
rubbed hot spots to spread rumors that "hail can kill people", and the publisher of the fake video was fined|elephant refuted the rumors

author:Oriental News

Elephant News reporter Wang Lin

Spread rumors with one mouth, refute rumors and run legs. Recently, the Cyberspace Commission of the Henan Provincial Party Committee attaches great importance to the governance of the network ecology and carefully arranges a series of special actions called "Qing Lang". According to reports, the relevant departments directly under the provincial government and local cyberspace commissions have orderly promoted the governance of network ecological problems such as infringement and harmful information involving enterprises, "self-media" bottomless traffic, and illegal information external links, and have achieved positive results. The Cyberspace Administration of the Henan Provincial Party Committee announced 10 cases of violations based on the development of the province's "Qing Lang" series of special actions.

Concocting and disseminating false and untrue information to seek illegal benefits

Case 1: After investigation by the public security organs of Shaanzhou District, Sanmenxia City, Zhu, together with Sun, Li, Lei, and Yao, produced and published false and untrue information about a number of enterprises, including an aluminum company in Sanmenxia City, through online accounts such as "No Ancient Trouble", "Xiao Li Handling Affairs", and "Watching Things and Handling Affairs", damaging the reputation of the enterprise, taking the opportunity to ask for deletion fees, and illegally making a total of more than 80,000 yuan; Zhu and Sun carried out illegal business activities by providing paid deletion services for others, and made illegal profits totaling more than 90,000 yuan. In March 2024, the trial organ made a first-instance judgment in accordance with the law, and Zhu and others committed the crimes of extortion and illegal business operation, and were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment and corresponding punishments respectively.

In the name of "public opinion supervision", paid deletion of posts, extortion of enterprises

Case 2: Zhao collected information on various units and enterprises in an organized manner through WeChat groups, and registered multiple online accounts such as "Kanxinyang", "Accompany You to Kanxinyang" and "Kanxinyang" on major website platforms across the country, and after exaggerating the facts and adding fabricated content, negative information was formed, which was published on major website platforms through his registered accounts. The Xinyang City Internet Information and Public Security Department reminded Zhao many times and asked Zhao to go online and use the Internet in accordance with the law. Zhao did not listen to dissuasion, and continued to adopt methods such as centralized release and repeated hype to put pressure on relevant units, enterprises and individuals, and collect "deletion fees". On April 22, 2024, the public security organs of Gushi County, Xinyang City, took criminal coercive measures against Zhao in accordance with the law. At present, the case is under further investigation.

Case 3: Since November 2023, under the banner of "paying attention to social conditions and people's livelihood", Sun has used mobile phones and drones to take pictures of the production sites of construction, mining and other enterprises in many places, and released a large number of negative information about the company through the online account "Brother Views the World", so as to coerce the company involved to pay the "deletion fee". After investigation by the Luohe City Public Security Organ, Sun's behavior was suspected of extortion. On March 8, 2024, the public security organs of Yuncheng District, Luohe City, took criminal coercive measures against Sun in accordance with the law, and on April 30, Sun was transferred to the Yuncheng District People's Procuratorate for review and prosecution.

Self-directed and self-staged fraud, disrupting social and public order

Case 4: On March 18, 2024, Zhang posted a short video with the park scenery as the background and the audio text content "A pair of young men and women committed suicide by jumping into the river together" through the online account "1660613651643b"; On April 10, 2024, Li posted a short video with a photo of a young woman sitting by the river in the background of the young woman she was looking for on the Internet through the online account "@lu9434251", and the audio text content was "At 3 o'clock in the morning, she drank pesticides, ended her life less than 30 years old, and left her child who was less than 1 year old and waiting to be fed, this is a real thing". After verification by the Lingbao City Internet Information and Public Security Departments, the relevant videos are all self-directed and self-performed false information. As of April 24, 2024, the Lingbao Municipal Public Security Bureau imposed administrative penalties of fines on the online account hosts, Zhang and Li, respectively.

