
Is yam a "good medicine" for the kidney? Doctor: If you want to nourish the kidneys and strengthen the spleen, it is recommended to know 5 foods as soon as possible

author:Lao Ge Health Talk

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"Your condition is kidney deficiency and spleen deficiency, you have to take care of it." Doctor Director Liu pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said to Zhao Daming, who was sitting in front of him.

Zhao Daming, a programmer at a technology company in the city, has been feeling his fingers swollen and sore lately, and his whole body is listless. As a "coder", he knew that it might have something to do with long hours of keyboard operation, but he didn't expect the problem to be so serious.

"Doctor Liu, is it really that serious?" Zhao Daming was a little uneasy, he always thought that these were just minor problems.

Is yam a "good medicine" for the kidney? Doctor: If you want to nourish the kidneys and strengthen the spleen, it is recommended to know 5 foods as soon as possible

"Of course, programmers spend all day in front of the computer, stress, irregular diet, and lack of exercise, which can easily lead to kidney and spleen deficiency. Luckily, you arrived early and were able to adjust through your diet. Director Liu said with a smile.

Zhao Daming put his mind at ease and asked, "Is there any good way to do that?" ”

Director Liu nodded, "There are many foods that nourish the kidney and spleen, and today I will recommend five to you, learn about it as soon as possible, so that your body will improve significantly." ”

Zhao Daming took out his mobile phone and prepared to write down the doctor's words. Director Liu's expression also became serious, and he began to explain the food in detail.

1. Yam

"First of all, yam," said Director Liu, "yam is a very famous kidney tonic food. Not only is it delicious, but it also has extremely high medicinal value. Yam contains a variety of amino acids and vitamins, which can effectively improve the body's immunity and improve kidney function. ”

Is yam a "good medicine" for the kidney? Doctor: If you want to nourish the kidneys and strengthen the spleen, it is recommended to know 5 foods as soon as possible

Zhao Daming nodded, remembering that when he was a child, his grandmother used to cook yam porridge for him, but when he grew up, he rarely ate it.

"The mucus protein of yam has a significant effect on repairing renal tubules, and regular consumption can improve symptoms such as frequent urination, waist and knee soreness." Director Liu continued, "Studies have shown that the polysaccharide components in yam can significantly reduce urea nitrogen and creatinine in the serum and protect kidney function. ”

Zhao Daming listened with relish, and began to plan to go to the market to buy yams.

2. Black sesame seeds

"The second food is black sesame seeds," said Director Liu, "black sesame seeds can not only nourish the kidneys, but also nourish hair and moisten the intestines." Black sesame seeds are rich in vitamin E and linoleic acid, which can help improve blood circulation and promote kidney health. ”

"I remember the black sesame paste was very good, and I used to drink it a lot at the breakfast shop." Zhao Daming said.

Is yam a "good medicine" for the kidney? Doctor: If you want to nourish the kidneys and strengthen the spleen, it is recommended to know 5 foods as soon as possible

"That's right, black sesame paste is a good choice. However, it is better to make it yourself, many products on the market are too high in sugar and not good for health. Director Liu reminded.

"Statistics show that the proportion of poor kidney function in people who consume black sesame seeds for a long time is significantly lower than that of the general population. This is because the ingredients in black sesame seeds can effectively reduce the burden on the kidneys. Director Liu added.

3. Lotus seeds

"The third type is lotus seeds," said Director Liu, "lotus seeds are flat and sweet, and have the effects of tonifying the spleen and stopping diarrhea, benefiting the kidneys and strengthening essence." Lotus seeds are not only suitable for people with kidney deficiency, but also can help improve symptoms such as insomnia and heart palpitations. ”

Zhao Daming nodded and wrote down the information.

"Lotus seeds are very rich in nutrients, including protein, vitamins and minerals. Regular consumption of lotus seeds can enhance the body's resistance and improve the function of the spleen and stomach. Director Liu explained, "And lotus seeds also contain a substance called lotus seeds, which can promote the detoxification function of the kidneys." ”

Is yam a "good medicine" for the kidney? Doctor: If you want to nourish the kidneys and strengthen the spleen, it is recommended to know 5 foods as soon as possible

4. 枸杞

"The fourth type is wolfberry," Director Liu continued, "wolfberry is a very famous kidney tonic food. Goji berries are rich in vitamin C, iron and zinc, which can effectively improve immunity and improve kidney function. ”

"Do you drink goji berries in water?" Zhao Daming asked.

