
Top 10 Spring and Autumn Warring States Novels

author:Interesting history

1. "The Great Conflict"

Top 10 Spring and Autumn Warring States Novels

"The World of Great Controversy" is set in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, telling the legendary story of the modern man Xi Bin crossing over and becoming a Qingji. In this novel, Yueguan skillfully combines history and fiction, allowing readers to feel the wisdom and courage of the ancients in the bloody story of hegemony. With modern knowledge, Xi Bin rose in the iron-blooded battle and became a generation of heroes, leading the state of Wu to glory.

2. "Warring States Careerist"

Top 10 Spring and Autumn Warring States Novels

"Warring States Careerist" is a historical novel full of idealism. The author's last protagonist is set as a modern man who travels to the Warring States period with crop seeds, and he is committed to changing the world by forming associations, improving farming, and teaching Mohist principles. The language of the novel is clear and logical, and the characters have a high level of dialogue and debate, showing the author's deep understanding of history and culture.

3. "Spring and Autumn I am King"

Top 10 Spring and Autumn Warring States Novels

"Spring and Autumn I am the King" takes Zhao Xiangzi of the Jin Kingdom as the protagonist, telling the magnificent epic of him traveling to the Spring and Autumn Period and dominating China with his wits and courage. In this novel, the new chapter of July skillfully combines historical figures with modern thinking, so that readers can enjoy reading while also having a deeper understanding of ancient history.

4. "Warring States Grand Sima"

Top 10 Spring and Autumn Warring States Novels

"Warring States Da Sima" is set in the Warring States period and tells the legendary story of how a time-traveler grew into a generation of military gods in troubled times. The chief disciple of the Cheap Sect has incorporated a large number of historical knowledge points into the novel, making the work both deep and wide. The protagonist travels around the world, integrates the ideas of a hundred schools, and finally becomes the great Sima of Wei, leading many countries to fight against Qin.

5. "Picking Up a First Emperor"

Top 10 Spring and Autumn Warring States Novels

"Picking Up a First Emperor", also known as "The First Emperor Cultivation Plan", tells the story of how a time-traveler changed the course of history at the end of the Warring States period and cultivated a generation of great emperors. In this novel, the portrayal of many historical figures is accurate, and the growth and transformation process of the protagonist is convincing. The historical evidence, plot deduction, and character creation in the novel are all excellent and worth reading.

6. "The Little Lord of Spring and Autumn"

Top 10 Spring and Autumn Warring States Novels

"The Little Lord of the Spring and Autumn Period" takes the orphan of the Zhao family as the protagonist and tells the legendary story of his leading the rise of the Zhao family in the late Spring and Autumn period. In this novel, Red Tiger skillfully uses modern knowledge to improve society, while respecting ancient culture. The whole work is deep and atmospheric, well-examined, logically clear, with many allusions and extremely readable.

7. "The Rise of the Warring States"

Top 10 Spring and Autumn Warring States Novels

"The Rise of the Warring States Military Division" features Bai Qi's younger brother as the protagonist and tells the legendary story of how he became a generation of military advisors. In this novel, Morrowind Heaven sets the protagonist as a traverser, who does not dare to see blood and cut people, so he directly becomes a military advisor. The novel unfolds in a relaxed and joyful atmosphere, full of positive energy, allowing readers to feel the wisdom and courage of the ancients while enjoying the pleasure of reading.

8. "The Rise of Korea in the Warring States"

Top 10 Spring and Autumn Warring States Novels

"The Resurgence of Korea during the Warring States Period" is set in Korea during the Warring States period and tells the story of how a traveler led the rise of Korea. In this novel, grasshoppers don't eat fish, trying to reproduce the history of the Warring States period from multiple angles, the logic is self-consistent, the plot is smooth, and the layout is stable. The story is eloquent, and there is no shortage of highlights and cool points, allowing readers to feel the weight of history in the tense and exciting plot.

9. "The Chronicles of the Qin Emperor"

Top 10 Spring and Autumn Warring States Novels

"The Chronicles of the Qin Emperor" features Qin Yiren as the protagonist and tells the story of how he became a great emperor of a generation. In this novel, Yin Yang skillfully combines history and fiction, allowing the protagonist to show extraordinary wisdom and courage in the battle for hegemony. The plot of the novel is smooth, the rhythm is good, the cool points are dense, and the narrative logic is strong, so that readers can feel the charm of history in reading.

10. "Warring States Zhao is King"

Top 10 Spring and Autumn Warring States Novels

"Warring States Zhao is the King" takes the king of Zhao as the protagonist, telling the story of how he stabilized the status of Zhao in the troubled times of the Warring States and finally unified the world. In this novel, Ximeng's father gives full play to the true character of a conspirator, allowing the protagonist to dig around with his foresight and stir up trouble with foreign policy. The plot of the whole novel is ups and downs, gripping, and allows readers to feel the changes of the Warring States period in reading.

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