
The last living ancient city in China, 500 yuan in 3 days can't be spent at all

author:China tourist map


As we all know, there are many beautiful places in Yunnan.

God has an unconcealable partiality towards Yunnan, and has written too many beautiful and moving stories here, and has gifted too many poetic romances here.

If you are also looking for a quiet place to spend a few days and enjoy leisure, compared to Lijiang and Dali, another lesser-known small town may be more suitable.

The price is lower than Dali, more down-to-earth than Lijiang, and 500 yuan can also have a good time, it is the ancient city of Jianshui.

The last living ancient city in China, 500 yuan in 3 days can't be spent at all

"China's last living ancient city"

There is no shortage of ancient cities in China, and there is no shortage of beautiful scenery in Yunnan, but the existence of Jianshui Ancient City still gives everyone who comes to Yunnan and stumbles upon this beautiful city with infinite surprises.

Different from the hustle and bustle of popular attractions, its unique historical heritage and simple folk customs have become a treasure excavated by today's in-depth tours.

The last living ancient city in China, 500 yuan in 3 days can't be spent at all

Some people say that this is the last living ancient city in China.

On the one hand, because it was the political, economic and cultural center of the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, the first time to build the water city was the earthen city built during the Nanzhao period, and it was expanded into a brick city in the 20th year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty (1387).

After 12 centuries of construction, there are still more than 50 ancient buildings preserved here, and it is known as the "Museum of Ancient Architecture" and "Museum of Folk Houses".

The last living ancient city in China, 500 yuan in 3 days can't be spent at all

On the other hand, the low-key of the ancient city makes it very well preserved, not commercial at all, and the atmosphere of life is particularly strong, and there are still many locals who live comfortably in the ancient city and live a delicious traditional life.

Walking into the ancient city of Jianshui, it is like entering an unusual time and space, where you can see the historical time in every corner, and every brick and tile tells the story of the times.

The last living ancient city in China, 500 yuan in 3 days can't be spent at all
The last living ancient city in China, 500 yuan in 3 days can't be spent at all


First impression of Jianshui

Compared with other ancient cities in Yunnan, the biggest feature of Jianshui is the leisurely and clean that comes to the face.

There are still many people living in the ancient town, and when the weather is good, you can see the old people carrying small benches out to bask in the sun, chatting with neighbors, and greeting tourists kindly.

The last living ancient city in China, 500 yuan in 3 days can't be spent at all
The last living ancient city in China, 500 yuan in 3 days can't be spent at all

Those who can't read it say it's too rough here, but those who really understand it can read its delicate side.

The ancient wooden plank façade on both sides of the path, the mottled stone slope road under the foot, and the flowers and plants are always dotted as far as the eye can see, outlining the simple and natural nature of the ancient city.

The last living ancient city in China, 500 yuan in 3 days can't be spent at all
The last living ancient city in China, 500 yuan in 3 days can't be spent at all

Those who have a heart may find that there are many ancient wells in the ancient city, there are the east well that is still in use since the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and there is the West Gate Big Banjing that is circled in the Hongwu period of the Ming Dynasty and called it "for the whole city to drink", which is also the largest ancient well.

The wellhead of this ancient well is 2.7 meters, composed of six arc-shaped stone slabs, and six stone pillars are interlocked in the middle, which is known as the first well in southern Yunnan.

These ancient wells have gone through thousands of years of vicissitudes, and the rope marks on the railings of the bluestone wells have been many inches deep, and some have even been worn out, recording the history of Jianshui, and also achieving the unique delicacy of Jianshui.

The last living ancient city in China, 500 yuan in 3 days can't be spent at all
The last living ancient city in China, 500 yuan in 3 days can't be spent at all

Walking on the gradually awakening Lin'an Road, you can feel the ancient temples, ancient wells, Taoist temples, city gates, ancient houses, and ancient meanings.

The deeper you go, the more you can understand why, more than 1,200 years later, this place can still keep the peace and comfort of the ancient city.

The last living ancient city in China, 500 yuan in 3 days can't be spent at all
The last living ancient city in China, 500 yuan in 3 days can't be spent at all


Walk into the Grand View Garden of Southern Yunnan

As mentioned earlier, Jianshui has been the political, military, economic, cultural, religious, and transportation center of southern Yunnan since the Ming and Qing dynasties.

The prosperity of commerce and trade made Jianshui very prosperous at that time, and the residents here generally lived in affluence, and some wealthy families were indispensable.

Among them, Zhujia Garden is one of the most prosperous representatives.

The last living ancient city in China, 500 yuan in 3 days can't be spent at all
The last living ancient city in China, 500 yuan in 3 days can't be spent at all

The construction area of Zhujia Garden is more than 20,000 square meters, and the exquisite luxury of those buildings is almost not spared any detail.

The carved door leaf is exquisite and delicate, and the calligraphy and painting decoration outside the building is even more elegant and beautiful, and a timeless bookish atmosphere has not been diluted by time at all.

The last living ancient city in China, 500 yuan in 3 days can't be spent at all
The last living ancient city in China, 500 yuan in 3 days can't be spent at all

Along the path, pass through the exquisite buildings, giving people a sense of beauty and history.

When I came to the back garden, everything in front of me was even more shocked.

