
I traveled the 318 Sichuan-Tibet line by car, and I picked up a beautiful woman on the way, and I wanted to be my girlfriend after knowing each other for two days

author:Kobayashi tells the story

A few years ago, when I traveled by car, I arrived in Sanya, Hainan from my hometown of Jiangxi, and suddenly wanted to challenge myself on a whim when I returned, and planned to take a trip to the 318 Sichuan-Tibet line to find poetry and distance, and I encountered many problems along the way, and I also met many people, one of them was a young girl who hiked in Tibet, which impressed me deeply and is still unforgettable.

I traveled the 318 Sichuan-Tibet line by car, and I picked up a beautiful woman on the way, and I wanted to be my girlfriend after knowing each other for two days

In May 2018, at the age of 32, I broke up with my girlfriend who had been in love for five years, and we were divided and combined three times in the past five years, and finally it was time to talk about marriage, but her parents asked for 280,000 dowry, and I only had more than 100,000 in my hand at that time, and I refused to give in to anything.

I was very depressed when I broke up, in order to forget this relationship, I chose to go out for a walk, with more than 100,000 savings, drove a Wuling Hongguang van, and set off with some daily necessities.

I went all the way south from Xinfeng County, Ganzhou, Jiangxi, the destination was Sanya, passing through Qingyuan, Guangdong, when the car burst on the highway, the trailer cost 3,000 yuan, at that time I had begun to regret this decision, after repairing the car, I planned to return the same way, but I thought of returning to my hometown and thinking of my ex-girlfriend, I decided to go all the way to the end, completely forgot about her and went back, so I continued to set off.

This time I decided not to take the highway, all the way along the national highway all the way south, stop and stop along the way, look at the scenery, came to Maoming City, Guangdong Province to eat fresh lychees, in Zhanjiang City to eat the seafood feast that I have been missing, although I am the only one, but the long-lost freedom in my heart is something I have not had for many years.

Coming to the Leizhou Peninsula Marine Terminal, I finally arrived in Hainan Province by ferry, arrived in Sanya after four days, and returned after staying in Sanya for one day, feeling that a person was too boring.

I traveled the 318 Sichuan-Tibet line by car, and I picked up a beautiful woman on the way, and I wanted to be my girlfriend after knowing each other for two days

When I returned to Guangdong, I suddenly had an idea to challenge myself to run the Sichuan-Tibet line to see the poetry and distance in the eyes of others, and at the same time I didn't want to go back too soon, after all, it is easy to start a relationship, but it is difficult to forget someone.

I traveled all the way from Guangxi to Kunming, Yunnan Province, intending to see the ancient city of Dali first, and then to Lijiang, the capital of sexual encounters, where I stayed for two days, prepared all the necessary supplies, and then set off for Lhasa.

When I came to Mangkang County, officially merged into the 318 Sichuan-Tibet line, the scenery along the way intoxicated me, there were not many vehicles on the road, occasionally I met young people riding in Tibet, and Internet celebrities who hiking live broadcasts, I asked them if they were tired, and they all kept answering: "Is it tiring to make money." ”

Indeed, they live broadcast while hiking, and they have an income of a few hundred yuan a day, and a few thousand yuan a day, so they find a place to rest, set up a tent, and set up a stove to cook, I envy their freedom very much, but also worry about safety, after all, they eat and live in the wild for a long time, and it is easy to encounter wild wolves in sparsely populated places, so I don't recommend this behavior.

I walked slowly along 318 all the way, and saw a small bungalow on the way, I was going to stop and rest, but I didn't expect that there was a young girl in it to set up a small tent, and the scene of a person holding a mobile phone to cook was really startled, and my sudden appearance also scared her, after explaining the intention, we sat down and chatted for a while, and accompanied her live broadcast.

The girl's name is Xiaoyu, 25 years old, is a native of Guangdong, it has been more than two months since she walked all the way from her hometown, originally she worked in Guangdong, but the salary was too low, the work was too tiring, and she accidentally saw someone live hiking in Tibet to make money, so she also joined the ranks of hiking, planning to make some money by live broadcasting, but the reality is too cruel, she is not famous, the number of people in the live broadcast room has been kept below two or three hundred, and the money rewarded every day is one or two hundred yuan, barely making ends meet.

