
Gao Xiumin's apprentice Lu Xiaobo: A comedian who was "destroyed by his own hands" by Uncle Zhao Benshan

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Gao Xiumin's apprentice Lu Xiaobo: A comedian who was "destroyed by his own hands" by Uncle Zhao Benshan

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, our beloved Lu Xiaobo has entered the twilight of his life. Today, he often wanders in the land of his hometown in Heilongjiang, making a living by teaching and performing traditional two-person art, living a simple and fulfilling life.

In his spare time, he will also actively participate in various public welfare activities, and even use the power of the Internet to interact with fans by shooting exquisite short videos and live broadcasts.

Although his life is not rich, he calmly enjoys the happiness in this ordinary and lives a leisurely life.

In the blink of an eye in 2023, Lu Xiaobo once again ignited his passion for protecting and spreading the art of the two-person person, and founded an educational institution called "Lu Xiaobo Duoren Art School" in his hometown.

Gao Xiumin's apprentice Lu Xiaobo: A comedian who was "destroyed by his own hands" by Uncle Zhao Benshan

However, the hardware of this school is quite rudimentary, with only two floors of simple prefabricated houses, and all kinds of garbage in front of the door, which is far from the image of a regular school.

What's even more controversial is that at the grand opening ceremony of the school, in addition to the eldest son of Master Gao Xiumin personally dancing to cheer up, there were also many Internet celebrities and so-called "so-and-so" guests who had nothing to do with the theme, giving people the impression of deliberate hype.

Therefore, the outside world has questioned whether Lu Xiaobo used the reputation of "Gao Xiumin" to carry out commercial speculation.

In fact, Lu Xiaobo's original intention of founding this school was very simple, he just hoped to pass on the essence of Master Gao Xiumin's art. He is well aware that the artistic path he has traveled is full of hardships, and he does not want future generations to repeat the mistakes of the past.

Gao Xiumin's apprentice Lu Xiaobo: A comedian who was "destroyed by his own hands" by Uncle Zhao Benshan

However, on the opening day of the school, the catering arrangements were a little shabby, except for some vegetarian food, even the cutlery was disposable.

What is embarrassing is that at the same time as Lu Xiaobo's two-person transfer school, there is also a weight loss camp in Zhao's class. The opening ceremony of Zhao Jiaban was extremely luxurious, and the dazzling fireworks were set off that night, and a convoy of 50 Rolls-Royce luxury cars worth up to 20 million gathered together, according to netizens' estimates, the cost of the entire opening event reached at least an astonishing 50 million yuan.

Such a stark contrast can't help but make people deeply emotional about Lu Xiaobo's current living situation.

Back in 2000, Lu Xiaobo was still an unknown duo turned actor, running around and performing hard for a living. However, a chance encounter completely changed his fate.

Gao Xiumin's apprentice Lu Xiaobo: A comedian who was "destroyed by his own hands" by Uncle Zhao Benshan

That year, when Lu Xiaobo secretly learned that Master Gao Xiumin had no intention of accepting apprentices, he did not hesitate to entrust others to arrange for Gao Xiumin to watch the performance he had carefully prepared.

On the gorgeous stage, Lu Xiaobo showed his amazing acting talent, and his humorous and witty words and witty performances instantly caught Gao Xiumin's attention.

Watching Lu Xiaobo, who played a vivid image on stage, Gao Xiumin's eyes flashed with unconcealable appreciation.

There is no doubt that the brilliant Lu Xiaobo conquered Master Gao Xiumin with his extraordinary artistic attainments, who finally decided to make an exception to take him under his command. In 2000, in the historic city of Harbin, a solemn apprenticeship ceremony was held, and Lu Xiaobo officially became Gao Xiumin's disciple, and at the same time her only closed disciple.

Gao Xiumin's apprentice Lu Xiaobo: A comedian who was "destroyed by his own hands" by Uncle Zhao Benshan

On that special day, Lu Xiaobo's eyes flashed with excitement, and he knelt respectfully in front of Gao Xiumin, solemnly promising to go all out to inherit the essence of Master Gao Xiumin's art.

Gao Xiumin stretched out his warm hands, gently stroked the apprentice's shoulders, and looked at him deeply, his eyes as deep as an abyss.

Since then, Lu Xiaobo's life has been like embarking on a broad road. Thanks to Gao Xiumin's strong support, he has access to many precious resources and contacts, and the cost of the performance is also rising.

In the past, I could barely earn 1,000 yuan a day to make ends meet, but now I can earn 5,000 yuan or more for each performance, and I may even arrange multiple performances in a day.

Gao Xiumin's apprentice Lu Xiaobo: A comedian who was "destroyed by his own hands" by Uncle Zhao Benshan

Gao Xiumin not only opened a new chapter in Lu Xiaobo's career, but also won him a pivotal role in the hit TV series "Liu Laogen" - "Three Old Cats". As soon as this drama was broadcast, Lu Xiaobo's value soared again, and the appearance fee for a single game was as high as 20,000 or 30,000 yuan.

At that time, this was undoubtedly a huge fortune, and the average monthly salary per capita at that time was only 15,600 yuan.

