
A 54-year-old man ate hot pot and got esophageal cancer just because he made 2 mistakes! Pay attention to these 4 points when eating for a long time

author:Dr. Chan Health said
A 54-year-old man ate hot pot and got esophageal cancer just because he made 2 mistakes! Pay attention to these 4 points when eating for a long time

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"Click-" Mr. Lu clutched his chest, and suddenly a violent cough hit, and a trace of blood appeared in his mouth.

Sweating profusely, he collapsed uncomfortably on the sofa, his face pale and painful. Seeing this, the family hurriedly dialed the 120 emergency number.

While waiting for the ambulance, Mr. Lu only felt as if his throat was burning, and he felt a dull pain. His mind was filled with countless questions: What the hell is going on? Our family eats the same diet.

And I've always been physically strong, how could I suddenly be so weak? Could it be that hot pot...

A 54-year-old man ate hot pot and got esophageal cancer just because he made 2 mistakes! Pay attention to these 4 points when eating for a long time

Speaking of the Lu family's tradition of opening Chinese New Year's Eve hot pot, it can be traced back to decades ago.

As Chongqing natives, they have a deep-rooted love for spicy hot pot.

Every Chinese New Year's Eve, the whole family will happily go to the most famous local old hot pot restaurant, order several kinds of hot pot side dishes, from crispy meat to hairy belly, from mille-feuille belly to skewers, everything is eaten, and the family eats happily until they take a nap.

This year is no exception, but this time, Mr. Lu seems to be eating with extra ferocity.

A 54-year-old man ate hot pot and got esophageal cancer just because he made 2 mistakes! Pay attention to these 4 points when eating for a long time

The ambulance quickly took Mr. Lu to the largest general hospital in the area. After a series of examinations, the doctor frowned and announced: "The patient has advanced esophageal cancer, and I am afraid there are only three months left to live".

This result was undoubtedly like a hammer that smashed into the hearts of the Lu family. It turned out that the symptoms that Lao Lu had all along, such as heartburn, acid reflux, difficulty swallowing, etc., were actually signs of esophageal cancer.

For the fact that his life is coming to an end, Lao Lu's family is extremely difficult to accept.

A 54-year-old man ate hot pot and got esophageal cancer just because he made 2 mistakes! Pay attention to these 4 points when eating for a long time

Medical studies have shown that the incidence of esophageal cancer is closely related to poor dietary habits.

Long-term excessive intake of hot foods, alcoholism, and smoking are all risk factors.

Looking back at Lao Lu's life style, he can be said to have concentrated all the risk points: he loves hot pot and spicy food, he must drink two pots of beer at every meal, and he is an old smoker, and he has been like a day for 30 years.

Lao Lu's esophageal cancer is not accidental, but a "textbook" case caused by his lifestyle for many years.

A 54-year-old man ate hot pot and got esophageal cancer just because he made 2 mistakes! Pay attention to these 4 points when eating for a long time

Doctors warn that this cancer is often diagnosed at an advanced stage and has a very poor prognosis, with a five-year survival rate of less than 20%. Prevention is only possible through good habits in daily life.

Faced with the reproach of his family, Lao Lu did not argue, but just sighed. At this time, he suddenly remembered a widely circulated medical case.

A 54-year-old man developed esophageal cancer due to long-term heavy drinking and indiscriminate consumption of spicy food, which eventually led to esophageal damage.

Although his life was saved after surgical resection, he lost his entire esophagus and could only be supplied with nutrients through infusions, straws, and nebulized sprays. This undoubtedly seriously affected his quality of life and became a "non-esophageal person".

A 54-year-old man ate hot pot and got esophageal cancer just because he made 2 mistakes! Pay attention to these 4 points when eating for a long time

Lao Lu repeatedly recalled his endless drinking and craving for chili peppers in the past, and couldn't help but feel that this encounter was a portrayal of himself.

He made up his mind to give up all his bad habits and rejuvenate himself. Only in this way can precious lives not be wasted.

However, it is not easy to go from recognizing the problem to actually making a change. First of all, Lao Lu needs to completely get rid of his paranoia about spicy and heavy food.

This can be done with the help of family members, who completely prohibit the intake of spicy and alcoholic beverages. Secondly, he needs to stop smoking, because the harmful substances produced by tobacco combustion can also irritate the esophagus.

A 54-year-old man ate hot pot and got esophageal cancer just because he made 2 mistakes! Pay attention to these 4 points when eating for a long time

In addition, relevant medical studies have put forward some beneficial suggestions, such as intake of fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants to enhance the body's immunity; Get enough sleep and moderate exercise to reduce stress; Regular physical examinations to detect abnormalities early.

Only by adding up these little bits and pieces of effort can you minimize the risk of esophageal cancer.

Lao Lu's family was inspired and determined to create an incomparably wonderful and unforgettable time for his last three months. They traveled everywhere, invited relatives and friends to get together, and accompanied Lao Lu's mental outlook to improve day by day.

Seeing their father's heroic struggle, the children were also deeply moved and inspired.

A 54-year-old man ate hot pot and got esophageal cancer just because he made 2 mistakes! Pay attention to these 4 points when eating for a long time

In the last month, Lao Lu suddenly said to his family: "Save the rest of the medical expenses, I have no regrets, I want to accompany you well."

Everyone burst into tears when they heard this, and only when life and death accompany each other can they appreciate how important the meaning of family is.

To everyone's surprise, just a few days before the scheduled death date, the hospital called and said that Lao Lu's latest examination report showed that all the cancer cells had miraculously disappeared!

It turned out that his efforts to break his bad habits and persist in treatment finally converged into a powerful force to defeat the stubborn disease.

A 54-year-old man ate hot pot and got esophageal cancer just because he made 2 mistakes! Pay attention to these 4 points when eating for a long time

Lao Lu cried with joy on the hospital bed, while the children threw themselves into their father's arms like children and cried wildly. All the hardships and pains have finally paid off, and the family has never been so united and happier than it is now.

Overall, this is not only a miracle of life, but also an epic inspirational story of blood and tears. It shows that with the right way of life, even stubborn diseases can be defeated;

As long as the whole family is united, we can create an amazing life. Let's all draw strength from Mr. Lu's story and cherish the health and loved ones in front of us!

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