. After an emergency search and rescue, he was found the next day, but unfortunately died. The man's death has been a heavy blow to his family and those around him, and has also triggered reflections on outdoor safety and life.

A 62-year-old security guard in Hong Kong died on a holiday feeding a dog, and his widow heard the bad news and was painful: I can't accept it!

1. Behind the disappearance

It is reported that the missing man's name is Pan Songlong, and he is a veteran outdoor enthusiast. On the day of his disappearance, Pan Songlong was heading to Lion Rock Country Park to go up the mountain, and his family originally thought that he was just a simple mountaineering activity, but they did not expect that he would go missing on the way. After learning the news of Pan Songlong's disappearance, the family hurriedly called the police and organized personnel to search and rescue.

After a night of searching, Pan Songlong's body was finally found under a cliff, and he had no vital signs. Such a sudden and unexpected death made Pan Songlong's family unacceptable, and also made the relatives and friends around him feel very sorry.

A 62-year-old security guard in Hong Kong died on a holiday feeding a dog, and his widow heard the bad news and was painful: I can't accept it!

2. The grief of the family

For Pan Songlong's death, his family expressed great grief. Pan Songlong's wife, Mrs. Pan, said that she could not accept her husband's sudden death, and felt very sad and incomprehensible about his disappearance and death.

Mrs. Pan described her husband as a very considerate and kind person, who loved the outdoors very much, chose to go up to the mountain to feed the dogs during the holidays, and paid great attention to the healthy diet of his family.

Mrs. Pan Songlong's death made Mrs. Pan feel very sad, she believes that her husband is a very responsible and loving person, and his death is undoubtedly a huge blow to the family.

After learning the news of Pan Songlong's death, relatives, friends and neighbors also came to condole, everyone expressed great regret for Pan Songlong's death, and specially left a message of mourning, and praised him as a very conscientious and caring person.

A 62-year-old security guard in Hong Kong died on a holiday feeding a dog, and his widow heard the bad news and was painful: I can't accept it!

3. Something worth reflecting on

The death of Pan Songlong makes people feel very sorry and makes people have a deeper understanding of the fragility of life. The sudden and unexpected death makes people realize the preciousness of life, and also makes people cherish everything in front of them more.

At the same time, Pan Songlong's death has also brought some reflections to people, especially for the safety awareness of outdoor activities. In life, many people choose to participate in various outdoor activities, and these activities are often accompanied by certain safety risks.

In particular, activities such as mountaineering and hiking often need to face a variety of complex natural environments, and once an accident occurs, it is easy to lead to safety accidents. Therefore, when participating in these activities, it is necessary to take adequate safety precautions, keep in touch with the outside world at any time, and you can also choose to participate in group activities to reduce safety risks.

In addition, Pan Songlong's death also gave people a deeper understanding of the relatives around them. Life is indeed very fragile, and in the journey of life, we often ignore the dedication and love of those around us.

It is precisely because of Pan Songlong's kindness and thoughtfulness that he can get such deep nostalgia and gratitude from the people around him. Therefore, we should express our love and gratitude to the people around us in a timely manner, so that they can feel warmth and strength.

A 62-year-old security guard in Hong Kong died on a holiday feeding a dog, and his widow heard the bad news and was painful: I can't accept it!


Pan Songlong's death has brought great shock and reflection to people, and also made people have a deeper understanding of life and safety. In the future life, I hope that everyone can cherish everything in front of them, protect themselves and their relatives around them, and also hope that every kind person can get the love and warmth of others.

For Pan Songlong's death, I also hope that he can find peace in heaven, and I also hope that his family can be strong and brave to get through the current sad moment.

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