
From beginner to professional: calligraphy book recommendation from Chung Hwa Book Company

author:Chung Hwa Book Company
From beginner to professional: calligraphy book recommendation from Chung Hwa Book Company

Chinese calligraphy is based on the writing of Chinese characters and is an art with a long history. Chung Hwa Book Company has published a large number of books related to calligraphy, which we recommend to you according to five categories: classic inscriptions, famous artists' art, collection of treasures, seal carving hard pen, and related research.

Classic inscriptions

The calligraphy of the famous masters of the past dynasties all shows a unique aesthetic pursuit and writing techniques, and the handwriting of different forms also implements relatively unified aesthetic principles and writing experience. After thousands of years of continuous practice and accumulation, the ancients left a large number of calligraphy inscriptions, which have become a classic model for future generations to learn and appreciate calligraphy, which is magnificent.

Starting from the oracle bone inscription of the Yin Shang Dynasty to the emergence of mature regular script in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Chinese characters developed five major scripts: seal, li, grass, line, and Kai, showing a myriad of shapes and ever-changing beauty. In general, the seal script, official script and regular script are called "orthodox" and "regular script", and the dot painting is well-prepared, pursuing a stable and solemn static beauty; Cursive and line calligraphy are simple and concise, the gestures are coherent, the pursuit of dynamic beauty, and the sense of rhythm and lyricism is also stronger.


The essence of Chinese inscriptions

"The Essence of Chinese Tablets" is a set of standing calligraphy suitable for daily appreciation and practice by Chung Hwa Book Company. Its features are as follows:

From beginner to professional: calligraphy book recommendation from Chung Hwa Book Company
From beginner to professional: calligraphy book recommendation from Chung Hwa Book Company

Gather hundreds of schools of thought to launch the representative works of calligraphers in various styles such as Kai, Xing, Li, Seal, and Cao.

Preferred version The best version is selected, carefully cut and framed, close to the original large presentation, and the original calligraphy is opposite, such as meeting the ancients.

Primary color fine printing by Artron Art four-color fine printing, using customized special paper fine restoration, impeccable color.

Punctuation Commentary Punctuation is punctuated in simplified Chinese to help readers easily understand the content of the inscription.

Comfortable and durable: Non-reflective special paper for the text relieves visual fatigue. The lock thread is glued, the flipping feeling is good, comfortable and durable.

"The Essence of Chinese Inscriptions" has been published in 80 kinds, and readers can purchase them according to their needs; The first four episodes are boxed and can also be purchased as a package.

Swipe up to view the "Essence of Chinese Tablets" has been released

From beginner to professional: calligraphy book recommendation from Chung Hwa Book Company
From beginner to professional: calligraphy book recommendation from Chung Hwa Book Company


Enlarged color version of Chinese classic inscriptions

"Chinese Classic Inscription Color Enlarged Edition" is a set of treasure-level inscription popularization books launched by Chung Hwa Book Company. Features are as follows:

From beginner to professional: calligraphy book recommendation from Chung Hwa Book Company

Extra-large eight-open, four-color fine printing, authoritative version, accurate interpretation. Authoritative Edition: Extract the treasures of inscriptions and posters in the collection of museums at home and abroad. Excellent printing Invite the color printing giant Artron Art to jointly create, four-color restoration, exquisite paper, traditional calligraphy treasures and modern printing technology complement each other. Selected Masterpieces A selection of the most important and representative calligraphers for calligraphy beginners and enthusiasts. Punctuation and commentary, fine review and fine proofreading, to help readers taste calligraphy in combination with the text.

"Chinese Classics Inscription Color Enlarged Edition" has been published in 98 kinds, and the first four series are boxed, and readers can purchase them as needed.

Swipe up to view the list of books that have been published in the "Chinese Classic Inscription Color Enlarged Edition".

From beginner to professional: calligraphy book recommendation from Chung Hwa Book Company


Famous monuments of famous calligraphers in ancient China

"Famous Monuments of Ancient Chinese Calligraphy Masters" selects the treasures of the steles in the collection, the original color, the original large, and the original appearance are presented, which is suitable for study and collection. At present, 20 kinds have been released. Features are as follows:

From beginner to professional: calligraphy book recommendation from Chung Hwa Book Company

The preferred version accurately restores the most representative famous monuments. Preferential selection of treasures from the collections of major institutions. The original color, the original large, and the original appearance are presented. Keep the preface, inscription, and inscription intact.

