
What is the five suits, someone has sorted it out, and is there anyone who doesn't know it? Knowledge

author:Elegant white cloud fL
What is the five suits, someone has sorted it out, and is there anyone who doesn't know it? Knowledge
What is the five suits, someone has sorted it out, and is there anyone who doesn't know it? Knowledge
What is the five suits, someone has sorted it out, and is there anyone who doesn't know it? Knowledge
What is the five suits, someone has sorted it out, and is there anyone who doesn't know it? Knowledge
What is the five suits, someone has sorted it out, and is there anyone who doesn't know it? Knowledge
What is the five suits, someone has sorted it out, and is there anyone who doesn't know it? Knowledge
What is the five suits, someone has sorted it out, and is there anyone who doesn't know it? Knowledge
What is the five suits, someone has sorted it out, and is there anyone who doesn't know it? Knowledge
What is the five suits, someone has sorted it out, and is there anyone who doesn't know it? Knowledge
What is the five suits, someone has sorted it out, and is there anyone who doesn't know it? Knowledge
What is the five suits, someone has sorted it out, and is there anyone who doesn't know it? Knowledge
What is the five suits, someone has sorted it out, and is there anyone who doesn't know it? Knowledge
What is the five suits, someone has sorted it out, and is there anyone who doesn't know it? Knowledge
What is the five suits, someone has sorted it out, and is there anyone who doesn't know it? Knowledge
What is the five suits, someone has sorted it out, and is there anyone who doesn't know it? Knowledge
What is the five suits, someone has sorted it out, and is there anyone who doesn't know it? Knowledge
What is the five suits, someone has sorted it out, and is there anyone who doesn't know it? Knowledge

"You know what? I've been working on this 'five suits' thing lately, and it's so interesting! I sat in the café and said excitedly to my friend Xiaoli.

Xiaoli put down the coffee in her hand and asked curiously, "Five suits?" Isn't that the rule of ancient dress? ”

"It's not just that," I smiled mysteriously, "in fact, Wufu is not only about clothing, it also hides a deep cultural connotation and social system. ”

Xiaoli's interest was aroused, "Then tell me quickly, what are these five suits?" ”

I took a sip of coffee and slowly began to speak: "In ancient China, Wufu was actually a concept of administrative division, and at the same time, it was also a mourning dress system, which reflected the ritual and patriarchal system at that time. ”

"First of all, from the perspective of administrative divisions, Wufu refers to the places on the periphery of Wangji in ancient times, with 500 li as a division, from near to far divided into Dianfu, Houfu, Suifu, Yaofu, and Desert. This system reflects the fine division of territory and administration in ancient China. ”

Xiaoli nodded, "I know this, but what about the mourning dress system?" ”

"The mourning dress system is based on the intimate relationship between the living and the deceased to decide what kind of mourning clothes to wear and the duration of mourning. This system is detailed in the Confucian classic "Rites and Mourning Clothes". According to the relationship between relatives and relatives, mourning clothes are divided into five levels, from heavy to light, they are chopping decay, Qi decay, great gong, small gong, and hemp, which is the so-called 'five clothes'. ”

I went on to explain: "Beheading is the heaviest form of filial piety, made of extremely coarse raw linen cloth, and served for three years, usually for children to be parents, or courtiers to mourn for the king. Qi decay is made of linen cloth that is slightly finer than the decay, and the mourning period is also shortened accordingly. The great work, the small work, and the linen are reduced in turn, and not only the linen cloth is getting thinner and thinner, but the period of mourning is also getting shorter and shorter. ”

Xiaoli listened with relish, "These regulations are really detailed, how is the patriarchal system embodied?" ”

This involves the family system and kinship in ancient China. The five costumes not only reflect the intimate relationship between the living and the dead, but also reflect the hierarchy and order within the ancient family. For example, beheading is usually the norm of mourning between direct blood relatives, which reflects the closest relationship in the family. The Qi decline, the great gong, the small gong, and the hemp correspond to different degrees of collateral blood relations. ”

I paused, and then said: "This system is actually very interesting, it is not only an external etiquette norm, but also reflects the ancient Chinese's deep understanding of family affection, filial piety and family order. In modern society, although we no longer strictly observe these ancient rituals, the cultural values they contain are still worth thinking about and learning. ”

Xiaoli thought for a moment after hearing this, "Indeed, there is a profound cultural heritage behind these traditional systems. So do you say that this five-service system still has any significance in modern times? ”

"Of course," I affirmed, "although modern society has changed dramatically, family relationships and kinship relationships are still an indispensable part of our lives." The family order and family affection and filial piety emphasized by the five-service system still have an important enlightening role in today's society. It reminds us that no matter how times change, the value of family and affection is irreplaceable. ”

The two of us chatted, and the others in the café looked at each other curiously. I suddenly realized that these ancient traditions and cultures are actually all around us, and if we discover them with our hearts, we can feel the profound meaning they contain.

As night fell, I said goodbye to Xiaoli and walked home on the way. As I walked, I thought that the ancient concept of Wufu may no longer be strictly observed in modern society, but the cultural spirit and family concept it represents are still taking root in the hearts of each of us. These traditional cultures and rituals are not only the treasures of our nation, but also an important part of our identity and cultural heritage.

In this way, in the process of exploring and learning the five-service system, I not only increased my knowledge, but also deeply experienced the charm and value of traditional culture. I believe that as long as we continue to inherit and innovate, these ancient cultures and traditions can radiate new vitality and vitality in the context of the new era.

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