
Three major reasons have led to the deterioration of China-Philippines relations: the United States engaging in proxy wars, and the Philippines rampage in the South China Sea

author:A knight of national relations

Recently, the Philippines has been hyping up the South China Sea issue, which has attracted the attention of the international community. In the face of the deterioration of China-Philippines relations, the responsibility is obvious, that is, the Philippine government of Marcos Jr. has evil intentions and wants to bring in foreign forces to fish in troubled waters, which has not only caused some trouble to China, but also put more and more pressure on itself.

Three major reasons have led to the deterioration of China-Philippines relations: the United States engaging in proxy wars, and the Philippines rampage in the South China Sea

Some Philippine experts pointed out that there are three main reasons for the deterioration of Sino-Philippine relations, of which the United States is a very important factor, and of course, there is also Marcos Jr.'s pro-US stance, which has already bet his "treasure" on the so-called US-Philippine alliance. Just recently, the Philippines tried in vain to make the situation in the South China Sea bigger, and even claimed to have completed the so-called "100-ship rush", but in fact, it did not dare to move forward 50 nautical miles away from China's Huangyan Dao.

Three major reasons have led to the deterioration of China-Philippines relations: the United States engaging in proxy wars, and the Philippines rampage in the South China Sea

According to the Global Times website, Bobby Tuazon, director of the "People's Good Governance" Center of the Philippine think tank, said in an interview with the Global Times a few days ago that the various issues related to the South China Sea dispute, even if there are many differences and contradictions, can only be resolved politically by the parties concerned, that is, China and the Philippines, through peaceful negotiations, and should not be like Marcos Jr., the introduction of US interference and intervention will only make the situation more complicated and tense.

Three major reasons have led to the deterioration of China-Philippines relations: the United States engaging in proxy wars, and the Philippines rampage in the South China Sea

In fact, a careful analysis of the current confrontation between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea shows that there are three major reasons for the deterioration of China-Philippines relations:

First, Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. already considers himself a "hardcore ally" of the United States and fantasizes about using American intervention to counterbalance China. Whether it is the opening of a number of additional local military bases for the US military to station, or the fact that the US military has delivered and deployed land-based intermediate-range missile systems to these military bases, Marcos Jr. believes that he can rely on the "US-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty" signed decades ago to deter China, and Philippine officials and military generals have claimed more than once that "as long as someone dies in the Philippines in a confrontation, the terms of the "US-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty" can be triggered.

However, in the eyes of China, this is a naked provocation and help the United States to contain and suppress China's development and rise. Last year, both China and ASEAN countries were already gradually reviewing the Code of Conduct for Parties in the South China Sea, when the government of Ferdinand Marcos Jr. suddenly jumped out and caused the Ren'ai Jiao incident, which caused the South China Sea, which had been much calmer since the 2016 arbitration farce, to make waves again. Therefore, such an illusion that by hugging the thigh of the United States, it can confront China and seek so-called territorial and resource interests is the main reason for the deterioration of Sino-Philippine relations.

Three major reasons have led to the deterioration of China-Philippines relations: the United States engaging in proxy wars, and the Philippines rampage in the South China Sea

Second, the Philippine military is still a "proxy army of the United States" to some extent, and it cannot be ruled out that the United States wants to follow Ukraine's example and engage in a so-called "proxy war", using local small-scale conflicts to consume China's strength and divert attention. In the Philippines, the Philippine military has a large voice in Philippine politics, and the Philippines was a U.S. colony before independence, so the U.S. control over the Philippine Armed Forces and the Department of Defense is "in the same line". The Philippines had been colonized by Spain, but the United States and Spain occupied the Philippines after the outbreak of war, and during World War II, the Philippines was occupied by Japan, and later MacArthur led the American army to counterattack the Philippines. In 1947, the two countries signed the "Military Base Agreement" and in 1951, the "Mutual Defense Treaty" was signed, and the United States stationed troops in the Philippines for a long time until the expiration of the term in 1991, when the Philippine Senate announced the end of the 93-year US military presence in the Philippines. It can be seen that the control and infiltration of the Philippine military by the United States has deep historical roots.

Moreover, the strength of the Philippine armed forces in the Philippine political structure is very strong, and the president also needs to allocate a large amount of budget funds to support its ties with the US military, which has led to a situation of "the military influencing politics", Marcos Jr. in order to stabilize his position, he urgently needs to obtain the support of the military, so on the one hand, he strives for a large budget to give the army a lot of "benefits", on the other hand, let it conduct joint exercises with the US military, frequent exchanges, etc., and then go to the South China Sea to "practice" and shake it, and provoke China by the way. Otherwise, it will be difficult for him to stabilize the domestic situation in such a situation where such a strong enemy is surrounded and political opponents are attacking.

Three major reasons have led to the deterioration of China-Philippines relations: the United States engaging in proxy wars, and the Philippines rampage in the South China Sea

Third, Marcos Jr. was also tempted by the United States to "donate old ships and old destroyers that are no longer in use", and these old ships were given to the Philippine Navy and Coast Guard as "gifts". In addition, every year, many Filipino junior officers receive scholarships to participate in special training in certain military departments of the United States, which also imperceptibly affects the Philippine military, and its ties and ties with the US military are even deeper.

There is no doubt that Sino-Philippine relations have deteriorated under the repeated clamor of the Philippine side, and after a period of silence, the Philippines has begun to act again in the past few days. According to the Global Times, the so-called Philippine non-governmental organization "This is ours" that wants to break into the 12-nautical-mile waters around China's Huangyan Island announced on May 16 that it has completed its goal of breaking into the 12-nautical-mile waters of Huangyan Island. In fact, the so-called "100 ships" are still more than 50 nautical miles away from China's Huangyan Dao, and they do not dare to face China's law enforcement forces at all.

Three major reasons have led to the deterioration of China-Philippines relations: the United States engaging in proxy wars, and the Philippines rampage in the South China Sea

It can be seen that these so-called "non-governmental organizations" in the Philippines chanting slogans and waving national flags, followed by more than 100 fishing boats, are actually afraid to move forward. Philippine media said that they gathered more than 200 people in the northern fishing port early on May 15 to break into the 12 nautical miles around China's Huangyan Dao in order to hype up the tense situation in the waters of Huangyan Dao and attract attention from the international community. However, such an illegal organization has been proven to be a rabble, and its actions are only boasting and swaggering, and there are either people behind them who are organizing and plotting, or for money and other interests, but it is also too comical to compare it with the fact that they stop at 50 nautical miles and pretend to announce the "victory of the operation". Therefore, I would like to advise the Philippines not to do anything beyond its means, continue to lure the wolf into the house, and do not hesitate to use the method of deteriorating China-Philippines relations to illegally seek China's territory and territorial waters.

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