In 2004, on the top stage of the National TV Comedy Sketch Contest held by CCTV, Gao Xiumin and his protégé Lu Xiaobo were peerless. Lu Xiaobo personally wrote and starred in the sketch "Flying with Wings", which not only won the highest honor of the second prize, but he was also selected as the best actor for his superb acting skills.

That night, the pomp and circumstance were unprecedented, applause poured out, and countless audiences were intoxicated by Lu Xiaobo's superb performance. Gao Xiumin was full of pride and was deeply honored by the outstanding performance of his disciples.

Gao Xiumin's apprentice Lu Xiaobo: A comedian who was "destroyed by his own hands" by Uncle Zhao Benshan

However, Zhao Benshan, who was sitting on the judges' seat, fell into a deep contradiction in his heart. Seeing his old partner Gao Xiumin, who had worked together for many years, and her beloved apprentice swaying freely on the stage, Zhao Benshan felt an indescribable jealousy in his heart.

Just as everyone was intoxicated with the sea of joy, Zhao Benshan suddenly picked up his mobile phone and dialed a number. What happened next left everyone present dumbfounded. Zhao Benshan actually invited his protégé Zhang Xiaofei to the scene in person, just to show Gao Xiumin and others the strong strength of the "Zhao Family Class".

At that time, Zhang Xiaofei had already become a household name with his outstanding performance in the hit TV series "Liu Laogen". Receiving the call of his mentor, he agreed without hesitation and was immediately arranged to perform on stage.

The familiar melody sounded, which instantly detonated the warm atmosphere of the scene. Due to the tight schedule, the organizers did not strictly review Zhang Xiaofei's performance, and did not foresee the farce that would be staged next.

Gao Xiumin's apprentice Lu Xiaobo: A comedian who was "destroyed by his own hands" by Uncle Zhao Benshan

Who knew that Zhang Xiaofei actually regarded the stage of CCTV as the stage for the Northeast two-person turn, and made jaw-dropping obscene actions during the performance! There was an uproar at the scene, some viewers couldn't help laughing, and some people were shocked.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the director team hurriedly stopped the show and asked the host Zou Dejiang to come to the stage to stop Zhang Xiaofei's misconduct. Zhao Benshan was furious when he saw this, he angrily walked onto the stage and asked the director team why he interrupted the actor's performance.

"The actor didn't break the rules, so why did you interrupt? It's obviously been reviewed! Zhao Benshan roared angrily, he was so determined to defend his apprentice, completely ignoring the quality of the show.

In this way, it was originally the best moment for Lu Xiaobo and Gao Xiumin to continue to spread their wings and soar, but they were ruthlessly delayed because of Zhao Benshan's unreasonable interference.

Gao Xiumin's apprentice Lu Xiaobo: A comedian who was "destroyed by his own hands" by Uncle Zhao Benshan

This unexpected event not only made the opportunity that originally belonged to them come to naught, but even the originally scheduled celebration banquet had to be canceled. Zhao Benshan's arrogant behavior made these outstanding actors who could have been a blockbuster quietly drowned in the crowd.

In 2004, which was full of expectations, a regrettable episode led to some misunderstandings and disputes between the famous performing artists Gao Xiumin and Zhao Benshan.

However, perseverance such as Gao Xiumin did not waver because of this, but decided to lead He Qingkui and other outstanding actors to leave Zhao Benshan's team and start a new journey As Gao Xiumin's most important apprentice, Lu Xiaobo did not hesitate to follow in the footsteps of his mentor and chose to join their camp.

Next, they co-created a classic TV series "Holy Water Lakeside". In this work, Lu Xiaobo successfully created a character who is loved by the majority of audiences - "Huang Laosi".

Gao Xiumin's apprentice Lu Xiaobo: A comedian who was "destroyed by his own hands" by Uncle Zhao Benshan

This character is arrogant and domineering outside, but once he returns to the family, he instantly becomes timid and cowardly, as if "the lion has become a sheep".

The image of Huang Laosi in the play is vivid, and Lu Xiaobo's wonderful performance makes his image deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, funny and cute. His aggressive voice and distorted facial expressions are all admirable.

However, when he returned home, he was like a child who had suffered domestic violence, curled up, and his eyes were full of fear, which was a hilarious contrast, which perfectly interpreted the unique charm of the character of Huang Laosi.

From the successful shaping of the role of Huang Laosi, it is not difficult to find that the decision to leave Zhao Benshan is not a wrong move. On the contrary, it was under the leadership of Gao Xiumin that Lu Xiaobo was able to show his strength in this drama and fully demonstrate his talent.

Gao Xiumin's apprentice Lu Xiaobo: A comedian who was "destroyed by his own hands" by Uncle Zhao Benshan

The little-known duo turned small role back then has now grown into a high-profile popular new star and is deeply loved by the audience.

Whenever "Holy Water Lakeside" is broadcast again, Huang Laosi played by Lu Xiaobo will always become the focus of heated discussions, and countless audiences are deeply attracted by his superb acting skills.

However, at this moment, the crew on Zhao Benshan's side was also busy filming works such as "Country Love", although the performance of the apprentices still seems to be difficult to compare with Lu Xiaobo, the "senior".

