
Guo Allen confided in reporters that he was helpless, and his old father picked up the ball for him before the game, but was ignored by Yang Ming

author:Writing on Hongchen
Guo Allen confided in reporters that he was helpless, and his old father picked up the ball for him before the game, but was ignored by Yang Ming


(1) The Xinjiang team lost the second game of the finals

(2) Migu video reporter interviewed Guo Allen, and Guo Allen expressed the sadness and helplessness in his heart

(3) The warm-up before the game made people teary-eyed, Guo Allen's old father picked up the ball for Guo Allen

(4) Fans have something to say

(5) The flowers fall intentionally, and the flowing water is ruthless! Guo Allen was once again ignored by Yang Ming

Text/Writing on Red Dust

At 19:35 on May 17, the second game of the Xinjiang and Liaoning finals continued at the home of Liaoning, and the Xinjiang team, which lost the first game by a large score, still did not find any way to defeat the Liaoning team.

Guo Allen confided in reporters that he was helpless, and his old father picked up the ball for him before the game, but was ignored by Yang Ming

The Xinjiang team lost the second game of the finals

In the fourth quarter of the game still 4 minutes and 41 seconds away, the two sides fought to 82 draws, seeing that the Xinjiang team has the hope of winning the game, who knows that Fu Hao of the Liaoning team stood up, Fu Hao scored 5 points in a row, and the small foreign aid Fogg also scored 2 points under the basket, and the score was stretched to 7 points, the game completely lost its suspense, and finally the Liaoning team won the second game of the finals with 97:86, leading the Xinjiang team with a big score of 2:0.

Migu video reporter interviewed Guo Allen, Guo Allen expressed his inner sorrow and helplessness

Before the game, Migu video reporters interviewed Guo Allen, the leading defender of the Liaoning team.

Media reporter: "Okay, Alan, I really want to ask you, Alan has been sitting on the sidelines these few games, watching the brothers fight on the field, what do you want to say to the players or teammates?" ”

Guo Allen confided in reporters that he was helpless, and his old father picked up the ball for him before the game, but was ignored by Yang Ming

Allen Guo said:

The reporter asked: "I remember asking you in the semi-finals, how many points did you think you could win that night?" You said you could win 100 million points, so how many points do you think the Liaoning men's basketball team can win against the Xinjiang team in tonight's game?

Guo Allen confided in reporters that he was helpless, and his old father picked up the ball for him before the game, but was ignored by Yang Ming

Allen Guo said:

Media reporter, last question, I haven't seen you for so long, is there anything you would like to say to your fans and teammates?

Allen Guo: "It's been so long, you media friends, do you have anything to say to me?" ”

Media reporter: "What we want to say is that we finally invited Alan here today, and in fact, we still want that Alan to meet our audience friends." ”

Guo Allen confided in reporters that he was helpless, and his old father picked up the ball for him before the game, but was ignored by Yang Ming

Allen: "You belong to the thatched house!" Invite me three times! Reporter friends have a lot of perseverance! You can make it! You can do great things, I think, what did you just ask? ”

Guo Allen answered the three questions raised by the reporter, and the three paragraphs Guo Allen answered seemed to contain a lot of content, not only satirizing his teammates and the head coach, but also expressing his inner pain and helplessness.

Allen Guo said: This meaning is very obvious to be sarcastic to your teammates, why do you play so well! also implied his helplessness, the team doesn't need me anymore, and the head coach Yang Ming doesn't need me anymore, because my teammates play so well, so it's the same for this team to leave me.

At the same time, he also expressed his helplessness, wanting to contribute to the team and wanting to play on the field, but his teammates are playing so well, they don't need me anymore, which is the biggest helplessness and pain in Guo Allen's heart at present.

