
Can't touch apples with bad lungs? The doctor advised: If you don't want to be infected with emphysema, don't be greedy for these 3 things

author:Starfire Life

"Can't you even eat apples if your lungs are not good?" Lao Li frowned and asked the doctor suspiciously.

Lao Li is an old smoker who has been smoking for decades, and he has been feeling breathless lately, and his constant coughing has made his mood increasingly heavy.

One of his hobbies, eating an apple every day, has become a rare moment of relaxation for him, and he recently heard that people with bad lungs can't eat apples, which bothered him a lot.

The doctor looked at him and smiled slightly, "Who said people with bad lungs can't eat apples?" He explains that apples are rich in vitamin C and fiber, which are actually good for lung health. Hearing this, Lao Li breathed a sigh of relief, it turned out that his previous worries were superfluous.

The doctor's next words made Lao Li's heart lift again. "But," said the doctor, "while apples are good for your lungs, your lung condition does require more attention." Do you know about emphysema? ”

Lao Li shook his head, and the doctor explained the causes and risks of emphysema, long-term smoking, air pollution and other factors may lead to the occurrence of this disease.

"So what should I do?" Lao Li asked eagerly. Doctors told him that the first thing to do to prevent emphysema is to quit smoking and try to avoid prolonged exposure to air pollution. It is also very important to maintain good lifestyle and eating habits.

"So," the doctor looked at Lao Li, "do you really think that you can't eat apples because your lungs are not good?" Lao Li was silent for a long time after hearing this, and he knew that he needed to change not only his eating habits, but more importantly, his lifestyle and attitude.

Can't touch apples with bad lungs? The doctor advised: If you don't want to be infected with emphysema, don't be greedy for these 3 things

01 Bad lungs? You have to be careful with these three foods!

1. Spicy food, lungs can't stand it

Friends who like spicy food should pay attention, if your lungs are not very good, you have to eat spicy food leisurely. We all know that the spicy food that makes people cry is really enjoyable, but your lungs may not be able to stand the stimulation.

After eating, not only the stomach may be upset, but the respiratory tract may also suffer, causing you to cough non-stop. It's no joke, eating too much spicy food can put a strain on your lungs even more.

Therefore, it is better to eat spicy food in moderation, especially for friends who are not very good lungs, you have to be more careful.

2. Fried snacks, but the lungs can't stand this "greasy"

Walking in the streets and alleys, the aroma of fried snacks always makes people can't help but stop. The golden food, and the enticing aroma, is really hard to resist.

Can't touch apples with bad lungs? The doctor advised: If you don't want to be infected with emphysema, don't be greedy for these 3 things

Think about it, wouldn't those fats and harmful substances that may be produced under high temperatures cause chaos in the lungs after eating?

3. Cold drinks are cool for a while, but the lungs suffer

In the hot summer weather, a cold drink can really make people cool down immediately and feel refreshed. However, the irritation of cold drinks to the lungs cannot be ignored.

Especially in winter, the weather is already cold, if you drink cold drinks, how can your respiratory tract stand it? So, whenever you want, try to drink as little cold as possible.

Especially for friends who are not very good lungs, we should pay more attention to this, and don't let the momentary refreshment bring long-term damage to the lungs.

Can't touch apples with bad lungs? The doctor advised: If you don't want to be infected with emphysema, don't be greedy for these 3 things

02 A good helper for nourishing lungs: eat like this to make your lungs healthier!

1. When there are more fruits and vegetables, the lungs will be happy

Did you know that vegetables and fruits are a natural umbrella for the lungs? They are rich in vitamins and minerals, which are good things that our lungs need.

For example, fruits such as citrus and kiwifruit, as well as vegetables such as spinach and broccoli, are good helpers for nourishing the lungs. Therefore, if you want to have healthy lungs, you should eat more fruits and vegetables, so that your lungs can also enjoy the gifts of nature!

2. Eat some good protein to strengthen your lungs

Protein is an important building material for the body. For the lungs, high-quality protein is like adding a protective shield to it, making it more energetic and durable.

Fish, chicken, beans, these are all good sources of high-quality protein. You have to eat in moderation, just eat in moderation, and don't eat too much and cause a burden on your body.

3. Drink plenty of water to make your lungs more comfortable

Water is a great thing, not only to keep your body hydrated, but also to help your lungs detoxify and keep them moist. The lungs love a moist environment, and drinking plenty of water can make it feel more comfortable.

Can't touch apples with bad lungs? The doctor advised: If you don't want to be infected with emphysema, don't be greedy for these 3 things

03 Good habits, good lung work: Do this to make your lungs stronger!

1. Quit smoking and limit alcohol, and the lungs will thank you

Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can be very damaging to the lungs. Therefore, if you want to have healthy lungs, you have to be ruthless, quit smoking, and drink less alcohol. That way, your lungs will be less sinful and you will be able to breathe more easily.

2. Move, the lungs are stronger

If you want to have a high lung capacity, exercise is a good way to do it. Whether it's running, swimming, or yoga, making your heart beat faster and your breathing faster can help your lungs become stronger. So, stop sitting still and get up and get moving!

Can't touch apples with bad lungs? The doctor advised: If you don't want to be infected with emphysema, don't be greedy for these 3 things

3. Indoor air should be fresh

The quality of indoor air also has a big impact on the health of the lungs. If the room is full of smoke and dust, your lungs are in trouble. Remember to open windows often to keep the indoor air fresh and let your lungs breathe more easily.

4. If you are in a good mood, your lungs are good

Don't forget to adjust your mood. When we are in a bad mood and stressed, our breathing will also become rapid and irregular, which is not good for the lungs.

No matter what happens, keep yourself in a good mood and relaxed. In this way, your lungs can breathe easily and happily with you.

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