Some netizens joked: If Lu Xiaobo had accepted Zhao Benshan's invitation to accept apprentices, then today's "Country Love" may have been extremely popular. However, Gao Xiumin's sudden death undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to Lu Xiaobo's acting career.

Gao Xiumin's apprentice Lu Xiaobo: A comedian who was "destroyed by his own hands" by Uncle Zhao Benshan

Without the support and protection of his mentor, his career has also fallen into an unprecedented downturn, with greatly reduced performance opportunities and far less attention than before.

Just when Lu Xiaobo was at an important turning point in his life journey, on the verge of being lost and confused, his colleagues and friends in the industry offered advice and suggested that he join Zhao Benshan's door.

You must know that Zhao Benshan and Gao Xiumin used to be close friends who talked about everything, and if they were lucky enough to become a member of the Zhao family's class, it would undoubtedly bring new hope and opportunities to his career.

For the disciples of the Zhao family class such as "Liu Neng" Wang Xiaoli and "Xie Guangkun" Tang Jianjun, they were full of respect for Lu Xiaobo. Because in the past, Lu Xiaobo was a well-known "two-person turned big coffee", and his talent and strength are amazing.

Gao Xiumin's apprentice Lu Xiaobo: A comedian who was "destroyed by his own hands" by Uncle Zhao Benshan

Especially Tang Jianjun, he was able to make a name for himself in the entertainment industry, and he couldn't do without Lu Xiaobo's support and help, and now he has become an influential actor in the Zhao family's class.

However, this was actually an action carefully planned by Zhao Benshan, who hoped to include Lu Xiaobo in his camp through the power of his apprentices. Under his strict teachings, these disciples would never dare to make such a suggestion lightly.

In the face of such an attractive opportunity, I believe that anyone will be moved by it. As long as Lu Xiaobo nods and agrees, whether it is "Ma Dashuai" or "Country Love" and other popular dramas that have attracted much attention, they will open a green channel for him.

However, to everyone's surprise, Lu Xiaobo resolutely rejected the proposal.

Gao Xiumin's apprentice Lu Xiaobo: A comedian who was "destroyed by his own hands" by Uncle Zhao Benshan

As Gao Xiumin's only apprentice, Lu Xiaobo has a firm belief that he will never betray his teacher. He knows very well that even if he is a former friend, now joining Zhao Benshan's sect, it is equivalent to an act of "deceiving teachers and destroying ancestors", and will inevitably be condemned and criticized by the public.

Moreover, all kinds of rumors about Gao Xiumin and Zhao Benshan have long been spread in the community. If you choose to take refuge in Zhao Benshan at this moment, wouldn't it be a complete betrayal of your teacher? Lu Xiaobo asked himself, even if he was reborn in the next life, he would never betray Gao Xiumin, his teacher.

Therefore, although the door of Zhao's family class has always been open to him, whether on the screen or on the stage, a piece of the world has been reserved for him, but Lu Xiaobo still refused without hesitation, he would rather choose to gradually fade out of people's sight than violate his conscience and betray his teacher.

Since then, he has only occasionally appeared at some large galas, and has never participated in any heavyweight productions.

Gao Xiumin's apprentice Lu Xiaobo: A comedian who was "destroyed by his own hands" by Uncle Zhao Benshan

After Gao Xiumin left the world, Lu Xiaobo seemed to have lost the support of his career, and he had to travel around to perform and live a quiet life. However, when asked if he had the slightest regret or doubt about such a choice, Lu Xiaobo always replied firmly, "no."

In the more than ten years since then, Lu Xiaobo has been silently traveling around the performance stage, although he has made occasional appearances at various galas, but he has long lost his former light and attention, until 2023, he once again ignited his belief in carrying forward the two-person transfer art inheritance, so he founded a school called "Lu Xiaobo Duo Zhuan Art School" in his hometown.

However, the opening ceremony of this school was quite modest. Except for the eldest son of Master Gao Xiumin who personally came to cheer for him, most of the other guests present were some Internet celebrities and so-called "guests" who had nothing to do with it.

The school's hardware facilities are extremely simple, with only two floors of simple board houses, and the front door is full of garbage piles and even looks a little shabby in the catering arrangements on the opening day, and only some simple vegetarian food is placed on the table, and even the cutlery is disposable.

Gao Xiumin's apprentice Lu Xiaobo: A comedian who was "destroyed by his own hands" by Uncle Zhao Benshan

In strong contrast, Zhao Jiaban opened a weight loss camp during the same period. The opening ceremony of Zhao Daniu's weight loss camp can be described as extravagant. On that day, the dazzling fireworks exploded in the night sky, and 50 Rolls-Royce luxury cars worth up to 20 million yuan gathered at the scene, forming a spectacular convoy.

According to netizens' estimates, Zhaojiaban's grand opening cost at least 50 million yuan.

The huge contrast in life makes people sigh at Lu Xiaobo's situation today. Although he lives a poor but comfortable life, he is really different from his former glorious status.

If he had chosen to join the Zhao family class, his life might have been completely different now.

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