
Should you eat more ginger in summer? Doctor: After people are over 60 years old, it is recommended to eat more of these 3 vegetables in summer

author:Mr. Liu talks about health

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In the early morning of the hot summer, Mrs. Li walked into the small clinic in the city center, and Mrs. Li's question today was a little special: "Doctor Zhang, I heard that eating ginger in summer can prevent heatstroke, is this true?" ”

"Aunt Li, about eating ginger, it's not exactly like this. In summer, there are several vegetables that suit us better than ginger. Dr. Zhang began to explain the benefits of the three vegetables in detail, and each vegetable was described in great detail.

Should you eat more ginger in summer? Doctor: After people are over 60 years old, it is recommended to eat more of these 3 vegetables in summer

He mentioned cucumbers. Cucumbers contain a lot of water and vitamins, especially vitamin K and silicon, which help regulate the body's water balance, making them perfect for cooling off in the summer. "Did you know, Aunt Li, the water content of cucumbers is as high as 95% or more, which is very helpful for us to maintain the water balance in our body in the summer." Dr. Zhang said.

Should you eat more ginger in summer? Doctor: After people are over 60 years old, it is recommended to eat more of these 3 vegetables in summer

Dr. Zhang talked about tomatoes. Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, an antioxidant. "Tomatoes protect the skin from UV rays and also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Especially in summer, eating more tomatoes can help us fight against strong sunlight. ”

Should you eat more ginger in summer? Doctor: After people are over 60 years old, it is recommended to eat more of these 3 vegetables in summer

He highlighted the benefits of eating eggplant. Eggplant contains a certain amount of vitamin P, a substance that strengthens the adhesion between cells in the body, thereby strengthening the function of capillaries. "Eggplant can also help us lower blood cholesterol levels, and for you who are often worried about blood lipid problems, eating more eggplant in summer is definitely a good choice."

Should you eat more ginger in summer? Doctor: After people are over 60 years old, it is recommended to eat more of these 3 vegetables in summer

Dr. Zhang then explained in detail to Mrs. Li the specific consumption methods and matching suggestions of these vegetables, hoping that she could adjust her diet more scientifically. For example, cucumber can not only be eaten raw, but can also be combined with vinegar to make a cold dish, or fried with bitter gourd, which can not only clear away heat and relieve heat, but also increase the variety of food.

Should you eat more ginger in summer? Doctor: After people are over 60 years old, it is recommended to eat more of these 3 vegetables in summer

Dr Teo also specifically mentions that combining a proper protein source, such as tofu or chicken, can help better absorb nutrients from vegetables, especially those fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A and E.

Dr. Zhang advises Mrs. Li to try this combination in her daily meals, "For example, Mrs. Li, you can try making soup with tomatoes and tofu, or stir-frying eggplant with some lean chicken. ”

Should you eat more ginger in summer? Doctor: After people are over 60 years old, it is recommended to eat more of these 3 vegetables in summer

Dr. Teo then highlighted an under-noticed health perspective, which is that it is extremely beneficial to maintain proper summer outdoor activities while adjusting your diet.

He explains that moderate sun exposure can boost the body's production of vitamin D, which is important for bone health. And, being outdoors can also boost your mood and overall quality of life. "So, Aunt Li, in addition to eating these vegetables that I recommend, you can also consider going for a walk in the park every morning or evening, when the weather is cool, or doing light exercises."

Should you eat more ginger in summer? Doctor: After people are over 60 years old, it is recommended to eat more of these 3 vegetables in summer

The conversation went very smoothly, and Mrs. Li deeply agreed with Dr. Zhang's suggestion, and raised some of her own confusion about eating habits: "Dr. Zhang, I have a question, I used to like to drink cold drinks, especially in summer, but I heard that it is not good for the elderly to drink too many cold drinks, is this true? Should I avoid it altogether? ”

Should you eat more ginger in summer? Doctor: After people are over 60 years old, it is recommended to eat more of these 3 vegetables in summer

Dr. Zhang elaborates, "Cold drinks may indeed affect your gastrointestinal function, especially for some older people whose gastrointestinal tract is not very good, and excessive cold drinks may cause stomach pain or indigestion. It is recommended that you drink some mild beverages in moderation, such as warm water or homemade fresh fruit juice, to quench your thirst without putting too much burden on your stomach. ”

Should you eat more ginger in summer? Doctor: After people are over 60 years old, it is recommended to eat more of these 3 vegetables in summer

He also reminded Mrs. Li that it is very important to maintain a proper diet in summer, and that food that is too cold or too hot should be avoided to avoid gastrointestinal upset. She decided to adjust her diet and lifestyle to try to have a healthy and enjoyable summer.

What do you think about vegetables? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Should you eat more ginger in summer? Doctor: After people are over 60 years old, it is recommended to eat more of these 3 vegetables in summer

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