
Xuebai is accompanied, accompany the child to write homework in 5 steps, and you can see the change after 1 month

Xuebai is accompanied, accompany the child to write homework in 5 steps, and you can see the change after 1 month

Ting Ma Alan

2024-05-18 16:13Posted in Guangdong Parenting Field Creator

Hello everyone, I'm Ting's mother

Tingting has a classmate Zi Hang, who is the top three in the class from elementary school to junior high school, and is also in the top ten in the school.

Xuebai is accompanied, accompany the child to write homework in 5 steps, and you can see the change after 1 month

During the parent-teacher conference, the teacher asked Zihang's parents to share their secrets. The child is so good, it must have a lot to do with the parents. We are also curious about how the parents of this classmate raise their children.

This parent only said two words: "accompany", saying that the child achieved such results only because he accompanied the child to do homework.

On the road to educating children, the company of parents is undoubtedly one of the most critical factors.

In many cases, what we can see is that children can become "top students" in school, but what we can't see behind the scenes is the silent dedication and companionship of parents.

So, how to help children improve their learning efficiency scientifically and effectively in companionship? I think a lot of parents are concerned about this topic.

Zihang's parents shared with us a set of professional, rigorous, scientific and reasonable "5-step methods for accompanying children to write homework", which can help children achieve significant changes in a short period of time, let's take a look:

Step 1: Set goals and plans

With a goal, you can have a purpose.

Before we start accompanying our children with their homework, we should work with them to develop clear learning goals and plans.

Xuebai is accompanied, accompany the child to write homework in 5 steps, and you can see the change after 1 month

It's not just about asking your child to complete homework, it's about setting short- and long-term learning goals based on your child's learning.

If your child's math performance is poor, you should set a goal of improving your score by 10 points in a month and make a weekly or even daily study plan for the subject of math.

Step 2: Create a good learning environment

A quiet, clean and well-lit learning environment is essential for a child's learning efficiency.

We should prepare a suitable environment for children to learn, away from the distractions of television and toys. At the same time, keep the table tidy so that children can think and learn in an orderly environment.

Step 3: Encourage self-directed learning

In the process of accompanying children to do their homework, our task is not to complete tasks for children, but to guide them to learn to think independently.

When children encounter difficult problems, we should not rush to give answers, but should encourage children to think for themselves, or provide some ideas and guidance, so that children can find solutions to problems through their own efforts.

Xuebai is accompanied, accompany the child to write homework in 5 steps, and you can see the change after 1 month

Step 4: Regular check-ins and feedback

We should regularly check the completion of our child's homework and give timely feedback on our child's progress.

This includes not only praise and encouragement for the child, but also constructive guidance for the child's mistakes and shortcomings.

In this way, the child is able to clearly identify his strengths and areas for improvement.

Step 5: Arrange your rest and recreation time reasonably

Learning shouldn't be all there is to a child, proper rest and recreation are equally important.

We should supervise the child to arrange the study and rest time reasonably, and ensure that the child has enough time for sleep and relaxation.

Xuebai is accompanied, accompany the child to write homework in 5 steps, and you can see the change after 1 month

This not only helps your child's physical and mental health, but also improves learning efficiency.

Tingting, the parent of a classmate, has been using the "5-step method of accompanying children to write homework".

Together with Zihang, they set learning goals and prepared a quiet learning environment for Zihang. When writing homework, they encourage Zihang to think for herself, even if sometimes the child gets frustrated. They also regularly check Zihang's homework and give positive feedback. They also often take Zihang to visit museums or take a tour around on weekends and holidays.

Through the scientific companionship method, Zihang's grades have always been among the best, and his personality is also very cheerful, and he has always maintained his enthusiasm for learning and his self-confidence.


"The top students are all accompanied", this sentence is not groundless.

Xuebai is accompanied, accompany the child to write homework in 5 steps, and you can see the change after 1 month

Through the "5-step method of accompanying children to write homework", we can effectively help children improve their learning efficiency and grades on the basis of scientific rigor.

It is important that we have patience and perseverance, and persevere in accompanying and supporting our children, believing that in the near future, every child will be able to achieve satisfactory results in their studies.

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I am @婷momalan, a nationally certified nursery teacher, family education lecturer, committed to sharing parenting experience in small stories, welcome to follow me, and accompany children to grow up together.

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  • Xuebai is accompanied, accompany the child to write homework in 5 steps, and you can see the change after 1 month
  • Xuebai is accompanied, accompany the child to write homework in 5 steps, and you can see the change after 1 month
  • Xuebai is accompanied, accompany the child to write homework in 5 steps, and you can see the change after 1 month
  • Xuebai is accompanied, accompany the child to write homework in 5 steps, and you can see the change after 1 month
  • Xuebai is accompanied, accompany the child to write homework in 5 steps, and you can see the change after 1 month

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