
Is black fungus a cancer "killer"? Reminder: If you want to stay away from cancer, you can eat more of these vegetables

author:Director Xu Health said

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"Dr. Zhang, do you say that black fungus can really prevent cancer?"

On this day, Aunt Li wore a pink sportswear and a small notebook in her hand, and walked into Dr. Zhang's consultation room in a hurry. Aunt Li has recently become obsessed with health care and watches various health programs at home every day. No, just after watching a show, she said that black fungus was a "cancer killer", and she immediately found Dr. Zhang to find out.

Is black fungus a cancer "killer"? Reminder: If you want to stay away from cancer, you can eat more of these vegetables

Dr. Zhang is the town's general practitioner, with gray hair, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, and although he is over half a hundred years old, he is energetic and has a loud voice. While sorting out the cases on the table, he looked at Aunt Li with a smile and said, "Aunt Li, sit down and talk slowly, who are you listening to say what home remedies?" ”

Aunt Li hurriedly sat down, opened the small notebook in her hand, and said seriously: "Doctor Zhang, I watched a show yesterday and said that black fungus can prevent cancer. I'm not a little worried, but I just want to ask you if this is true? ”

Is black fungus a cancer "killer"? Reminder: If you want to stay away from cancer, you can eat more of these vegetables

Dr. Zhang pushed his glasses, smiled slightly, and said, "Aunt Li, don't worry, listen to me tell you slowly." This black fungus is indeed a good ingredient, rich in fiber and polysaccharides, which has many benefits for the body. But to say it's a 'cancer killer' is an exaggeration. ”

Is black fungus a cancer "killer"? Reminder: If you want to stay away from cancer, you can eat more of these vegetables

Aunt Li nodded, with doubts in her eyes, and continued to ask, "Then can black fungus prevent cancer?" ”

Dr. Zhang smiled and said, "Black fungus does contain some antioxidants, which can help remove free radicals in the body to a certain extent, thereby playing a role in preventing cancer. However, this does not mean that eating black fungus can completely prevent cancer. Cancer prevention requires a multi-faceted approach, and it cannot be done with just one type of food. ”

Is black fungus a cancer "killer"? Reminder: If you want to stay away from cancer, you can eat more of these vegetables

"Doctor Zhang, what other vegetables do you think you can eat more than black fungus, which is good for cancer prevention?" Aunt Li then asked. Dr. Zhang picked up the pen on the table, wrote a few names on the paper, and said: "In fact, in addition to black fungus, there are several vegetables that are also good for cancer prevention, such as broccoli, carrots, spinach, sweet potatoes and tomatoes." ”

Is black fungus a cancer "killer"? Reminder: If you want to stay away from cancer, you can eat more of these vegetables

Aunt Li listened as she jotted down these names in a small notebook, and a satisfied smile appeared on her face.

Seeing that she remembered seriously, Dr. Zhang continued to explain: "Let's talk about broccoli first." Broccoli contains a substance called sulforaphane, which has a strong anti-cancer effect. Those who eat broccoli regularly have significantly lower rates of certain cancers. Especially for bowel and stomach cancers, the protective effect of broccoli is particularly obvious. ”

Is black fungus a cancer "killer"? Reminder: If you want to stay away from cancer, you can eat more of these vegetables

"What about carrots? What's so special about it? Aunt Li asked curiously.

Dr. Zhang smiled and said: "Carrots are rich in β-carotene, which is a strong antioxidant that can effectively protect cells from free radical damage, thereby playing a role in preventing cancer. ”

Is black fungus a cancer "killer"? Reminder: If you want to stay away from cancer, you can eat more of these vegetables

"What about spinach?" Aunt Li continued to ask.

"Spinach is rich in folic acid and antioxidants, which are also good for cancer prevention." "Folic acid plays a vital role in cell division and repair, helping to prevent the formation of cancer cells, and people who eat spinach regularly have significantly lower rates of breast, colon and esophageal cancers. ”

Is black fungus a cancer "killer"? Reminder: If you want to stay away from cancer, you can eat more of these vegetables

Aunt Li listened seriously, nodded and said, "What about sweet potatoes and tomatoes?" What is so special about them? Dr. Zhang said with a smile: "Sweet potatoes are rich in fiber and β-carotene, which can not only help prevent cancer, but also promote intestinal health and prevent constipation. ”

"In addition, sweet potatoes also contain a substance called 'saponin', which has the effect of inhibiting the growth of cancer cells. Tomatoes contain a substance called 'lycopene', which is one of the strongest antioxidants discovered so far, and has a cancer-preventing effect. ”

Is black fungus a cancer "killer"? Reminder: If you want to stay away from cancer, you can eat more of these vegetables

After listening to this, Aunt Li nodded with satisfaction and said, "Doctor Zhang, you are so knowledgeable, I can understand when I hear you say this." In the future, I will definitely eat more of these vegetables to stay healthy. ”

Dr. Zhang smiled and said, "Aunt Li, healthy eating is important, but maintaining good lifestyle habits is also the key to preventing cancer. For example, exercising more, not smoking, drinking less alcohol, and maintaining a good attitude are all important. ”

Is black fungus a cancer "killer"? Reminder: If you want to stay away from cancer, you can eat more of these vegetables

Aunt Li nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile: "Thank you, Dr. Zhang, you are so caring, I will definitely remember your words." Dr. Zhang smiled and watched Aunt Li leave the consultation room, and he also felt relieved.

He knew that his words might make Aunt Li pay more attention to her health in her future life and stay away from the troubles of diseases. This is also his greatest wish as a doctor.

Is black fungus a cancer "killer"? Reminder: If you want to stay away from cancer, you can eat more of these vegetables

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Is black fungus a cancer "killer"? Reminder: If you want to stay away from cancer, you can eat more of these vegetables

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