
Bin losers group interview, taking the all-Chinese class championship as motivation; LOL designers once again teach players how to build

author:Leaf Pig Game Network

  Without the devastating experience of JDG last year, BLG fell into the lower bracket in this year's MSI Mid-Season Tournament. After the game, Bin was interviewed and talked about a number of personal thoughts;

  On the other hand, the recently updated LOL 14.10 version is causing controversy among players. Due to the large number of changes, the win rate of many heroes fluctuates significantly. The remedy used by the designers is quite special...... Without further ado, let's take a look at today's LOL circle hotspots.

Bin losers group interview, taking the all-Chinese class championship as motivation; LOL designers once again teach players how to build

  Bin's motivation to play professionally is to win the championship in the all-Chinese class

  Yesterday's MSI Mid-Season Upper Bracket Final, GEN defeated BLG 3-1, and the latter fell into the lower bracket as a result. As the most "hardest" person in this round of BO5, Bin was interviewed by Vietnamese media after the game. Facing the camera, Bin didn't feel frustrated at all, after all, there was still a chance ahead.

Bin losers group interview, taking the all-Chinese class championship as motivation; LOL designers once again teach players how to build

  When asked if he would feel pressure after falling into the lower bracket, Bin thought that "if it's an S match", because the most valuable game of the year is the S game. And it's true, last year T1 lost a whole year, because of the S championship "whitewashing" became the hero of the LCK division.

Bin losers group interview, taking the all-Chinese class championship as motivation; LOL designers once again teach players how to build

  When asked about the toughest opponent of his career, Bin's answer was Nuguri and The Shy, two toplaners who had beaten him in the S Tournament. At the same time, he also recognized the strength of G2's top laner BrokenBlade. If he could choose an opponent in the lower bracket, he would prefer G2 that he hadn't played again.

Bin losers group interview, taking the all-Chinese class championship as motivation; LOL designers once again teach players how to build

  Finally, when Bin was asked what motivated him to play professionally, Bin's reply was "All Chinese class needs an S champion". This year, BLG has formed an all-Chinese squad that is working hard with this goal. Although they are now in the lower bracket, their MSI mid-season journey is not over yet.

Bin losers group interview, taking the all-Chinese class championship as motivation; LOL designers once again teach players how to build

  I hope that in the game tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, BLG, as the No. 1 seed in the LPL, can come back and fight GEN again.

  MSI Hero Win Rate Ranking

  So far in the MSI Mid-Season, there are only four teams left on the field (and one will be eliminated today). The teams made frequent tricks and did their best in BP. In almost every position, there are some special castings. So do you know which heroes have the highest win rate in each position?

Bin losers group interview, taking the all-Chinese class championship as motivation; LOL designers once again teach players how to build

  Hit the road:

  1. 奥恩 6W1L 胜率86%

  2. Camille 5W1L 80% Win Rate

  3. 薇恩 6W2L 胜率75%


  1. 奈德丽 4W0L 胜率100%

  2. 波比 3W1L 胜率75%

  3. 瑟庄妮 11W8L 胜率58%

  Mid Lane:

  1. 阿狸 8W5L 胜率62%

  1. 崔丝塔娜 8W5L 胜率62%

  3. 彗 3W2L 胜率60%


  1. 卢锡安 13W4L 胜率76%

  2. 赛娜 11W7L 胜率61%

  3. 卡莉丝塔 19W19L 胜率50%


  1. 奥恩 3W0L 胜率100%

  2. 波比 4W1L 胜率80%

  3. 娜美 13W4L 胜率76%

Bin losers group interview, taking the all-Chinese class championship as motivation; LOL designers once again teach players how to build

  Orn, whether in the upper unit or in the support position, is the hero with the highest win rate so far in this MSI midseason, but he has not played much, accumulating only 11 games. In the jungler position, the leopard woman has the highest win rate (Canyon uses it many times), and the middle laner is Ahri. In the AD position, Lucian's dominance is unmatched.

Bin losers group interview, taking the all-Chinese class championship as motivation; LOL designers once again teach players how to build

  The lineup with the highest BP rate is Quisanti, Vi, Rock Sparrow, Senna and Titan. To be honest, whether this lineup is BLG, GEN, T1 or G2, you can actually imagine the picture, and they are the veritable version of the heroes. Of course, people like Zach, Yasuo, and Wayne are also very picturesque at this MSI, and I don't know if there will be new casting in the next few days.

  LOL designers teach outfits online

  Update 14.10 has now been updated, and in this new version, Riot designers have removed several rune talents and gear, making it a mid-year update. As a result, not long after the new version was launched, problems followed. Many of the most popular heroes have fallen to the bottom of the win rate due to strength deviations.

Bin losers group interview, taking the all-Chinese class championship as motivation; LOL designers once again teach players how to build

  For this state of affairs, Riot designers made two treatments. One is to update the hotpatch to enhance it, and the other is to teach players to build. Yes, you read that right, Phreak, head of the LOL Balance Group, pointed out in today's feed that Yasuo, Yon, EZ, and Captain are all heroes with abnormal strength. However, the reason for the abnormal strength is that the player has the wrong equipment.

Bin losers group interview, taking the all-Chinese class championship as motivation; LOL designers once again teach players how to build

  This statement quickly caused dissatisfaction among the players, and someone left a message asking him how Yongen was playing now. Phreak replied, noting, "Phantom Dance and Infinity Blade, or Ruined King's Blade and Infinity Blade, or Infinity Blade and Phantom Dance." ”

Bin losers group interview, taking the all-Chinese class championship as motivation; LOL designers once again teach players how to build

  In the past, the shield bow and kraken in the mainstream of Wyon's outfit seem to have been abandoned, and instead changed to a pure attack speed critical attack gameplay. And the designers preferred to strengthen Smod and the plane rather than adjust these popular heroes, maybe they really have their own opinions.

Bin losers group interview, taking the all-Chinese class championship as motivation; LOL designers once again teach players how to build

  The current version has just been updated, and perhaps after more sessions, the new data will tell who is in trouble.

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