
The 59-year-old brother died of uremia, and the doctor advised him bitterly: People with bad kidneys should not eat more of 4 kinds of food

author:Lao Ge Health Talk

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"Lao Li, the swelling pain in your fingers can't be underestimated, you have to hurry up and check it." Doctor Lao Zhang frowned and said to the middle-aged man in front of him.

Lao Li, 59 years old this year, is a simple steamed bun shop owner. He always felt that his fingers were swollen and painful for a while, thinking that it was caused by too much force in making steamed buns, but he went to the hospital to check and found a more serious problem.

The doctor looked at Lao Li's physical examination report, and his brows furrowed even tighter: "Lao Li, this is not a simple finger problem, your kidney function has serious problems." If you don't pay attention to your diet, the consequences will be unimaginable. ”

The 59-year-old brother died of uremia, and the doctor advised him bitterly: People with bad kidneys should not eat more of 4 kinds of food

When Lao Li heard this, his face turned pale with fright. He is an ordinary person, how can he know what kidney function problems are, he only knows that he is indeed a little weak during this time, and his face is not as rosy as before. Lao Zhang sighed and decided to give Lao Li a good science popularization: "Lao Li, if the kidneys are not good, some foods must not be eaten more." In particular, these four types need to be paid special attention. ”

Lao Li looked dazed: "Which four?" ”

Lao Zhang put aside the physical examination report and began to give Lao Li a vivid "food safety lesson".

First of all, Lao Zhang talked about high-salt food. High-salt foods are extremely harmful to the kidneys, especially pickled foods, such as pickles, bacon, kimchi, etc. Lao Zhang said: "Lao Li, you have to eat less pickle-stuffed buns that your bun shop sells every day." These pickles are high in salt, which can increase the burden on the kidneys and lead to further deterioration of kidney function. ”

According to statistics, the average daily salt intake of Chinese is as high as 10 grams, while the World Health Organization recommends that the daily salt intake should not exceed 5 grams. A long-term high-salt diet can lead to high blood pressure, which in turn is one of the main causes of kidney disease. Therefore, high-salt food is simply worse for Lao Li with bad kidneys.

The 59-year-old brother died of uremia, and the doctor advised him bitterly: People with bad kidneys should not eat more of 4 kinds of food

Next, Lao Zhang mentioned high-protein foods. Although protein is an essential nutrient for the human body, consuming too much of it can increase the metabolic burden on the kidneys. Lao Zhang emphasized: "High-protein foods such as tofu, beef, and pork must also be consumed in moderation by people with poor kidneys. Failure to do so overloads the kidneys and may eventually lead to kidney failure. ”

Scientific studies have shown that excessive protein intake increases the production of urea nitrogen, which is excreted by the kidneys, which is undoubtedly a heavy burden for patients with impaired kidney function. A long-term study of more than 3,000 people with kidney disease found that a high-protein diet significantly accelerated the deterioration of kidney function.

The third is high-sugar foods. Modern people love sweets, and Lao Li is no exception, often making some sweet buns for himself. Lao Zhang said solemnly: "There is a strong correlation between diabetes and kidney disease, and many diabetic patients eventually die because of kidney disease. You have to control your sweet tooth. ”

A large study of 100,000 people found that people with diabetes had four times more incidence of kidney disease than the general population. A diet high in sugar can lead to obesity, insulin resistance, and eventually diabetes. These are undoubtedly a huge threat to kidney health.

The 59-year-old brother died of uremia, and the doctor advised him bitterly: People with bad kidneys should not eat more of 4 kinds of food

Finally, Lao Zhang talked about alcohol. Although Lao Li is not a drinker, he occasionally drinks a few glasses. Lao Zhang said: "The damage of alcohol to the kidneys should not be underestimated. Long-term alcohol consumption can lead to a decrease in kidney function and aggravate the condition of people with kidney disease. ”

Studies have shown that long-term alcohol consumption can lead to tubular damage and glomerulosclerosis, increasing the risk of kidney disease. A study of more than 200,000 people showed that people who drank more than three drinks a day had a 30% increased risk of chronic kidney disease.

After listening to Lao Zhang's explanation, Lao Li felt scared for a while. He recalled that he had eaten and drunk over the years, and he really had nothing to eat, especially these four foods, which he ate almost every day. He secretly made up his mind that he must strictly control his diet and protect his kidneys in the future.

