
More expensive than gold? The more it goes up, the more people buy! Be cautious when looking for a "replacement".

author:Guangzhou Radio and Television Station


"The price of atractylodes is more outrageous than gold"

It has become a hot topic on Weibo

It has attracted widespread attention

In fact, in recent years

The market price of Chinese herbal medicines has soared,

The price of individual Chinese herbal medicines has skyrocketed

What are the recent prices of Chinese herbal medicines?

What is the reason for the price increase?

Now the price is still at a high level

Pan'an is the hometown of Chinese medicinal materials, and it is the main production area of traditional authentic medicinal materials in Zhejiang Province, with a stable planting area of about 80,000 mu. Chen Zhanglin is the head of the Pan'an County Zhuangji Fritillary Cooperative, which mainly deals in Chinese medicinal materials such as Zhejiang fritillary, raspberry and Yanhusuo.

More expensive than gold? The more it goes up, the more people buy! Be cautious when looking for a "replacement".

The staff is bagging Chinese herbal medicines. Photo courtesy of the interviewee

"The price of Chinese herbal medicines has indeed been rising in the past two years, and now it is also at a high level as a whole." In Chen Zhanglin's view, the price of Chinese herbal medicines has not gone all the way up, but has experienced a fluctuating process of rising, falling and rising. "Like Zhejiang fritillary, last year from 80 yuan a kilogram to 140 yuan a kilogram, and then the price began to gradually fall. Since the beginning of this year, prices have continued to rise, and now prices have reached the highest level of last year. Chen Zhanglin said.

However, the price of some medicinal materials can indeed be described as "soaring". For example, the price of atractylodes, which has been on the hot search, was twenty or thirty yuan a kilogram last year, but now it can reach 150 yuan to 160 yuan a kilogram.

Future price movements are difficult to predict

Engaged in the business of Chinese medicinal materials for more than 30 years, Yanghai Lantern initially relied on planting Zhejiang fritillary and Yuanhu to start. Regarding the price of medicinal materials in the past two years, Yanghai Lantern also called "I can't understand". "The current price trend of Chinese herbal medicines can no longer be judged according to the conventional trend." Yanghai Lantern took Zhejiang fritillary as an example, it is now the stage of Zhejiang fritillary new goods on the market, it stands to reason that the price should fall, but the price of Zhejiang fritillary has not fallen, but is at a high level, from 100 yuan per kilogram in the month before the production of new products has soared to about 140 yuan per kilogram now. And even if the price is high, there are still quite a lot of guests who come to buy Zhejiang fritillary, and many foreign merchants are optimistic that the price of Zhejiang fritillary will continue to rise.

More expensive than gold? The more it goes up, the more people buy! Be cautious when looking for a "replacement".

Data map, Yuanhu planted by Pan'an medicine farmers. Photo by reporter Wu Yue

What is the price of Chinese herbal medicines in Guangzhou?

According to a report by "G4 Dispatch" at the end of April, in Guangzhou's Qingping market, Ms. Zeng, the stall owner, said that at the end of March, a batch of Atractylodes from Zhejiang was purchased, and some were sold for more than 200 yuan per kilogram, and the price was relatively stable in April.

More expensive than gold? The more it goes up, the more people buy! Be cautious when looking for a "replacement".

According to the person in charge, some niche medicinal materials have also risen greatly, such as cat's claw grass that dissolves phlegm and disperses knots, detoxifies and reduces swelling, and the most expensive is at the end of last year, selling for more than 600 yuan per kilogram.

More expensive than gold? The more it goes up, the more people buy! Be cautious when looking for a "replacement".


"Feeling a significant price increase"

More expensive than gold? The more it goes up, the more people buy! Be cautious when looking for a "replacement".

Behind the price skyrocket:

tight supply and demand and other reasons

"In the past two years, the price trend of Chinese herbal medicines should be regarded as a wavy rise." Shan Binkai, deputy director of the Industry Department of Pan'an County Traditional Chinese Medicine Industry Development Promotion Center, gave a more objective analysis of the continuous rise in the price of Chinese herbal medicines.

"First of all, there is a problem of supply and demand, which is in short supply, which may also be the main reason." Shan Binkai said that the price of atractylodes in the same period last year did not exceed 60 yuan a kilogram, but now the price of a pound has reached 60 yuan to 70 yuan. This is mainly due to the fact that Bozhou, Anhui Province, the main producing area of Atractylodes, has reduced production under the influence of the cold spring this year, resulting in an imbalance between supply and demand. The reason why the price of Zhejiang fritillary is higher is also related to the reduction of production. In April this year, there was too much rain in Pan'an, the main production area of Zhejiang fritillary, which affected the output of Zhejiang fritillary, which in turn affected the price.

The market demand has also been relatively strong in the past two years. "In the first two years, some pharmaceutical companies and pharmaceutical factories consumed a lot of medicinal materials in their inventories, and they needed to replenish the supply." According to Shan Binkai's analysis, such a situation has further promoted the rise in the price of some Chinese herbal medicines.

The price of Chinese herbal medicines has risen and it is necessary to be cautious to find a "replacement".

In the face of the rising prices of Chinese herbal medicines, some neighbors said that they could find a "replacement" or reduce the dosage, and some neighbors chose to shop online, but some merchants reminded that they get what they pay for, and they need to be vigilant against shoddy and fake situations. Ms. Zeng, the person in charge of the Chinese herbal medicine store, reminded that it is recommended to buy in offline stores, and you can see the goods first and then buy them.

More expensive than gold? The more it goes up, the more people buy! Be cautious when looking for a "replacement".


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Source: G4 dispatch (reporter Zeng Jiaqi), Qianjiang Evening News, Chao News, Interface News

Editor: Zhang Fan

Editor-in-charge: Zhu Meirong

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