Appreciation, Guidance, Refinement, Refinement Organize calligraphy experts from colleges and universities to appreciate calligraphy and practice guidance. Punctuation and commentary, fine review and fine proofreading, to help readers taste calligraphy in combination with the text.

Swipe up to view the list of books that have been published in the "Chinese Classic Inscription Color Enlarged Edition".

Famous artists on art

To learn calligraphy, we should take the classic inscription as a teacher, usually starting with the main script (mostly Tang Kai), laying a good foundation for strokes and structure, and then learning cursive, and at the same time, we should also read the experience of calligraphy masters on practice and creation. The senior calligraphers either guided the way, or popularized knowledge, or shared their feelings, and wrote a lot of "everyone's little books", which provided a valuable reference for future learning.


Qi Gong will teach you calligraphy

From beginner to professional: calligraphy book recommendation from Chung Hwa Book Company

"Qi Gong Tells You Calligraphy"

Qi Gong



Based on his own practical experience, Mr. Qi Gong, a famous calligrapher, comprehensively and systematically expounded his experience and propositions on the art of calligraphy from 13 aspects, such as glyphs, selected inscriptions, and the four treasures of the study. The whole book is based on breaking and standing in it, which is not only a summary of Mr. Qigong's decades of experience in studying books, but also breaks the shackles of various concepts for beginners. The text content is a transcript of Mr. Qi Gong's speech, which is highly colloquial, fluent and quite readable.


Common sense of calligraphy

From beginner to professional: calligraphy book recommendation from Chung Hwa Book Company

Qi Gong and Qin Yonglong



This book contains the basic knowledge of all aspects of calligraphy learning, from the pen, the pen, the knot, the post, to the regular script, the line script, the cursive, the official script of the penmanship and characteristics, as well as the evolution and development of various calligraphy styles, etc., there is a detailed introduction, for the majority of calligraphy lovers is a rare calligraphy primer.


Q&A on the Art of Calligraphy (Coloring Illustration Edition)

From beginner to professional: calligraphy book recommendation from Chung Hwa Book Company

Zhou Ruchang, Zhou Lunling, ed., 978-7-101-15368-249.00 yuan

This book is a popular book of calligraphy written by Mr. Zhou Ruchang in the form of a question and answer book. Based on his years of experience and research experience, the author gradually describes the basic knowledge of Chinese calligraphy, the practice techniques and some important issues related to the history of Chinese calligraphy and the aesthetics of calligraphy. The book is equipped with precious calligraphy, painting, ink, inscription rubbing, and illustrations, and tries to indicate the age, Tibetan place and other information for reference.


Calligraphy is a must-read

From beginner to professional: calligraphy book recommendation from Chung Hwa Book Company

Written by Deng Sanmu



This book is Mr. Deng Sanmu's illustration of the book "Continuation of the Book Spectrum" written by Jiang Kui in the Southern Song Dynasty, which is an introductory book for calligraphy learning and a "guide manual" for improving the artistic accomplishment of calligraphy. Mr. Deng followed the order of the content of the "Continuation of the Book Spectrum" to interpret the origins of various styles of calligraphy, such as regular scripts, lines, and cursive, as well as the famous works of famous artists with different styles and characteristics in different eras. Attach the original traces or draw legends for the method of moving the pen and the structure of the glyphs; Explain allusions, calligraphic terms, etc. in the commentary.


Pan Boying talks about the introduction of calligraphy

From beginner to professional: calligraphy book recommendation from Chung Hwa Book Company

Written by Pan Boying



This book is an introduction to calligraphy written for beginners. The author uses concise words to describe his experience in learning calligraphy in the past forty or fifty years, from how to hold and use the pen, how to knot the characters, to the selection of pen, ink, paper, inkstone and reference books. By following this book, readers can hope to lay a foundation and embark on the road of advanced calligraphy step by step.