Case 5: On April 21, 2024, Duan posted a short video with the background of school at the end of the school gate through the online account "Happy Life 275236 with the audio text content of "School closed, silent at home". After the video was released, it quickly reached 300,000 views. After verification by the Internet information and public security departments of Luyi County, Zhoukou City, Duan recorded a video of the scene at the school gate when picking up his grandson from school, edited and synthesized relevant audio on the Internet, and produced and published false information in order to attract fans and attract traffic. On April 23, 2024, the public security organs of Luyi County, Zhoukou City, imposed an administrative punishment of administrative detention on Duan, the organizer of the online account, in accordance with the law, and ordered him to take measures to eliminate and dispose of the relevant false information.

Case 6: On May 2, 2024, in order to gain attention and attract fans, Liu Moufeng posted a short video of other people's weddings through the online account "Zhecheng Wedding Master", with the text "A 14-year-old boy meets the bridesmaid of the head teacher as a best man". The video quickly became the No. 1 on the regional hot search list, with more than 20 million views on the whole network. After verification by the Internet information and public security departments of Zhecheng County, Shangqiu City, there was no "head teacher bridesmaid" at the wedding scene in the video. On May 6, 2024, the public security organs of Zhecheng County, Shangqiu City, imposed an administrative penalty of a fine on Liu Moufeng, the organizer of the online account, in accordance with the law.

Unscrupulous means to stir up hot spots and publish sensational information

Case 7: On April 28, 2024, Han stirred up the hot spot of "short-term strong convective weather in some parts of the mainland", and released a short video of hail extreme weather through the online account "mozheng123456789", with the text "Hail in Baofeng, Henan can kill people". After verification by the Internet information and public security departments of Baofeng County, Pingdingshan City, before and after the release date of the short video, there was no extreme weather of hail in Pingdingshan City, and the video was not filmed in the administrative area of Baofeng County. On April 29, the public security organs of Baofeng County, Pingdingshan City, imposed an administrative penalty of a fine on Han, the organizer of the online account, in accordance with the law.

Case 8: On April 16, 2024, in order to rub off on hot blog traffic, Sun fabricated facts, and posted untrue short videos such as "No one is coming from Fat Dong, it is the rhythm of going out of business" through the online account "Wentian". On April 18, after the public security organ reminded him to talk, Sun deleted the false short video in his online account, and then opened a live webcast, continuing to stir up hot spots and win traffic attention. On April 19, the public security organs of Jian'an District, Xuchang City, imposed an administrative punishment of administrative detention on Sun, the organizer of the online account, in accordance with the law.

Case 9: On March 21, 2024, Ge Mouhua posted a comment in the comment area of the video of "Wuzhi County Xinfeng Emergency Rescue Service Center Voluntary Rescue and Salvage" released by other online accounts through the online account "Full Mother", saying that "20,000 yuan will be charged for 9 days". The comment was commented on by a large number of netizens questioning the high price of voluntary rescue, and the number of views was as high as more than 5.98 million. After verification by the Internet Information and Public Security Department of Wuzhi County, Jiaozuo City, the information is false. On April 2, the public security organs of Wuzhi County, Jiaozuo City, imposed an administrative penalty of a fine on Ge Mouhua, the organizer of the online account, in accordance with the law.

Neglect of network security management, and illegal external links on the website platform

Case 10: The Luoyang Municipal Internet Information Department inspected and found that the official website of a machinery manufacturing company in Luoyang City had illegal external links related to overseas gambling. After investigation by the Luoyang Municipal Cyberspace and Public Security Departments, the company failed to perform its network security management obligations in accordance with the law after suspending its official website, and promptly took measures such as canceling the ICP filing. On April 22, 2024, the public security organ of Mengjin District, Luoyang City, imposed an administrative penalty of a warning on the company in accordance with the law and ordered it to make corrections within a time limit.

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