
Today's tweet: The president seems to have an object, and he videos every night, which is very sweet

author:A little fox who travels through time

Everyone has their own path, and not all of them will accompany us, so learn to be alone!

For many years, everyone knows that Yu Mai has a handsome brother who is closer than his own brother, 190+ tall, blonde and blue-eyed, and cold-skinned!

"Domino Love" is a joy

Today's tweet: The president seems to have an object, and he videos every night, which is very sweet

The first time Yu Mai saw Domi was in the middle of summer when the countryside was full of cicadas.

The foreign child is really beautiful, Yu Mai pointed to "her" golden curly hair: she looks like a doll!

The memories of my childhood stay in the depths of time, and many years later, at the reunion scene, Yu Mai, who fought for friends and people, was about to be beaten, and a teenager in a baseball uniform came to him like a boy, and the long golden hair under the brim of his hat was beautifully curled in the sun.

Yu Mai looked at the man's back and was stunned for a few seconds: Who are you?

The young man looked sideways, a pair of green pupils were clear and cold, and then he didn't look back, and punched the gangster who bullied him.

Yu Mai: ......

For many years after that, everyone knew that Yu Mai had a handsome brother who was closer than his own brother, with a height of 190+, blonde hair and blue eyes and cold white skin.

Until that year.

The senior sister of the club told the new junior: Don't think about it, the president seems to have a partner, and he videos every night, which is so sweet!

Looking at the gentle and handsome senior Yu Mai, there was an inevitable ruthlessness in the eyes of the junior: So what? It's still a long-distance relationship.

A week later, Senior Yu Mai's legendary younger brother who was closer than his own brother suddenly flew to the school, and the junior faintly felt that something was wrong, and tentatively: Does Senior Yu Mai really have a partner?

The younger brother sneered: He's the object-

In the tent on the top of the mountain at midnight, the young man gritted his teeth and imprisoned his brother in his arms, and couldn't help but bow his head and kiss the person fiercely.


Yumai x Michelle (Domi)

"Tibetan Wild" 100-year-old vinegar

Today's tweet: The president seems to have an object, and he videos every night, which is very sweet

Three years ago, a top-notch unexpectedly diverged in the brand venue, and S-class pheromones swept the entire venue, which had a wide impact.

Among them is Tan Feng, who has long since differentiated into Alpha.

Therefore, Tan Feng, who has been in the hospital for a month, complained in front of his fox friends and dog friends: "Lao Tzu is not happy when he sees Fang Yi's face."

The two people who thought that they couldn't beat the eight poles didn't come to terms with each other, but they didn't think that they could meet again after three years.

and was packed into his room by Tan Feng and his dear head teacher.

Since then, Alpha has felt like he's been harassed all his life.

See each other again until after the breakup.

Tan Feng: "Sure enough, I was upset when I saw your face."

Fang Yi: "You're going to be happy."

This book is also known as "Child Stars Enter the Campus"

"Rhinitis Beta Life Manual" sea duck falls

Today's tweet: The president seems to have an object, and he videos every night, which is very sweet

Pei Ke swore to exercise hard because of the physical examination report, but he didn't expect to be scammed.

The gym owner who just got the card ran away!

As a senior accountant, he moved when he heard the wind, and took his good brother Zhao Ma Quhou, a A and an O, two generals, went straight to the gym to move equipment, and he had to recover his losses and settle the accounts fiercely.

But I didn't expect to move the equipment and move it to the end, and directly move the fitness coach home as a tenant.

The tenant has been upgraded to a private trainer, and the lonely man and widow are in the same room, accumulating over time, the body fat is declining, but the relationship is heating up.


Cheng Yuelong thought that this was Pei Ke's means of indulgence.

This unfortunate man who encountered the boss running away, the job was gone, and the former roommate was perverted, originally thought that he had found a safe haven, and Pei Ke was very good.

I didn't expect the times to progress, and Beta played cool.

Pei Ke is surrounded by colorful butterflies, but it can be regarded as AO, Zhao Dingtian and Qu Hou plus him, the three of them are green A bamboo O live together in the global village, and a community opens the curtain is Dabao every day.

Just when he was pulled by morality and couldn't resist approaching Pei Ke, he unexpectedly found that his "lovers" didn't seem to be loyal.

The two people chatting across servers are about to start an urban drama.

"Burning Winter" starts now......

"The Eunuch" Ming Ling ignored it

Today's tweet: The president seems to have an object, and he videos every night, which is very sweet

The generals were about to fight to the death, but the court was weak and sued for peace.

What's even more annoying is that when Sima Cuo resisted the decree and returned to Beijing to face the saint,

Yun Qing'an, the factory governor who was rumored to be in trouble, stood tall and looked down at him, smiling ill-willedly.

"It's okay to see Your Majesty. Come, beg me. ”

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