"Soaking in water is the easiest way, but goji berries can also be used in dishes, such as cooking soup with chicken, which is also a very good choice." Director Liu replied.

"Studies have shown that the polysaccharide components in wolfberry can significantly improve the glomerular filtration rate and promote the metabolic function of the kidneys." Director Liu added, "In addition, wolfberries also have antioxidant effects, which can delay aging. ”

5. Walnuts

"The last one is walnuts," said Director Liu, "and walnuts can not only nourish the kidneys, but also the brain." Walnuts are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which can help improve brain function and enhance memory. ”

Is yam a "good medicine" for the kidney? Doctor: If you want to nourish the kidneys and strengthen the spleen, it is recommended to know 5 foods as soon as possible

"If I eat a few walnuts a day, will the effect be better?" Zhao Daming asked.

"It's great to eat three to five walnuts a day, and the nutrients in walnuts can help you improve kidney function, as well as cardiovascular health." Director Liu replied.

"Research data have shown that the incidence of kidney function problems is significantly lower in people who regularly consume walnuts than in people who do not consume walnuts. This is because the Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E in walnuts can effectively protect the kidneys. Director Liu concluded.

Zhao Daming looked at Director Liu gratefully, "Thank you, Dr. Liu, I will definitely follow your advice." ”

"You're welcome, health is the most important thing. Remember, diet is only part of the equation, and maintaining good lifestyle habits and proper exercise is also key. Director Liu said with a smile.

Is yam a "good medicine" for the kidney? Doctor: If you want to nourish the kidneys and strengthen the spleen, it is recommended to know 5 foods as soon as possible

After Zhao Daming left the hospital, he immediately took action. He went to the supermarket to buy yams, black sesame seeds, lotus seeds, wolfberries and walnuts, and began to adjust his eating habits according to Director Liu's advice. After a few months, his finger swelling and pain improved significantly, and he was much more energetic.

Zhao Daming's problem was solved, but he also began to think about another question: In addition to dietary conditioning, what other methods can help improve kidney function?

Improving kidney function is not limited to diet, but can also be achieved through the following methods:

1. Moderate exercise: Moderate exercise can promote blood circulation, enhance heart and lung function, and contribute to the health of the kidneys. It is recommended to do moderate-intensity aerobic exercise such as brisk walking, jogging, swimming, etc., three to five times a week.

2. Maintain a good work and rest schedule: Ensuring adequate sleep and regular work and rest time can effectively reduce the burden on the kidneys. Staying up late and being overtired can cause damage to the kidneys, so it should be avoided as much as possible.

Is yam a "good medicine" for the kidney? Doctor: If you want to nourish the kidneys and strengthen the spleen, it is recommended to know 5 foods as soon as possible

3. Quit smoking and limit alcohol: Smoking and drinking alcohol can cause great damage to the kidneys. Both nicotine and alcohol cause blood vessels to constrict, increasing the burden on the kidneys, which may lead to a decline in kidney function in the long run.

4. Drink plenty of water: Adequate water intake can help detoxify the kidneys and boost metabolism. It is recommended to keep your water intake at 1500-2000ml per day, but adjust it according to the individual's physical condition.

5. Control blood pressure and blood sugar: High blood pressure and diabetes are important factors that lead to renal insufficiency. With a reasonable diet and drug control, the occurrence of kidney disease can be effectively prevented.

6. Regular physical examination: Regular renal function tests can detect problems in time and take corresponding measures to intervene. In particular, people with a family history or chronic diseases need to pay more attention to kidney health.

Is yam a "good medicine" for the kidney? Doctor: If you want to nourish the kidneys and strengthen the spleen, it is recommended to know 5 foods as soon as possible

7. Maintain mental health: Excessive psychological stress can affect the proper functioning of various systems in the body, and the kidneys are no exception. Managing stress in a way that promotes kidney health by engaging in hobbies and connecting with friends.

By combining the above methods, we can comprehensively improve the health level of the kidneys and prevent and improve the problem of renal insufficiency. I hope that Zhao Daming and all those who are concerned about kidney health can benefit from this and have a healthy life.

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Is yam a "good medicine" for the kidney? Doctor: If you want to nourish the kidneys and strengthen the spleen, it is recommended to know 5 foods as soon as possible

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