
Based on Java, SpringBoot and HTML housekeeping service appointment management system, the design is accompanied by source code

author:Program ape big waves


With the acceleration of the pace of modern life, there is a growing demand for housekeeping services. In order to improve the efficiency and user experience of housekeeping services, this study aims to design and implement a housekeeping appointment management system based on Java, Spring Boot framework and HTML front-end technology. The system aims to provide a concise and efficient platform for users to conveniently book various housekeeping services and provide a reliable management tool for housekeeping service providers.

The system adopts B/S architecture, and the backend is developed using Java language combined with Spring Boot framework, so as to take advantage of its rapid development characteristics and powerful dependency injection mechanism, while ensuring the scalability and maintenance of the system. Spring Boot's integration and auto-configuration simplify the complex configuration and management of traditional Spring applications, allowing developers to focus on the implementation of business logic.

The front-end interface is built with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript technologies to ensure a user-friendly and responsive design that can be adapted to different end devices such as PCs, tablets and smartphones. Asynchronous communication with the backend through Ajax and JSON data exchange formats enables a smooth user interaction experience.

Through the design and implementation of the housekeeping service appointment management system, it not only optimizes the workflow of housekeeping service, improves service efficiency, but also provides users with a convenient and intuitive appointment channel. In addition, the system provides data analysis capabilities for domestic service providers to help them better understand market demand and adjust service strategies to improve service quality and customer satisfaction.

In conclusion, the Java, Spring Boot and HTML based housekeeping appointment management system is a modern, efficient and user-friendly solution, which can effectively meet the needs of the housekeeping service market and has a good market application prospect.

Based on Java, SpringBoot and HTML housekeeping service appointment management system, the design is accompanied by source code
Based on Java, SpringBoot and HTML housekeeping service appointment management system, the design is accompanied by source code

Implemented features

Three roles: administrator, housekeeper, and ordinary user;

Ordinary users can make appointments, leave anonymous messages, view announcements, modify personal information, evaluate reservation orders, etc.;

Housekeeping staff can view announcements, leave messages, make appointments, modify personal information, etc.;

Administrators can have the highest administrative privileges and various administrations.

Based on Java, SpringBoot and HTML housekeeping service appointment management system, the design is accompanied by source code
Based on Java, SpringBoot and HTML housekeeping service appointment management system, the design is accompanied by source code

Technology used

Backend frameworks: Java language, SpringBoot framework, and maven dependency management

Database used: MySQL database


Based on Java, SpringBoot and HTML housekeeping service appointment management system, the design is accompanied by source code
Based on Java, SpringBoot and HTML housekeeping service appointment management system, the design is accompanied by source code

Backend code display

public class AdviceController {

    private AdviceService adviceService;

     * 添加
     * @param
     * @return
    @RequestMapping(value = "/addAdvice")
    public Map<String,Object> addAdvice(HttpServletRequest request, @RequestBody Advice advice){

        return adviceService.addAdvice(advice,request);

     * 更新
     * @param
     * @return
    @RequestMapping(value = "/updateAdvice")
    public Map<String,Object> updateAdvice(HttpServletRequest request,@RequestBody Advice advice){
        return adviceService.updateAdvice(advice, request);

     * 查询
     * @param
     * @return
    @RequestMapping(value = "/findAdvice")
    public Map<String,Object> findAdvice(@RequestBody Advice advice){
        return adviceService.findAdvice(advice);

Based on Java, SpringBoot and HTML housekeeping service appointment management system, the design is accompanied by source code
Based on Java, SpringBoot and HTML housekeeping service appointment management system, the design is accompanied by source code

Front-end code display

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To get the source code, please pay attention to the private message "20240518"

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