
The US fighter plane could also have an accident on the ground, the ejection seat ground was activated, and the flight instructor was killed

author:War Research

The United States has the largest air combat force in the world, but in recent years, the US military has been unexpectedly one after another. Judging from the information disclosed by the media, the F-22 stealth fighter fighter, which the United States is proud of, has had two relatively serious accidents at the Kadena base in a row. Although the two accidents of the F-22 stealth fighter at the Kadena base were separated by nearly a month, the cause of the accident was almost identical, and the landing gear of the two F-22 stealth fighters was broken. Such accidents are not uncommon for F-22 stealth fighters, and there have also been cases in the United States where the landing gear of the F-22 stealth fighter broke, which subsequently led to the crash of the aircraft. The biggest difference between the F-22 stealth fighter and other US military aircraft is that the F-22 stealth fighter has long been discontinued, and if it is damaged, it will not be able to be supplemented by the new aircraft, although the United States already has the F-35 stealth fighter, but the United States has always believed that the F-22 stealth fighter is more excellent in air supremacy combat capabilities, so in recent years, the United States is still increasing the deployment of F-22 stealth fighters to the Indo-Pacific region, trying to use these F-22 stealth fighters to compete with the PLA.

The US fighter plane could also have an accident on the ground, the ejection seat ground was activated, and the flight instructor was killed

In the past, most of the aircraft crashed in the United States were drones or some fourth-generation aircraft, but recently, the models used by the United States for combat support have also begun to have accidents. There is also a large detachment of trainer planes in the combat sequence of the US Air Force, but according to media reports, a training plane of the US military also had an accident a few days ago. The U.S. Air Force Times reported on May 14, local time, that a T-6A Texan-2 trainer aircraft in an air force base in Texas, the United States, malfunctioned, and the ejection seat was directly activated when parked on the ground.

The US fighter plane could also have an accident on the ground, the ejection seat ground was activated, and the flight instructor was killed

Normally, during the maintenance of aircraft on the ground, the aircraft has a large number of safety pins removed before take-off to prevent ground staff or pilots from accidentally touching it for various reasons, but it is obvious that these insurance pins did not help the US military avoid accidents in this accident. According to a lot of information obtained by the War Research Institute, in the past period of time, similar accidents actually occurred in Russia, and Russia's Tu-22M3 strategic bomber had a ground crew member accidentally trigger the ejection seat during the maintenance of the aircraft, so the ground crew died.

The US fighter plane could also have an accident on the ground, the ejection seat ground was activated, and the flight instructor was killed

The occurrence of a large number of accidents in the US military one after another, on the one hand, shows that the proper rate of the US military's weapons and equipment is in a state of decline, and on the other hand, it also shows that many ground and maintenance personnel of the US military are in a state of absent-mindedness in the course of service, so the accidents have occurred one after another, and for the US military, which is now constantly acting around the world, it should also be taken seriously and reflected; if the United States does not intervene in any way, then I am afraid that the United States will lose more fighters because of a series of accidents than the fighters it has lost in actual combat.

The US fighter plane could also have an accident on the ground, the ejection seat ground was activated, and the flight instructor was killed

Although the trainer plane did not crash, but the ejection seat was started, according to the war research to grasp a lot of news, now the United States in the field of training aircraft is also a headache, the United States seems to have the world's largest army, but in fact, the US military wants to upgrade the existing training aircraft is also facing a lot of trouble, including the Boeing research and development of the new T-7 Red Eagle training aircraft program continues to extend. Text/Iris

The US fighter plane could also have an accident on the ground, the ejection seat ground was activated, and the flight instructor was killed

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