I traveled the 318 Sichuan-Tibet line by car, and I picked up a beautiful woman on the way, and I wanted to be my girlfriend after knowing each other for two days

Xiaoyu said that the live broadcast hiking road is not passable, so she plans to go back to work honestly after arriving in Lhasa, and no longer fantasize about making money from live broadcasts.

Looking at her beautiful face, I suddenly began to feel a little pitiful for her, and at the same time admired her perseverance, although she was tanned a lot along the way, it still couldn't hide her beautiful appearance.

Xiaoyu didn't have much equipment, just a small cart, which put a lot of bread and water, some noodles and a set of cassette stoves, and only brought two sets of changes of clothes with her, but she rarely stayed in the hotel along the way, so she rarely changed clothes, and there would even be a smell on her body, which should also be because she hadn't taken a bath for a while.

In the evening I took out my small stove, and the yak meat I bought on the road that day, we sat around the small bungalow and had a big meal, during the meal I asked her if she was afraid, she smiled and said: "Of course I am afraid, the other day I was resting in a small cabin on the road at night when I heard the wolf howling, so scared that I didn't dare to get out of the tent all night, at that time I thought I was going to explain where I was, but fortunately in the end nothing happened, it was a life." ”

After hearing this, I felt that her heart was too big, such a dangerous journey dared to go alone, if something unexpected happened, her parents would definitely be very sad, but also irresponsible for their own lives, and then asked her if she would like to follow me all the way, I drove her to the holy place in my heart to see, she said to think about it.

I traveled the 318 Sichuan-Tibet line by car, and I picked up a beautiful woman on the way, and I wanted to be my girlfriend after knowing each other for two days

The next morning, she came to me and said that she wanted to go with me, and that she was afraid to face the night alone, and that the wolf howl in the wild had made her feel uneasy.

I put away her trolley and stuffed it into the car, threw away all the bottles and cans that I didn't use, and we set off together after she got into the car.

We talked a lot along the way, about their respective lives and work, she asked me why I also chose to go to Tibet, I told Xiaoyu about my situation, she felt a little sorry after hearing it, and at the same time told me that her hometown to marry a wife bride price is just to give a thirty or fifty thousand, and the return gift is generally doubled back, I feel a little incredible after listening, and my heart is full of emotion.

On the way, I plan to take Xiaoyu to find a place to take a bath, and then take a good rest for a day before setting off, to be honest, the smell on her body was indeed a little big at that time, and she felt it herself, when I made this suggestion, Xiaoyu smiled a little embarrassedly.

We arrived in Zuogong County, found a hotel in the county seat, opened two rooms, after Xiaoyu took a shower and changed into clean clothes, the whole person looked more energetic, and became more beautiful, she painted a light makeup, she said that the cosmetics she brought when she set off has not had the opportunity to use.

Looking at the new Xiaoyu, I seem to have some heart for her, that night I took her to Zuogong County for a while, eat local specialties, Xiaoyu said that this is her happiest day since hiking, and I am also the most enjoyable day of self-driving.

The next day, we replenished some supplies, and also bought a few portable oxygen respirators to avoid altitude sickness on the road, and I drove very slowly on the next journey, Xiaoyu shared the scenery along the way with fans while live broadcasting, and also introduced me to fans, that day Xiaoyu's live broadcast room suddenly poured into more than 1,000 people, and the reward also exceeded more than 1,000 for the first time, which was the highest income day since her live hiking.

I traveled the 318 Sichuan-Tibet line by car, and I picked up a beautiful woman on the way, and I wanted to be my girlfriend after knowing each other for two days

Xiaoyu said that it was because of me, and I felt that I didn't have much novelty alone, because there were too many anchors of the same type, and there were fewer live broadcasts of self-driving trips between couples, so Xiaoyu planned to pull me to broadcast live together, although I was reluctant, but seeing her eager eyes, I began to be a little tempted again.

We drove until seven o'clock that night and couldn't find a suitable place to rest, and it was a dark wilderness outside, so we found a relatively flat ground to stop and rest for the night, and for safety, we had some bread in the car.

