
How to easily manage your SSH connection with EasySSH


About EasySSH

EasySSH is a powerful SSH connection management tool that provides a complete, efficient, and easy-to-use solution for SSH connections. With the help of the tool, researchers can create and edit SSH connections, grouped connections, and custom endpoints using multiple instances of the same connection.

How to easily manage your SSH connection with EasySSH

By providing an easy-to-use interface and automation, it helps developers switch between multiple servers more efficiently without having to remember complex SSH configurations or frequently manually enter credentials.


The current version of EasySSH has the following features:

1. Support management of connections and groups;

2. Custom terminal;

3. Dark theme;

4. Support multiple instances of the same connection;

5. Restore the open host;


7. Use password to protect data;

Technical Analysis

1. Configuration file management: EasySSH uses JSON format to store server information, such as hostname, port, user name, private key path, etc., which is convenient for unified management and backup;

2. One-click connection: Through the defined alias, researchers can quickly connect to any configured server;

3. Security authentication: support public key authentication and provide a more secure connection method;

4. Command history: save and reuse past commands to improve work efficiency;

5. Scalability: As an open-source project, researchers can customize and extend its functions according to their needs;

Features and advantages

1. Simple and easy to use: even users who are not familiar with CLI (command line interface) can quickly get started;

2. Lightweight: The installation package is small, the resource occupation is low, and it does not affect the operation of other processes;

3. Customization: Allow custom configuration to meet specific needs;

4. Community support: As an open source project, there is an active community that can ask for help and exchange experiences;

Application scenarios

1. Multi-server operation and maintenance: For system administrators or DevOps engineers who need to switch between multiple servers frequently, EasySSH can greatly save time and reduce errors;

2. Remote development environment: Developers can easily access various remote development environments, such as Docker containers or VPS, through EasySSH;

3. Automation scripts: Using its API, SSH connections can be integrated in automation scripts for batch operations or monitoring tasks;

Source code acquisition

Researchers can directly clone the source code of the project locally with the following command:

git clone           

Develop and build

If you want to customize EasySSH or build your own project code according to your needs, you need to install and configure the following dependencies:



libgranite-dev (>= 6.0.0)






Run meson build config environment variables, then run ninja test build and run auto-planning tests:

meson build --prefix=/usr

cd build

ninja test           

To install, use ninja install and run the following command:

sudo ninja install


Tool installation

Researchers can use Flatpak to install EasySSH directly:

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub

flatpak install flathub com.github.muriloventuroso.easyssh           

tool runs

flatpak run com.github.muriloventuroso.easyssh           

Screenshot of the tool running

The main interface of the tool

How to easily manage your SSH connection with EasySSH

tool runs

How to easily manage your SSH connection with EasySSH

License Agreement

This project is developed and released under an open source license.

Project address


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