
The Hyundai-class is suspected of approaching Taiwan Island, and the United States has warned the mainland not to act recklessly, and the two aircraft carriers have chosen to stay away

author:War Research

There are also a number of modern-class missile destroyers manufactured by Russia in the PLA's combat sequence, which also filled the gap in the absence of missile destroyers on the mainland at the beginning of its introduction. Today, these modern-class missile destroyers are still in Laoji and continue to serve, but the comprehensive performance of the modern-class missile destroyers has been far from the strength of the PLA's 052D missile destroyers and Type 055 10,000-ton missile destroyers. During the May Day holiday, during the first sea trial of the Fujian aircraft carrier in the East China Sea, according to the information obtained by the War Research Institute, a modern-class missile destroyer played the role of escort at sea. The Hyundai-class missile destroyer has always been called the "aircraft carrier killer", this is because the Hyundai-class missile destroyer has a strong anti-ship strike capability, but in terms of air defense combat capabilities, the Hyundai-class missile destroyer is obviously insufficient, but what is the matter with being able to cooperate with the Fujian aircraft carrier to conduct sea trials? The War Research Institute believes that this is actually related to the type of mission of the Fujian aircraft carrier at this stage, because the Fujian aircraft carrier is carrying out operations in the coastal waters of the mainland, and in fact there is no air threat at all, so the PLA will also use the modern-class missile destroyer with less onerous tasks to escort the escort.

The Hyundai-class is suspected of approaching Taiwan Island, and the United States has warned the mainland not to act recklessly, and the two aircraft carriers have chosen to stay away

However, in addition to going to the East China Sea to escort the Fujian aircraft carrier at sea, according to information obtained by the War Research Institute, foreign satellites have pointed out that a Hyundai-class missile destroyer is currently conducting operations in the waters northeast of Taiwan Island, and in order to deal with the PLA's Modern-class missile destroyer, the Taiwan military has also urgently dispatched a Chenggong-class warship to keep an eye on and track it. Taiwan is constantly hyping up the so-called interception of the PLA, but in fact this kind of interception can only be called surveillance, because the Taiwan military units do not dare to do anything to interfere with the PLA's navigation trajectory, and even the strength of the Hyundai-class missile destroyers is still higher than that of a large number of Taiwan warships.

The Hyundai-class is suspected of approaching Taiwan Island, and the United States has warned the mainland not to act recklessly, and the two aircraft carriers have chosen to stay away

As 520 approaches, the United States is also worried about a series of conflicts in the Taiwan Strait. According to information disclosed by the media, the United States has once again issued a warning to the mainland. On May 14, US local time, US Secretary of State Kangda, who is in charge of Asia-Pacific affairs, once again stated on the Taiwan Strait issue that it is necessary to strictly guard against any reckless actions by the mainland, and the so-called reckless actions actually refer to the PLA's intensified combat patrols around the Taiwan Strait. Recently, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has even dispatched as many as 45 sorties in a single combat patrol operation.

The Hyundai-class is suspected of approaching Taiwan Island, and the United States has warned the mainland not to act recklessly, and the two aircraft carriers have chosen to stay away

In the past, whenever the situation in the Taiwan Strait is tense, the United States will put out its own aircraft carriers, normally, the United States will only maintain a carrier deployment in the Indo-Pacific region, but under special circumstances, the United States will also carry out dual aircraft carriers, or even 3 aircraft carrier deployment, but in 520, when Lai Qingde is about to announce his inauguration, the United States has chosen to stay away. At present, the United States is active in the Indo-Pacific region with the USS Roosevelt nuclear-powered aircraft carrier and the USS Ronald Reagan nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, while the USS Roosevelt nuclear-powered aircraft carrier left the South China Sea directly and docked in Southeast Asian countries, while the USS Ronald Reagan nuclear-powered aircraft carrier left Japan's Yokosuka military port directly to prepare to depart for the US mainland.

The Hyundai-class is suspected of approaching Taiwan Island, and the United States has warned the mainland not to act recklessly, and the two aircraft carriers have chosen to stay away

The reaction of the US Navy's aircraft carriers before Lai Qingde's inauguration was quite special, and the War Research Institute believed that according to the US style of action in the past period, the United States would definitely send an aircraft carrier to the eastern part of Taiwan Island, that is, the waters near where the modern missile destroyers now appeared, and now the PLA has shown a relatively old aircraft carrier killer, and at the same time, the US Navy's aircraft carriers did not choose to approach. Text/Iris

The Hyundai-class is suspected of approaching Taiwan Island, and the United States has warned the mainland not to act recklessly, and the two aircraft carriers have chosen to stay away

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