After Xiaoyu's live broadcast ended in the evening, we lay in the car and chatted, talking about each other's ideals, Xiaoyu said that she just wanted to make more money, and then open a bubble tea shop in her hometown, and then hire two employees, so that she could be a boss lady with peace of mind, and she was happy when she said it.

And I don't have any lofty ideals, at my age, I just want to marry a wife as soon as possible, have a small family, live a peaceful and stable life, talking and talking, I remembered my ex-girlfriend, tears flowed down all of a sudden, Xiaoyu saw this and gently helped me wipe away my tears, she looked at me, I looked at her, we looked at each other, and then she gently kissed my forehead, I was shocked by her behavior, stunned and motionless, and then we hugged each other tightly.

When I woke up the next morning, Xiaoyu was still asleep, I gently got out of the car and looked around for a while, the morning sun shone on my face, very warm, after a while, Xiaoyu also woke up, we just said hello politely, maybe it was last night we were together, resulting in a slightly awkward atmosphere.

After breakfast, we continued to set off, along the way Xiaoyu started the live broadcast, this time I no longer have scruples, live broadcast with Xiaoyu, every time we go to a good-looking place, we stop to appreciate, and then share it with fans, coupled with the intimate interaction between me and Xiaoyu, the number of people in the live broadcast room is rising, after tasting the sweetness, Xiaoyu directly asked me if I would like to be her boyfriend, I agreed without saying a word, I thought Xiaoyu said this for the live broadcast effect, but I didn't expect her to be serious.

I traveled the 318 Sichuan-Tibet line by car, and I picked up a beautiful woman on the way, and I wanted to be my girlfriend after knowing each other for two days

In the following journey, we will go shopping in every county, share food with fans, and at the same time, we also made some travel strategies to share with fans, that is, from this time, Xiaoyu decided to transform into a tourism live broadcast, on the way we met a stray dog, Xiaoyu sympathy, I had to take the little guy, so the three of us continued to move forward together.

When I arrived in Bomi County, I was going to open two rooms when I stayed in a hotel, but Xiaoyu said that it would be okay to open one, and said that we were already a couple, there was no need to waste money, I thought I heard it wrong, I always thought that Xiaoyu wanted me to be her boyfriend It was a joke, but I didn't expect her to be serious, which made me very excited, but I didn't expect this 318 trip to pick up a girlfriend on the road.

In the next journey, we broadcast live together, do what couples should do, gain a large number of fans, but also earn a lot of tips, sometimes we will stop the car in the middle of the day to have a picnic on the flat ground, occasionally extravagant, buy some yak meat, the two of them make a hearty meal together, we walked hand in hand in various scenic spots in Tibet, that is the most relaxing moment since I traveled by car, and I forgot all the unhappy things in the past, my eyes were full of light rain, and I took good care of her.

Later, we stumbled all the way, and finally arrived in Lhasa after a week, leaving a group photo of us on the square in front of the Potala Palace, and also took a lot of videos about us, and also met a lot of bloggers like us, everyone stopped in the Potala Palace Square, leaving one photo after another, looking at Xiaoyu's face with a bright smile, and the fatigue on the way disappeared at this moment.

We played in Lhasa for a week, and when I was going to go home, Xiaoyu proposed to continue to go north, and she planned to continue to let me follow her to Urumqi, Xinjiang, but I had already achieved the original goal of challenging the Sichuan-Tibet line, and I had no idea of going to Xinjiang again, so I persuaded Xiaoyu to go back with me, I was willing to contribute, and we opened a bubble tea shop together, but Xiaoyu insisted on her own idea.

I traveled the 318 Sichuan-Tibet line by car, and I picked up a beautiful woman on the way, and I wanted to be my girlfriend after knowing each other for two days

In the end, we broke up because of this incident, she unloaded her small cart, took her supplies, and then went on the road alone, and I stayed in Lhasa for one more day because of this matter, and after thinking about it all night, I still decided to return, after all, for Xiaoyu, since she can say that she can leave, there is no need for me to continue to force.

(The picture comes from the Internet, and the infringement contact is deleted)

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