The last living ancient city in China, 500 yuan in 3 days can't be spent at all
The last living ancient city in China, 500 yuan in 3 days can't be spent at all

The rockery stands in the center of the garden, setting the tone of tranquility and tranquility throughout the garden.

Looking at it carefully, the pavilion, flowing water, green shade, stone piles, and corridor boats are scattered, like a picture scroll of ancient and modern blending.

The last living ancient city in China, 500 yuan in 3 days can't be spent at all

Walking along the promenade is like crossing into the long river of history and falling into a poetic fairyland.

The ingenious combination of rockery and garden architecture, magnificent, exquisite is the first feeling, and the fine taste is a kind of simple and fresh artistic conception, which makes people unconsciously slow down.

The last living ancient city in China, 500 yuan in 3 days can't be spent at all
The last living ancient city in China, 500 yuan in 3 days can't be spent at all

One flower, one grass, one world.

Fortunately, the Zhujia Garden exists in Jianshui, has not been destroyed under the reinforced concrete, has not been dusted by time, and will always be pure and splendid.

The last living ancient city in China, 500 yuan in 3 days can't be spent at all
The last living ancient city in China, 500 yuan in 3 days can't be spent at all


Jianshui on the tip of the tongue

If it weren't for the stomach signals, you probably wouldn't have noticed that time flies so quickly.

The air is filled with the aroma of all kinds of rice, which constantly stimulates the taste buds.

There are always some flavors that cross regional characteristics and historical inheritance, and are loved by people from all over the world.

Be sure to try the Jianshui tofu on the outside and inside inside, the tofu is constantly roasted and wrapped in a dipping sauce, which is crispy and crispy!

It is said that only tofu made with water drawn from the large board well is the best.

The grass sprouts are also a delicacy that cannot be eaten after Jianshui, and the crispy and tender grass sprouts are eaten with rice noodles in the broth, and they are so delicious that I can't wait to have a bowl of them every time.

The last living ancient city in China, 500 yuan in 3 days can't be spent at all

As one of the representatives of the provincial intangible cultural heritage, Jianshui steamer chicken can be said to be known to everyone.

This delicacy made in a clay steamer produced by Jianshui basically maintains the original flavor of the chicken because the soup is condensed by steam, and the umami of the chicken is lost less during the steaming process.

After you are full, you can buy some bubble cakes and bird's nest cakes to take back as souvenirs.

The last living ancient city in China, 500 yuan in 3 days can't be spent at all


Leisure time in the afternoon

After eating, of course, it is indispensable to take a ride on the small train that has witnessed the changes of the past hundred years.

Lin'an Station, with its pale yellow walls, was built in 1903 with a narrow gauge railway with a gauge of 1 meter, which is also unique to Jianshui.

The last living ancient city in China, 500 yuan in 3 days can't be spent at all

The metre gauge train is a section of the Bilinping Railway, with one train at 9:00 and 14:30 every day, and a four-hour round trip.

At present, there are 4 stations, starting from Lin'an Station, passing through Shuanglongqiao Station, Xianghuiqiao Station, and arriving at Tuanshan Station.

The last living ancient city in China, 500 yuan in 3 days can't be spent at all
The last living ancient city in China, 500 yuan in 3 days can't be spent at all

Shuanglongqiao Station is the most worthwhile stop.

Shuanglong Bridge spans the water surface of the confluence of the Lujiang River and the Bangchong River, and is a large stone arch bridge with three pavilions and 17 holes.

It is the largest and most artistic value of a porous arch bridge in Yunnan Province, and has been included in the history of China's bridgemaking.

The last living ancient city in China, 500 yuan in 3 days can't be spent at all

There are many ancient bridges on the mainland, and the shapes are also ever-changing, and the unique feature of the Shuanglong Bridge is its asymmetry.

The reason for this is that as the river has changed from narrow to wide, the length of the bridge has changed from three to seventeen holes.

Although the three attics on the bridge have been warned, rebuilt and destroyed, and now there are only two pavilions, it does not affect it to shine in the sun.

The last living ancient city in China, 500 yuan in 3 days can't be spent at all
The last living ancient city in China, 500 yuan in 3 days can't be spent at all


Through the past and the present

Arrive back in the ancient city before nightfall, and the sunset tower becomes more and more magnificent.

The wood carving screen door on the city tower is finely carved, and the uncle who walks the bird under the city wall has also become one of the scenes.

The last living ancient city in China, 500 yuan in 3 days can't be spent at all
The last living ancient city in China, 500 yuan in 3 days can't be spent at all

A red and yellow melody composes a long song of the years.

Singing the stories of today's people and singing the moving inheritance.

The last living ancient city in China, 500 yuan in 3 days can't be spent at all
The last living ancient city in China, 500 yuan in 3 days can't be spent at all

The afterglow of the setting sun shines on this ancient city, and there is always a sense of trance.

When the lights come on, you will completely fall into this peaceful and prosperous world, as if you are in the glory of a thousand years ago.

The last living ancient city in China, 500 yuan in 3 days can't be spent at all
The last living ancient city in China, 500 yuan in 3 days can't be spent at all

In the ancient city of Jianshui, no one urged the street restaurant to sit for a day, the special meals have a different taste, and the clothes bought in the street shops are particularly suitable for the occasion.

In Jianshui Ancient City, everything you encounter is full of comfort.

The last living ancient city in China, 500 yuan in 3 days can't be spent at all

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