Guo Allen's words were for head coach Yang Ming, satirizing Yang Ming's high level of skills and tactics, playing a lot of routines, and the level of the players improving so quickly, it must be that head coach Yang Ming has a trick to conduct secret special training for the players. This kind of special training was carried out when I was not in the team, and it can be seen that the head coach Yang Ming has also treated me as an outsider, when I was in the team, these secrets were not taught, and I was taught when I left, avoiding me and hiding everything from me. "It's like thinking of yourself as an outsider.

On the surface, this sentence is contemptuous of the big gap between the strength of the Guangdong team and the Xinjiang team and the strength of the Liaoning team, but in fact it is a great irony of the Liaoning team, which can win 100 million points in Guangdong and 200 million points in Xinjiang, how can there be a game that has won 100 million points or 200 million points. I feel that it is very inappropriate for Guo Allen to say this, because everyone understands the meaning of his words, not only the players of the Liaoning team are not happy after hearing it, but even the head coach Yang Ming will be dissatisfied with Guo Allen after hearing it.

You can make it! You can do great things, this sentence not only satirizes the reporter's tireless interview with him, but also a kind of irony of the head coach Yang Ming, which means that he is referring to Sang scolding Huai, the reporter interviewed me again and again, what is the use of the reporter visiting the thatched house to invite me? Head coach Yang Ming looks down on me again, what's the use of reporters looking at me!

From the above exchanges between Guo Allen and reporters, we can see that although Guo Allen said so many words to vent his anger, it will not play any role, because his position in the team has been marginalized, and the team does not need himself at all.

The warm-up before the game made people teary-eyed, and Guo Allen's old father picked up the ball for Guo Allen

Since this is the case, it is better to walk away, the most distressing thing is not Guo Allen's current situation, what is even more distressing is that before the first game of the finals, the players are warming up and training, no one picks up the ball for Guo Allen, Guo Allen's old father comes on the court to personally pick up the ball for Guo Allen.

Guo Allen confided in reporters that he was helpless, and his old father picked up the ball for him before the game, but was ignored by Yang Ming

Guo Allen was given a cold reception in the team, Guo Allen's father saw it in his eyes and hurt in his heart! No matter how old Guo Allen is, it is also his own son, in order to let his son come back as soon as possible, be able to play on the field, and help the team, he can only be a sparring partner in the team. When his teammates in the team don't pick up the ball for Guo Allen, before each game, when Guo Allen is training, his old father will pick up the ball for him.

Guo Allen's old father's approach makes people feel that it is not only for his son, but also for everyone to know, let head coach Yang Ming see Guo Allen's situation and experience in the team, Guo Allen's father is slapping Yang Ming in the face.

Guo Allen confided in reporters that he was helpless, and his old father picked up the ball for him before the game, but was ignored by Yang Ming

When I saw Guo Allen's old father picking up the ball for Guo Allen on the court, there was an indescribable pain in my heart, which was difficult to express in words, and this pain was difficult to describe in words.

Maybe this is called "licking the calf deeply"! Allen Guo's father gave the best interpretation of this idiom.

Guo Allen confided in reporters that he was helpless, and his old father picked up the ball for him before the game, but was ignored by Yang Ming

The fans have something to say

Let's see what fans have to say.

Fan "Youyou" commented: "Touched and sad, how many ups and downs Allen's parents have gone through with him for so many years!" ”

Yes, the wind and rain mentioned here are not only the wind and rain in nature, but also the "wind and rain" in life! Allen Guo really took great pains for his son!

Guo Allen confided in reporters that he was helpless, and his old father picked up the ball for him before the game, but was ignored by Yang Ming

Fan "Hao Zai" commented: "Is Guo Allen at odds with the team? Don't even have a team to serve? ”

In fact, everyone can see the contradiction between the team and Guo Allen, the "service team" that this fan refers to is actually the sparring partner, the player who picks up the ball for Guo Allen, or the sparring partner.