However, Lao Zhang has not finished speaking. He went on to talk about several specific patient cases, which gave Lao Li a deeper understanding of kidney problems.

"I have a patient who is much younger than you, only 45 years old. surnamed Wang, he is also a small businessman, especially likes to eat pickled food, and has to drink a little wine every day. As a result, in just a few years, kidney function declined dramatically, and finally had to undergo dialysis treatment. Lao Zhang said with emotion.

The 59-year-old brother died of uremia, and the doctor advised him bitterly: People with bad kidneys should not eat more of 4 kinds of food

"Another one, an old teacher, usually likes fitness, and thinks that eating more protein can increase muscle. As a result, I ate too much protein, the burden on my kidneys increased, and I ended up in the hospital. ”

Lao Li was stunned when he heard this, he didn't expect that the eating habits in his life would have such a big impact on his body. He asked Lao Zhang: "Then what should I do now?" What else can be done besides controlling your diet? ”

Lao Zhang smiled: "Controlling diet is the key, in addition, we should also pay attention to drinking more water, don't hold urine, maintain good work and rest habits, and avoid overwork." These are all good for kidney health. ”

Lao Li nodded, and he had a bottom in his heart. After he decided to go back, he began to adjust his diet and lifestyle habits, and no longer let his body continue to deteriorate.

However, the story doesn't end here. After Lao Li returned home, he immediately cleaned up all the pickles, bacon, and desserts at home. I became extra careful when eating every day, and I didn't touch any foods that were high in salt, protein, and sugar. At the same time, he also began to go to bed early and get up early, drink plenty of water, and occasionally go for a walk in the park, and his whole mental outlook was refreshed.

The 59-year-old brother died of uremia, and the doctor advised him bitterly: People with bad kidneys should not eat more of 4 kinds of food

A few months later, Lao Li went to the hospital again for a reexamination, Lao Zhang looked at his physical examination report and nodded with satisfaction: "Lao Li, you have done well during this time, and your kidney function has stabilized a lot." Keep it up, and your body will get better and better. ”

After Lao Li heard this, a big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground. He thanked Lao Zhang for his careful guidance, and even more thanked himself for waking up in time and changing his bad habits. He understands that health is priceless, and only by taking good care of your body can you live a happy life.

Through Lao Li's story, we understand the importance of kidney health and the huge impact of diet on health. I hope that everyone can learn from this, pay attention to their eating habits, and protect their kidneys.

Question: Why does drinking alcohol cause so much damage to the kidneys?

The 59-year-old brother died of uremia, and the doctor advised him bitterly: People with bad kidneys should not eat more of 4 kinds of food

The damage to the kidneys caused by alcohol consumption is mainly reflected in the following aspects:

1. Renal tubular injury: Toxic substances such as acetaldehyde produced during alcohol metabolism can directly damage renal tubular epithelial cells, resulting in renal tubular dysfunction.

2. Glomerulosclerosis: Long-term alcohol consumption will cause glomerulosclerosis, which will reduce the filtration function of the kidneys, resulting in the accumulation of metabolic wastes in the body, causing kidney failure.

3. Dehydration: Alcohol has a diuretic effect, which will increase urine output, leading to dehydration in the body, reducing blood flow to the kidneys, and affecting the normal function of the kidneys.

4. Increased blood pressure: Excessive alcohol intake can cause an increase in blood pressure, and high blood pressure is one of the main factors that lead to kidney disease.

5. Aggravation of kidney disease: For people with pre-existing kidney disease, drinking alcohol can aggravate the condition and lead to further deterioration of kidney function.

The 59-year-old brother died of uremia, and the doctor advised him bitterly: People with bad kidneys should not eat more of 4 kinds of food

6. Immune system effects: Long-term alcohol consumption can weaken the immune system and increase the risk of infection, while the kidneys, as detoxification organs, can complicate the condition once infected.

7. Increased risk of kidney stones: Alcohol metabolism can affect calcium absorption, increase the concentration of oxalate in the urine, and lead to the formation of kidney stones.

In summary, the damage to the kidneys caused by alcohol consumption is manifold, so it is very necessary to strictly control the amount of alcohol consumed or abstain from alcohol altogether, especially for people with poor kidney function. I hope that while you enjoy life, you can also pay attention to your own health and stay away from factors that harm your kidneys.

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The 59-year-old brother died of uremia, and the doctor advised him bitterly: People with bad kidneys should not eat more of 4 kinds of food

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