There is a way to learn calligraphy: Shen Yinmo talks about calligraphy

From beginner to professional: calligraphy book recommendation from Chung Hwa Book Company

Shen Yinmo



This book is the experience of calligrapher Shen Yinmo on learning books, which is divided into three parts. The first part is a relatively simple introductory teaching article, the second part discusses how to learn Wang Xizhi's calligraphy, and the third part is an interpretation of the experience of Yan Zhenqing and other famous masters in learning calligraphy, trying to explain the more theoretical content in a simple and clear way, which is helpful for calligraphy lovers who want to understand calligraphy theory or advanced calligraphy. The book is supplemented by some of Shen Yinmo's calligraphy works and pictures of the famous works mentioned in the text.


Calligraphy apprenticeship

From beginner to professional: calligraphy book recommendation from Chung Hwa Book Company

Liu Tao 978-7-101-13918-169.00 yuan

Mr. Liu Tao, a well-known scholar of the history of calligraphy, reflected his personal experience of learning calligraphy with the history of calligraphy, calligraphy theory, and calligraphy, and presented his explanations on basic issues such as writing, copying, and shadowing, in an attempt to break the stereotyped understanding of calligraphy learning and seek a simple and simple way to learn calligraphy. The author tells the story of calligraphy, discloses the experience of learning calligraphy, and reproduces the trajectory of decades of learning calligraphy with more than 100 calligraphy works, which can be described as a model of "apprenticeship with the ancients", which has special reference significance for scholars.


Mohai's career

From beginner to professional: calligraphy book recommendation from Chung Hwa Book Company

Wang Xuezhong, edited by Sun Lie and Sun Rui



This is a small book by Mr. Wang Xuezhong, a famous calligrapher and painter, about his ink career. Wang Xuezhong is Langya Wang's family, since childhood calligraphy as a career, this book describes the author's unique experience from Qufu to Beiping, from Tianjin to Japan, apprenticeship, study, visit monuments, and teach. This book not only provides a foundation for readers who are interested in learning calligraphy, but also records the historical details of art schools such as Jinghua Academy of Fine Arts, Beiping National Art School, and Central Academy of Fine Arts in the forties and fifties of the last century, as well as the style of art masters such as Qi Baishi, Xu Beihong, and Huang Binhong.

A collection of treasures

Calligraphy is the art of writing Chinese characters, and it can be said that calligraphy can be found wherever there are Chinese characters, so the forms and genres of calligraphy works are rich and diverse. In addition to hanging scrolls, hand scrolls, albums, fans and other forms of works, there are also a large number of calligraphy masterpieces on daily letters, manuscript signs, inscriptions, stone inscriptions, plaque couplets, handicrafts, etc., which have multiple values such as art, culture, history and collection.


The Chinese Academy of Cultural Heritage has a collection of Qing Dynasty celebrity books

From beginner to professional: calligraphy book recommendation from Chung Hwa Book Company

He Junhong Editor-in-Chief



This book includes 325 letters exchanged by celebrities of the Qing Dynasty, including Yao Nai, Wang Shu, Yi Bingshou, Weng Fanggang, Gui Fu and others. Some of these letters are related to social situations, some are related to a certain academic point of view or a certain historical event, and they have important documentary value and also have certain aesthetic value.


Catalogue of Song Yunbin's old collection of paintings and calligraphy

From beginner to professional: calligraphy book recommendation from Chung Hwa Book Company

Edited by Haining Municipal Archives Bureau (Library), Haining Municipal Archives Society, and Editorial Department of Zhonghua Book Company



Mr. Song Yunbin is a well-known literary historian, editor, and staunch patriotic democrat in mainland China, who has been engaged in progressive cultural activities all his life. Most of Song Yunbin's contacts are celebrities in the cultural world, such as Huang Binhong, Chen Banding, He Xiangning, etc., as well as letters with him, as well as Song Yunbin's own collection of calligraphy and painting works such as Jin Nong, Wang Jie, Shi Yanghao, etc. These paintings, calligraphy, and letters were compiled into the "Catalogue of Song Yunbin's Old Collection of Paintings and Calligraphy", which is divided into three parts: calligraphy and painting, fan surface, and letters, which are arranged in order according to the author's birth year. This book not only has important artistic value, but also has important historical value.


