
National Health Insurance Administration: 23 provinces have realized the mutual assistance of non-local families in the province for medical insurance personal accounts


According to the WeChat official account of the National Health Insurance Administration, the mutual aid of employees' medical insurance personal accounts has further improved the basic medical insurance system of mutual assistance and mutual aid, which can effectively reduce the burden of medical expenses on relatives.

Recently, regarding the family mutual aid of personal accounts, the National Health Insurance Administration has received many messages from netizens:

"I work in the provincial capital and participate in medical insurance, and my parents participate in medical insurance in my hometown, can the money in my personal account be used by my parents in different places in the province?"

"Do I need to prove that 'my mother is my mother'?"

"After the personal account is donated to the family, whose medical insurance code (card) is used to see a doctor?"


In this regard, the editor tries to answer them for you one by one.

1. Which provinces have realized the mutual aid of families in different places in the province?

At present, the mutual aid and the mutual aid can be mutually aid in the same basic medical insurance co-ordination area (usually the same prefecture-level city), so can the province not in the same co-ordination area also give mutual aid to relatives, which provinces have achieved it, and which ones are still on the way?

Twenty-three provinces have already achieved this. In addition to the four municipalities directly under the central government, Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and Chongqing, there are also Hebei, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Jilin, Jiangsu, Fujian, Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangxi, Hainan, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Tibet, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia, Xinjiang and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps.

Partially realized in 4 provinces. Zhejiang, Henan, Shandong, and Guangdong have partially realized mutual aid in the province and will all be realized by the end of the year.

5 provinces achieved this within the year. The two provinces of Anhui and Shaanxi will soon realize mutual aid in the province. The three provinces of Liaoning, Heilongjiang and Hubei will be realized by the end of the year.

2. What are the common precautions for binding personal accounts for family members?

FAQ 1: How to prove the kinship of two people?

To prove the relationship between parents, spouse and children, it is usually only necessary for the person handling the case to make a commitment.

FAQ 2: After the mutual aid relationship is successfully bound, do the mutual aid people who are being treated by the mutual aid person use the mutual aid account of their family members, do I need to do additional operations?

Most provinces do not need additional operations, and you still only need to provide your own medical insurance code (card) when settling for medical treatment. Guangxi and Sichuan are slightly special, and when seeking medical treatment, it is necessary to provide both the patient's own medical insurance code (card) and the mutual aid medical insurance code; But the operation is very simple, after the mutual aid relationship is successfully bound, the patient can call up the medical insurance code of the mutual aid in the mobile phone.

FAQ 3: Is the personal account binding initiated by or by the Freemason?

In Fujian, Xinjiang and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, it can be initiated by either the mutual aid or the recipient, but the consent of the mutual aid is required.

3. Some provinces have some differences in the rules for the binding and use of individual accounts, and the following are examples of several provinces.

(1) Tianjin:

Tip 1: Where can Tianjin insureds handle the personal aid of employee medical insurance?

Mobile phone: "Tianjin Medical Insurance" APP, "Tianjin Medical Insurance" WeChat Mini Program/Alipay Mini Program. Offline end: It can also be handled by staff at the medical insurance service window.

Tip 2: How many relatives can be bound to the family mutual aid in the personal account in Tianjin?

Tianjin can bind a father, mother, spouse, and 4 children, up to 7 people.

Tip 3: How many relatives of employees can be accepted by the same insured person?

There is no limit to the number of people.

Tip 4: Accept the mutual aid of several relatives at the same time, who will use it first? (For example, Grandpa Zhang has 3 children, all of whom are employee medical insurance, and they all have personal accounts for Grandpa Zhang.) When Grandpa Zhang is sick, which child's personal account funds will be used first? )

The default order is the chronological order of authorization, and individuals can also adjust the order of precedence.

Tip 5: How to consult if you have any problems during the process or want to know more about the rules of Freemasonry?

You can call the 12393 Tianjin Medical Security Consultation Service Hotline, and the staff will answer your relevant questions in detail.

