
Garlic sprouts are the "killers" of heart attack? The doctor pointed out that if you want cardiovascular health, you should eat less of 3 kinds of vegetables

author:Old prescription medical miscellaneous

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"Doctor, I heard that garlic sprouts are the 'killer' of heart attacks, is this true?"

Uncle Li sat in the consultation room with an anxious face, looking at Professor Huang, the doctor in a white coat. Professor Huang put down the case in his hand, pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said with a smile: "Uncle Li, don't worry, let's come step by step." ”

Recently, Uncle Li heard the news: garlic sprouts can cause a heart attack! So I came to the hospital to ask the doctor the truth.

Garlic sprouts are the "killers" of heart attack? The doctor pointed out that if you want cardiovascular health, you should eat less of 3 kinds of vegetables

Professor Huang smiled kindly: "Uncle Li, the garlic sprouts themselves are not that threatening. However, some vegetables can do have adverse effects on cardiovascular health if consumed in excess. ”

"Really? What are the three kinds of vegetables? Uncle Li asked eagerly.

Garlic sprouts are the "killers" of heart attack? The doctor pointed out that if you want cardiovascular health, you should eat less of 3 kinds of vegetables

"Let's start with the first one, the first is spinach." Professor Huang cleared his throat and continued, "You may not have expected that although spinach is rich in iron and vitamin K, it also contains a lot of oxalic acid. Oxalic acid combines with calcium to form calcium oxalate, which can lead to calcification of blood vessels and hardening of the arteries. ”

Garlic sprouts are the "killers" of heart attack? The doctor pointed out that if you want cardiovascular health, you should eat less of 3 kinds of vegetables

Uncle Li opened his mouth wide in surprise, "Spinach will also have problems?" Will I not be able to eat it in the future? ”

"It's not that it's completely inedible." Professor Huang waved his hand, "The key is the right amount. Eating spinach in moderation is okay and helps with nutrients. The key is not to eat large amounts of spinach every day, especially for those who are already at risk of cardiovascular disease. ”

Garlic sprouts are the "killers" of heart attack? The doctor pointed out that if you want cardiovascular health, you should eat less of 3 kinds of vegetables

Professor Huang's voice was a little lower, "Tomatoes are indeed a good thing, rich in vitamin C and lycopene, which have a good effect on antioxidants.

But the problem is that tomatoes contain a substance called solanine, which in some cases increases the viscosity of the blood, increasing the risk of blood clots, which clog blood vessels and are the direct cause of heart attacks. ”

Garlic sprouts are the "killers" of heart attack? The doctor pointed out that if you want cardiovascular health, you should eat less of 3 kinds of vegetables

Professor Huang nodded, "The third type is eggplant. Eggplant is rich in fiber and a variety of vitamins, but it also contains a certain amount of solanine. And there is also a substance called cucurbitacin in eggplant, which may cause vasospasm, which can increase the risk of heart attack. ”

Garlic sprouts are the "killers" of heart attack? The doctor pointed out that if you want cardiovascular health, you should eat less of 3 kinds of vegetables

"All three of these vegetables sound healthy, but I didn't expect them to have these problems."

Professor Huang smiled: "Uncle Li, in fact, the problem is not the vegetables themselves, but how we eat them. Any food pays attention to the word 'degree'. As long as we mix them properly and eat them in moderation, these vegetables are still very healthy. ”

Garlic sprouts are the "killers" of heart attack? The doctor pointed out that if you want cardiovascular health, you should eat less of 3 kinds of vegetables

Uncle Li nodded, and asked as if he didn't understand, "Then how should we mix it reasonably?" ”

Professor Huang pushed his glasses and patiently explained: "Spinach, for example, can be eaten with calcium-rich foods, but not in excess. Try to avoid frying and choose to boil it so as not to destroy the nutrients in it.

Garlic sprouts are the "killers" of heart attack? The doctor pointed out that if you want cardiovascular health, you should eat less of 3 kinds of vegetables

Tomatoes can be eaten with foods rich in healthy fats, such as olive oil, which can better absorb lycopene, but also pay attention to the right amount. As for eggplant, it is advisable to stew rather than fry because frying will increase the solanine content. ”

"Scientific and healthy eating habits are varied and cannot be relied on just one or a few foods.

Garlic sprouts are the "killers" of heart attack? The doctor pointed out that if you want cardiovascular health, you should eat less of 3 kinds of vegetables

Maintaining a balanced diet, eating more fruits and vegetables, eating less high-fat and high-salt foods, and exercising properly are the keys to maintaining cardiovascular health. Professor Huang added.

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Garlic sprouts are the "killers" of heart attack? The doctor pointed out that if you want cardiovascular health, you should eat less of 3 kinds of vegetables

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