
How to take medication correctly for patients with high blood pressure? The doctor pointed out: Don't do these things if you don't want heart failure"Doctor, I have been taking medicine on time, why can't my blood pressure come down?" Uncle Zhang asked confusedly

author:Mr. Wang Medical Science Popularization

How to take medication correctly for patients with high blood pressure? The doctor pointed out: Don't do these things if you don't want heart failure

"Doctor, I have been taking medicine on time, why can't my blood pressure go down?" Uncle Zhang asked in confusion. The doctor looked at his medical records, shook his head helplessly, and said, "Taking the medicine not only on time, but also pay attention to many details, otherwise the effect will be greatly reduced." ”

High blood pressure is a common chronic disease that, if left uncontrolled, can lead to serious complications such as heart failure and stroke. Taking medication is an important means to control hypertension, but many patients have misunderstandings in the process of taking medication, which affects the efficacy of medication.

First of all, the drug cannot be stopped at will. Many people with high blood pressure feel that once their blood pressure is stable, they no longer need to continue taking medicine, which is a big misunderstanding.

Hypertension is a chronic condition that requires long-term management, and casual withdrawal can lead to fluctuations in blood pressure and an increased risk of cardiovascular events. Uncle Zhang sometimes stopped taking the medicine on his own because he felt well, and as a result, his blood pressure rebounded, even higher than before. The doctor reminds that patients with high blood pressure should take the medicine strictly according to the doctor's instructions, and even if the blood pressure is stable, they should not stop the medicine without authorization.

Secondly, the time of taking the medicine should be fixed. High blood pressure medications usually need to be taken on a regular basis every day to maintain a stable concentration of the drug in the body. Uncle Zhang sometimes forgets to take the medicine, which causes his blood pressure to fluctuate greatly.

Doctors recommend choosing a fixed time, such as after waking up in the morning or before going to bed at night, to develop the habit of taking medication regularly, so as to ensure that the effect of the medication is stable.

Medications cannot be changed at will. Uncle Zhang heard from a friend that a certain new drug worked well, so he bought and changed the medicine by himself, which caused a series of adverse reactions. Different drugs have different mechanisms of action and side effects, and cannot be changed at will. The doctor reminds that any medication adjustment should be carried out under the guidance of a doctor to ensure safety and efficacy.

Diet and lifestyle habits are equally important. People with high blood pressure should reduce salt intake, control their weight, and avoid alcohol and smoking. Uncle Zhang likes to eat pickles and pickled foods, but as a result, his blood pressure has been difficult to control. The doctor advised him to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, less high-salt and high-fat foods, and adjuvant medication through dietary adjustments.

Exercise in moderation. Moderate exercise can help lower blood pressure, but people with high blood pressure should avoid strenuous exercise to avoid putting more pressure on the heart. Uncle Zhang sometimes does high-intensity exercise, which backfires.

The doctor advised him to choose an exercise method that suits him, such as walking, tai chi, etc., and gradually increase the amount of exercise, which can not only exercise his body, but also not overwork.

Monitor your blood pressure regularly. People with high blood pressure should monitor their blood pressure regularly to see how their blood pressure is changing. Uncle Zhang usually does not pay attention to blood pressure monitoring, but every time he goes to the follow-up visit, he finds that his blood pressure fluctuates greatly. The doctor advised him to buy a home blood pressure monitor, measure his blood pressure regularly, and record it so that the doctor can adjust the treatment plan according to the changes in blood pressure.

Psychological stress to manage. People with high blood pressure often feel anxious about their condition, and this psychological stress can lead to an increase in blood pressure. Uncle Zhang sometimes couldn't sleep because of blood pressure problems, and as a result, his blood pressure was even higher.

The doctor advised him to maintain an optimistic attitude, learn to relax, and reduce stress by reading and listening to music, so as to avoid mood swings affecting blood pressure.

Uncle Zhang listened to the doctor's advice and felt that he benefited a lot. He decided to make adjustments strictly according to the doctor's guidance, develop good medication habits, pay attention to the management of diet and lifestyle, and monitor his blood pressure regularly. After a period of hard work, his blood pressure gradually stabilized and his physical condition improved.

High blood pressure is a chronic disease that requires long-term management, and patients must not only take their medications on time, but also pay attention to various details in their lives. Scientific medication methods, a healthy lifestyle, and a positive psychological state are all important factors in controlling hypertension. Through reasonable management, patients with hypertension can effectively control their condition, prevent complications, and maintain a healthy quality of life.

Finally, the doctor reminded that patients with hypertension should communicate with the doctor in time for any problems during the treatment process, and do not make decisions without authorization. Through scientific treatment and reasonable management, hypertension can be effectively controlled and serious complications such as heart failure can be prevented.

Uncle Zhang deeply understood this and was determined to insist on taking medicine scientifically and live a healthy life. He hopes that his experience can help more people with hypertension to understand and manage hypertension correctly and stay away from the threat of heart failure.


How to take medication correctly for patients with high blood pressure? The doctor pointed out: Don't do these things if you don't want heart failure"Doctor, I have been taking medicine on time, why can't my blood pressure come down?" Uncle Zhang asked confusedly
How to take medication correctly for patients with high blood pressure? The doctor pointed out: Don't do these things if you don't want heart failure"Doctor, I have been taking medicine on time, why can't my blood pressure come down?" Uncle Zhang asked confusedly
How to take medication correctly for patients with high blood pressure? The doctor pointed out: Don't do these things if you don't want heart failure"Doctor, I have been taking medicine on time, why can't my blood pressure come down?" Uncle Zhang asked confusedly

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