(2) Jiangxi Province:

Tip 1: Where can the insured in Jiangxi Province handle the personal account of employee medical insurance?

Mobile phone: Jiangxi Smart Medical Insurance APP/Ganfutong-Medical Insurance Zone. Offline end: It can also be handled by staff at the medical insurance service window.

Tip 2: How many relatives can be bound in Jiangxi?

There is no limit to the number of bindings, as long as it is a spouse, parents, or children.

Tip 3: How many relatives of employees can be accepted by the same insured person?

Only one immediate family member can be accepted for the same insured person.

Tip 4: Are there any changes to the above rules for the Freemasons and the Recipients of the Freemammies in the same province but not in the same city?

As long as the Freemason and the Aided are in the same province, the above rules are exactly the same and there is no change.

Tip 5: How to consult if you have any problems during the process or want to know more about the rules of Freemasonry?

You can call the 12345 service hotline, and the staff will answer your relevant questions in detail.

(3) Sichuan Province

Tip 1: Where can the insured in Sichuan Province handle the personal aid of employee medical insurance?

Mobile phone: National medical insurance APP, WeChat, and Alipay are used for personal account mutual aid medical settlement. The "Sichuan Medical Insurance" APP can realize the payment of residents' medical premiums on behalf of individual accounts. Offline end: It can also be handled by staff at the medical insurance service window.

Tip 2: How many relatives can be bound in Sichuan?

There is no limit to the number of bound relatives.

Tip 3: How many relatives of employees can be accepted by the same insured person?

There is no limit to the number of family members.

Tip 4: If you accept the mutual aid of several employees' relatives at the same time, who should be used first?

Sichuan Province has not set up a mutual aid order, and the family mutual aid withholding and medical settlement is carried out through the second scan of the code. For the payment of resident medical premiums through individual accounts, individual account withholding and mutual aid are carried out by selecting a withholding account.

Tip 5: How to prove the kinship of two people?

National medical insurance APP, Sichuan medical insurance APP, through the commitment certificate. WeChat and Alipay, through the commitment to upload relevant supporting materials for kinship binding (Alipay rules are for those under 16 to upload household registration book, and over 16 years old through big data analysis).

Tip 6: Are there any changes to the above rules for the Freemasons and the Madeons in the same province but not in the same city?

As long as the Freemason and the Aided are in the same province, the above rules are exactly the same and there is no change.

Tip 7: How to consult if you have any problems during the process or want to know more about the rules of Mutual Aid?

You can call the 12345/12393 hotline. You can also check the consulting service telephone number of the agency in the place of insurance on the Sichuan Medical Insurance APP, and the staff of the agency in the place of insurance will answer by phone.

(4) Hubei Province

Tip 1: Where can the insured in Hubei Province handle the personal aid account of employee medical insurance?

Mobile phone: "Hubei Medical Security" WeChat applet/Alipay applet. Offline end: It can also be handled by staff at the medical insurance service window.

Tip 2: How many relatives can be bound in Hubei?

An employee in Hubei Province can bind up to 6 parents, spouses and children at the same time.

Tip 3: How many relatives of employees can be accepted by the same insured person?

There is no restriction in Hubei Province, for example, if you have 10 children, you can be bound to mutual aid.

Tip 4: If you accept the mutual aid of several employees' relatives at the same time, who should be used first?

The system automatically selects which relative's personal account balance is largest.

Tip 5: Are there any changes to the above rules for the Freemasons and the Recipients of the Freemasons in the same province but not in the same city?

As long as the Freemason and the Aided are in the same province, the above rules are exactly the same and there is no change. However, at present, only the payment of medical insurance premiums for urban and rural residents in the province has been realized by individual accounts across the overall planning area in the province, and the mutual aid use of medical treatment and drug purchase across the overall planning area in the province has not yet been realized.

Tip 6: How to consult if you have any problems during the process or want to know more about the rules of Mutual Aid?

You can call the consultation service hotline of medical insurance agencies at all levels (which has been announced on the official website of Hubei Provincial Medical Insurance Bureau), and you can answer your relevant questions in detail.

Source: Beijing News

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