The handwriting of Zhou Ruchang's mentor and friend

From beginner to professional: calligraphy book recommendation from Chung Hwa Book Company

Zhou Lunling, ed., Zhao Lintao, Zhao Dahai Interpretation: 978-7-101-15590-7680.00 yuan

Mr. Zhou Ruchang studied at Yenching University twice at an early age, and later taught at West China University and Sichuan University in Chengdu, and later served as an editor of the People's Literature Publishing House and a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Arts. From the 40s of the 20th century to the beginning of the new century, Mr. Zhou has preserved a very large number of calligraphy and painting inkblots of his mentors and friends. These documents contain a wealth of cultural and academic information, and have important historical and cultural relics value. The editorial department of Chung Hwa Book Company specially invited Ms. Zhou Lunling to compile this book, and photocopied and published the representative works of Mr. Zhou's mentor and friend, as well as poems and paintings, according to the original appearance, and attached a reference commentary, so as to benefit Xuelin and serve as a reference for relevant research.

Seal engraving, hard pen

Seal carving can be called the sister art of calligraphy, and it is a system of its own. Excellent seal carver is also an excellent calligrapher, you can "book into the print" "print from the book", play the knife like a pen, melt the thousands of Chinese characters calligraphy in the square inch, show a unique personality and style; When the calligrapher inscribes the inscription, a good seal is indispensable, and it also shines with the calligraphy masterpiece.

Since modern times, brush writing has gradually withdrawn from the daily life of Chinese, and has been replaced by hard pen writing. Hard pen calligraphy was born from traditional calligraphy, inheriting the latter's writing techniques and aesthetic principles, with pens, pencils, chalk and other writing tools, convenient and fast, more practical in life.


China in the seal

From beginner to professional: calligraphy book recommendation from Chung Hwa Book Company

Han Tianheng



This book is divided into three sections: the source of seals, the unity of knowledge and knowledge, and the seals of Indians, presenting the extraordinary achievements made by the famous seal carver Mr. Han Tianheng in the study of Chinese seals. The text is equipped with more than 400 ancient precious Indian prints, Doulu Tibetan seals, Doulu governance seals, etc., as well as more than 600 pictures of printed book shadows and printing materials.


Yijun room Tibetan seal

From beginner to professional: calligraphy book recommendation from Chung Hwa Book Company

Xu Wuwen original editor Xu Li, Fu Zhou finished



There are more than 280 square seals collected in the book, including the official and private seals of the past dynasties, as well as the seals of modern and modern masters, and the content is rich and comprehensive. The official and private seals of the past dynasties almost involve the seal style in the history of the development of seal carving art, during which there are the works of He Xueyu, Ding Jingshen, Chen Mansheng, Zhao Cixian and other seals. The modern and modern masters have collected the works of many famous masters from the Republic of China to modern and contemporary times, such as Zhang Qinsheng, Fang Jiekan, Tang Zuishi, Xu Yisheng, Zhou Juwu, Xu Wuwen, etc. Most of the prints in this book have never been published, and it has important historical value. The compiler has studied, deduced and analyzed the content of the printed text, the chiseling method, the printing style, the text, the arrangement of the printed text, the chapter method, the knife method, the side section and the inscription, the style and beauty, and the personality technique, which has rich printing value.


Primary and secondary school students must memorize ancient poems and texts "hard pen calligraphy version"

From beginner to professional: calligraphy book recommendation from Chung Hwa Book Company
From beginner to professional: calligraphy book recommendation from Chung Hwa Book Company
From beginner to professional: calligraphy book recommendation from Chung Hwa Book Company

This series of calligraphy calligraphy is based on 75 ancient poems for primary school students, 61 ancient poems for junior high school students and 72 ancient poems for high school students that are required to be memorized in the "Chinese Curriculum Standards for Compulsory Education" and "Chinese Curriculum Standards for Ordinary High Schools". The combination of memorization of ancient poems and calligraphy exercises with hard pen guides students to write while memorizing, so as to achieve an efficient realm of ancient poetry learning. The block letters and line letters written by the model are the exclusive authorized glyphs of the professional calligraphy education institution "Hanxiang Calligraphy Education", which are standardized and beautiful, and are suitable for primary and secondary school students to write. Equipped with an audio of ancient poetry recitation, you can also scan the code to watch the writing teaching video of a single Chinese character.