If the Liaoning team urgently needs Guo Allen's comeback, if head coach Yang Ming really needs Guo Allen, he will definitely not let an old man over half a hundred years old pick up the ball for his son. Guo Allen's father picked up the ball for his son, Guo Allen did not let his father pick it up, Guo Allen's purpose is obviously to let everyone see what happened to him in the team, even if he left the Liaoning team later, let Liaoning fans know how he left.

Guo Allen confided in reporters that he was helpless, and his old father picked up the ball for him before the game, but was ignored by Yang Ming

Fan "Struggle 2024" commented: "Guo Allen is back, and he finds that his position is gone, and no matter how he warms up before the game, he has no chance to play." ”

This fan's comment is very good, it is indeed like this, after Guo Allen came back from Spain, he found that his place was gone, the players were estranged from him, and the coaching staff was indifferent to him.

Guo Allen confided in reporters that he was helpless, and his old father picked up the ball for him before the game, but was ignored by Yang Ming

No matter how much you warm up, no matter how hard you try, you are always ignored by the coaching staff, who always refuse to play on the court on the grounds that your physical condition is not up to the requirements. Head coach Yang Ming also doesn't care about himself, no matter how good his state is, he can't get the approval of head coach Yang Ming, the head coach just doesn't need you, the team just doesn't need you, no matter how good the state is, it's useless, no matter how much you want to play, just don't use you, the intention of head coach Yang Ming and the coaching staff is very obvious is to grind Guo Allen softly.

No matter how the team treats Guo Allen, no matter how head coach Yang Ming ignores Guo Allen, but as Guo Allen's father, he will always support his son to play the game, and he will hope that his son can get better and better, this is the greatness of a father, this is a great father.

The flowers fall intentionally, and the flowing water is ruthless! Guo Allen was once again ignored by Yang Ming

Before the start of the second game of the Xinjiang Liao finals, there was a dramatic but very embarrassing scene on the sidelines: after Guo Allen warmed up, he sat on the bench to rest, he saw head coach Yang Ming passing by, Guo Allen hurriedly turned sideways and wanted to talk to head coach Yang Ming, but head coach Yang Ming turned a blind eye, looked to the other side as if no one was around, and didn't even look at Guo Allen, Guo Allen looked very embarrassed.

Guo Allen confided in reporters that he was helpless, and his old father picked up the ball for him before the game, but was ignored by Yang Ming

We can take a look at the head coach Yang Ming's arrogance, as well as the disdain for Guo Allen, and don't even look at Guo Allen. If there is no contradiction between head coach Yang Ming and Guo Allen, they will definitely have to say a few words, or stand there and chat for a while, at least it is not that kind of indifferent face, nor is it that kind of arrogant posture.

If you are a leader with high emotional intelligence, or a head coach with high emotional intelligence, even if you have more dissatisfaction in your heart, no matter how big your opinions are, you will not immediately show it on your face, and you have to get by on the surface. It can be seen that the contradiction between head coach Yang Ming and Guo Allen is too deep, and this contradiction seems to have turned into a kind of hatred.

At this time, Guo Allen, seeing that head coach Yang Ming didn't take himself seriously at all, didn't seem to see himself, Guo Allen also felt very bored, he twisted his face, and his smile immediately froze on his face.

Guo Allen confided in reporters that he was helpless, and his old father picked up the ball for him before the game, but was ignored by Yang Ming

This is the second time that Guo Allen has been disregarded, in fact, these two times of disregard for Guo Allen are all things that everyone can see, and there are still things that everyone doesn't know, maybe how many times?

Guo Allen's current position in the Liaoning team is indeed very embarrassing, especially the attitude of head coach Yang Ming towards Guo Allen, which is really unbearable, and it is difficult to say whether Guo Allen is also partly responsible.

No matter what, since you are still in a team, since you are still part of the team, no matter what, you have to give face, and you have to save face!

As the saying goes, stay a line in life, and see you in the future! It is impossible for a person to be faceless for the rest of his life! There will always be a day when we will meet again.

If the Liaoning team really doesn't need Guo Allen, I advise Guo Allen to leave as soon as possible!

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