
How to supplement nutrition during pregnancy? Touch less "3 taboos", eat more "2 nutrients", and the baby will be healthier!


How to supplement nutrition during pregnancy? Touch less "3 taboos", eat more "2 nutrients", and the baby will be healthier!

During a prenatal check-up, Ms. Li was told by her doctor that her blood sugar level had exceeded the standard and that she needed to pay close attention to her diet. Before she became pregnant, she always thought that as long as she ate more during pregnancy, the baby would be healthy. However, as her pregnancy progressed, her health deteriorated. This not only confuses Ms. Li, but also makes many expectant mothers fall into the same misunderstanding. In fact, the nutritional intake during pregnancy is not simply "eat more" or "eat well", but to be scientifically and reasonably matched to avoid those dietary taboos that may pose a threat to the health of mothers and babies. Studies have shown that diet during pregnancy has a direct impact on the growth and development of the fetus and the health of the pregnant woman. Therefore, knowing which foods to avoid and which nutrients to supplement in particular is a must-know for every expectant mother. Today, we will explain in detail the key points of nutrition during pregnancy: less "3 taboos" and more "2 nutrients" to help expectant mothers create a healthy pregnancy and make their babies healthier and smarter.

How to supplement nutrition during pregnancy? Touch less "3 taboos", eat more "2 nutrients", and the baby will be healthier!

The importance of nutrition during pregnancy: the key to ensuring the health of mothers and babies

Pregnancy is a special physiological period in which both mother and fetus need adequate and balanced nutrition to support normal development and health. The importance of nutrition during pregnancy is illustrated in the following areas: Key nutrients for fetal developmentFetal growth and development require a variety of nutrients. Protein is the basis for the formation of fetal tissues and organs, and pregnant women need to consume high-quality proteins such as fish, lean meat, eggs, and soy products. Folic acid plays an important role in fetal neural tube development, and a lack of folic acid may lead to neural tube defects, so pregnant women should eat more green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, and whole grains. Iron is key to preventing anemia during pregnancy, and red meat, legumes, and green vegetables are good sources.

How to supplement nutrition during pregnancy? Touch less "3 taboos", eat more "2 nutrients", and the baby will be healthier!

Maintenance of maternal health

During pregnancy, the mother's metabolism increases and requires more energy and nutrients. Calcium and vitamin D are essential for maintaining maternal bone health and supporting fetal bone development, and are available to pregnant women through milk, cheese, and sun exposure. Vitamin C helps boost immunity and promotes iron absorption, citrus fruits and tomatoes are ideal. The "3 Contraindications" of Diet During Pregnancy: Avoiding Potential Risks During pregnancy, some foods may have adverse effects on the health of mothers and babies and need to be avoided with special attention. Here are three categories of taboo foods and their causes:

How to supplement nutrition during pregnancy? Touch less "3 taboos", eat more "2 nutrients", and the baby will be healthier!

1. High-sugar foods: Stay away from the threat of gestational diabetes

High-sugar foods, such as sweets, sweetened drinks and pastries, can trigger sharp fluctuations in blood sugar levels and increase the risk of gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes not only affects the health of the pregnant woman, but can also lead to overgrowth of the fetus and cause complications in childbirth. Pregnant women are advised to choose low-sugar fruits and whole grains instead of high-sugar foods to stabilize blood sugar levels. 2. Raw and cold foods: Prevent bacteria from confecting raw and cold foods, including raw fish, raw meat, and unpasteurized dairy products, which can easily carry bacteria and parasites, increasing the risk of infection. These infections can cause premature birth, miscarriage or fetal malformations. Pregnant women should ensure that their food is cooked thoroughly and avoid sashimi, raw eggs, and cheese that has not been heat-treated. 3. High-salt diet: Control blood pressure and prevent complicationsA high-salt diet can lead to increased blood pressure in the systemic arteries and increase the risk of hypertension and preeclampsia during pregnancy. Pregnant women should reduce salt intake, avoid pickled foods and high-salt snacks, and choose fresh ingredients and low-salt cooking methods. In addition, potassium supplementation in moderation, such as eating more bananas, oranges and potatoes, can help regulate blood pressure.

How to supplement nutrition during pregnancy? Touch less "3 taboos", eat more "2 nutrients", and the baby will be healthier!

"2 Nutrients" to Eat More During Pregnancy

High-quality protein: The cornerstone of fetal development, high-quality protein is essential during pregnancy. It not only provides the fetus with the building blocks of cells and tissues, but also supports maternal health. Sources of high-quality protein include fish, lean meats, eggs, and soy products. Fish: Fish is rich in high-quality protein and Omega-3 fatty acids, which contribute to the development of the fetal brain and eyes. Deep-sea fish such as salmon are recommended, but care should be taken to avoid fish with high mercury content, such as sharks and swordfish. Lean meats: Lean meats, such as chicken breast and beef, are excellent sources of protein and are rich in iron, which helps prevent anemia during pregnancy. Moderate daily intake helps to build energy and support fetal growth. Eggs: Eggs are an inexpensive source of high-quality protein and are also rich in choline, which supports fetal brain development. One egg a day, simple and nutritious. Soy products: Soy products such as tofu and soy milk not only provide vegetable protein, but also rich in calcium, which helps fetal bone development. It is especially suitable for pregnant women who do not like to eat meat. The key to consuming high-quality protein is variety, ensuring that different sources of protein are included in the daily diet to meet the nutritional needs of the fetus and the mother.

How to supplement nutrition during pregnancy? Touch less "3 taboos", eat more "2 nutrients", and the baby will be healthier!

Foods rich in folic acid: the patron saint for the prevention of fetal malformations

Folic acid is a key nutrient for the prevention of fetal neural tube defects. During pregnancy, the demand for folic acid increases greatly, and pregnant women are advised to consume more foods rich in folic acid in their diet. Leafy greens: Leafy greens such as spinach and kale are natural sources of folate. Eating a bowl of green leafy vegetable salad every day not only increases folic acid intake, but also replenishes fiber and improves digestion. Whole grains: Whole grain foods such as whole wheat bread and brown rice are not only rich in folic acid, but also provide dietary fiber and a variety of vitamins to help stabilize blood sugar levels. Pregnant women are advised to substitute refined carbohydrates with whole grains as part of their staple food. Citrus fruits: Citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruits, rich in vitamin C and folic acid, help boost immunity and promote iron absorption. One fresh fruit salad a day that is both delicious and nutritious. Legumes: Legumes, such as lentils and black beans, are a good source of folate and are rich in protein and fiber. It can be boiled into soup or added to salads, which is simple and convenient. The key to a reasonable intake of folic acid is to maintain a diversified diet every day, with different sources of folic acid, to ensure the health of mothers and babies. By consuming high-quality protein and folate-rich foods, pregnant women can not only meet the nutritional needs of themselves and their fetuses, but also prevent a variety of pregnancy complications and ensure the healthy growth of their babies.

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