Basic skills in writing

From beginner to professional: calligraphy book recommendation from Chung Hwa Book Company

Written by Zheng Wenbin



Bad writing has troubled many people, and it has been practiced for a long time, but once it is used in daily writing, it has become the same as before. In fact, this is a failure to learn the correct way to write, the method is wrong, and no matter how much you practice, it will not work. This book starts from the most basic sitting posture of writing, and makes a detailed analysis and illustration of the method of holding the pen and the technique of exerting force. Different from ordinary copybooks, this is a book that truly "teaches you to write", allowing you to quickly learn the correct handwriting skills and write good words with ease.

Related research

The art of calligraphy is deeply rooted in traditional Chinese culture and is inextricably linked with other arts and academic disciplines such as Chinese painting, classical literature, philology, philology, epigraphy, history, archaeology, etc. The literature collation and research works related to calligraphy not only reflect the progress of the research of this discipline, but also excavate the historical and cultural connotations of calligraphy art from multiple perspectives, which is of great benefit to the study, appreciation and understanding of calligraphy.


The law book should be recorded and corrected

From beginner to professional: calligraphy book recommendation from Chung Hwa Book Company

Zhang Yanyuan, compilation, Liu Shi, school manager: 978-7-101-15107-788.00 yuan

The book is a calligraphy literature compiled by Zhang Yanyuan in the Tang Dynasty, with a total of 10 volumes, including 38 articles on calligraphy from the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty, and 458 articles on the Book of the Two Kings, which basically includes the most valuable relevant documents of this period, and is the most important and basic classic of Chinese calligraphy art. This book is based on the "Jindai Secretary", using various editions, calligraphy ink, facsimiles, engravings, etc., and referring to relevant proofreading and research results, the text of the whole book is thoroughly sorted out, and it is a new high-standard collated book.


Calligraphy and sayings

From beginner to professional: calligraphy book recommendation from Chung Hwa Book Company

Written by Xiang Mu and edited by Li Yongzhong



"Calligraphy Yayan" is a very holistic and systematic calligraphy theory work written by Xiang Mu, the eldest son of Xiang Yuanbian, a great collector in the Ming Dynasty, and a calligrapher and connoisseur. The book includes 17 chapters, including book system, ancient and modern, and body differentiation. From the point of view of Confucianism, the author pushes calligraphy to the status of "the same flow of heaven and earth, winged guard teachings". Xiang Mu emphasized inner cultivation and emphasized the "orthodox" concept of calligraphy, juxtaposing Wang Xizhi with Confucius. The book not only has unique insights, but also is full of the author's sense of responsibility and rich emotions, which is rare in the history of ancient calligraphy theory. The "General Catalogue of the Four Libraries" commented on this book as "the guideline of the calligrapher".


History of Chinese Calligraphy

From beginner to professional: calligraphy book recommendation from Chung Hwa Book Company

Zhu Tianshu



This book provides a bird's-eye view of the historical origins, stylistic evolution, and stylistic changes of Chinese calligraphy. The appendix is an overview of the literature of the past dynasties and 30 basic bibliographies of Chinese calligraphy, which is convenient for readers to search for and further understand the art of Chinese calligraphy. The book is full of pictures and texts, and has many new ideas, and has been praised by the famous scholar Professor Bian Xiaoxuan as "the latest masterpiece of concise book history".


An Introduction to Ancient Chinese Stone Carvings

From beginner to professional: calligraphy book recommendation from Chung Hwa Book Company

Written by Zhao Chao


128.00 yuan

This book introduces the types and evolution of ancient Chinese stone carvings, the existence and discovery of ancient stone carvings, the research of stone carvings in the past dynasties, and the common styles of stone inscriptions. The revised edition has more than doubled the content, and more than 200 new plates have been added, which are matched with the text, making the book more readable and intuitive.


Ancient pen

From beginner to professional: calligraphy book recommendation from Chung Hwa Book Company

Written by Wang Xuelei



The brush is not only a traditional Chinese writing tool, but also an important symbol of traditional Chinese culture. Through a large number of historical materials and archaeological achievements, this book presents the form and development of the brush before the Song Dynasty, and thus explores the important and wonderful role played by tools behind the development of calligraphy and painting art and cultural transmission in the early period, and reveals interesting cultural phenomena in the production, dissemination and use of the brush.

(Co-ordinator: Yibei; Editor: Siqi)

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