
China's shipbuilding capacity is more than 200 times that of the United States? The Japanese media lamented: The world's largest navy has changed hands


China's shipbuilding capacity is 230 times that of the United States, this is a report recently published by the Japanese media "Sankei Shimbun", in this report, in addition to analyzing the shipbuilding capacity of the two countries, why the gap has widened to this, they also sighed: "The throne of the world's largest navy" has changed hands. Although the Japanese media is nothing more than trying to exaggerate the China threat and give the United States a sense of crisis. But this also brings up a question, that is, is China's shipbuilding strength really more than 200 times that of the United States today?

China's shipbuilding capacity is more than 200 times that of the United States? The Japanese media lamented: The world's largest navy has changed hands

It is difficult to determine how many times China and the United States have not released very precise data in this regard, but it is certain that China has an overwhelming advantage over the United States. The reason for this situation is twofold:

The first was the "self-defeating" of the Americans, and in 1920 they passed the Jones Act, which required that ships on the domestic routes of the United States must be produced in the United States, which, at first glance, seemed to protect American shipyards. But in fact, this bill completely abandons the rules of the "free economy", so that the American shipyards, as well as shipping companies and other related industrial chains, have been negatively affected by trade protectionism. Under this influence, the competitiveness of the entire industrial chain began to decline, and the construction cost began to rise. In the 80s of the 20th century, then-US President Ronald Reagan sensed that something was wrong, and then withdrew the subsidy to the US shipbuilding industry, which became the beginning of the "cliff jumping" of the US shipbuilding industry. After another 40 years of evolution, the U.S. shipbuilding industry, in addition to the construction of warships, has built negligible commercial ships. As a result, once a war breaks out, China's rate of repairing and building new warships in wartime will far exceed that of the United States, and the difference in strength between the two countries may be more than 200 times.

China's shipbuilding capacity is more than 200 times that of the United States? The Japanese media lamented: The world's largest navy has changed hands

Second, without government subsidies and support, the U.S. shipbuilding industry began to be based on commerce, and in the process of ship production, if it can't generate proportional benefits, then the relevant enterprises will not conduct business at all, and there is no money to make and no subsidies, which directly leads to the closure of U.S. shipyards. China's policy, on the other hand, is modeled after the U.S. government during World War II, and any action that follows national directives to strengthen the shipbuilding industry will receive financial support from the government. Any struggle by the Americans will be futile, and the gap between the two countries' future shipbuilding capabilities will only widen.

China's shipbuilding capacity is more than 200 times that of the United States? The Japanese media lamented: The world's largest navy has changed hands

But then again, although there is no doubt that China's shipbuilding capacity is stronger than that of the United States, this does not mean that we have become the "world's strongest navy", and the United States of civilian ships is certainly incomparable with us, but they still have advantages in the construction of combat platforms such as aircraft carriers and submarines, so we still have to "concentrate on cultivation", and if we want to make the title of "the world's strongest navy" change hands, we also need to work hard in the fields of technology accumulation, personnel training, and combat experience.

China's shipbuilding capacity is more than 200 times that of the United States? The Japanese media lamented: The world's largest navy has changed hands

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