
Musical theatre master Webber continues the new chapter "The Phantom of the Opera Sequel: True Love Forever" to interpret the charm of love

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The reporter learned from the meeting of the leading actors of the original English musical "The Phantom of the Opera: True Love Eternal" and the symposium of "When Henan Opera Meets the West End Musical" held yesterday that "The Phantom of the Opera Sequel: True Love Eternal" will be performed at the Grand Theater of Henan Art Center for 5 consecutive performances from May 17th to 19th. This is the first time that the original drama has been introduced to China, realizing the wish of Zhengzhou audiences to "watch the original repertoire without going abroad".

Musical theatre master Webber continues the new chapter "The Phantom of the Opera Sequel: True Love Forever" to interpret the charm of love

The latest masterpiece by the master of musical theatre Webber brings the "original" Broadway experience

Andrew Lloyd Webber is known as the father of musical theatre, his name is enough to be engraved in the musical history of the 20th century, and he led an era of musical theatre that bears his name around the world, and also created an era of musical theatre that has spread around the world.

Webber has written 13 musicals, a musical suite, a set of variations, two original film productions and a Mass, for which he has won many Academy Awards, Golden Globes, Grammys, Tony Awards, Olivier Awards and many other prestigious honors.

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, and love is unswerving. Now, Weber once again gives love to immortal music, picking up the pen for love, and creating another brilliant masterpiece. He used all the main characters in "The Phantom of the Opera" to build a new story, and spent nearly a decade working with global production groups to polish and continue to write the magnificent love letter "Love Forever".

Musical theatre master Webber continues the new chapter "The Phantom of the Opera Sequel: True Love Forever" to interpret the charm of love

In this performance, the top luxury configuration of the original play is perfectly reproduced, 29 original casts are devoted, 240 gorgeous costumes, 15 international musicians are accompanied by live music, more than 30 songs sing true love movements, and 13 container scenery props create a gorgeous stage, from the stage to the music, every link is "original", giving the audience an audio-visual feast of ultimate enjoyment.

The stage of The Phantom of the Opera Sequel: Love Forever is based on the Coney Island amusement park, and through the meticulous stage design, the stage of "The Phantom of the Opera Sequel: Love Forever" is outlined in a compelling opening. The stage conjures up gorgeous and bizarre carousels, prismatic jungles and other amusement park scenes, pushing the stage to a new peak and bringing a subversive viewing experience to the audience. When the curtain opens, the audience will be ushered into a fantasy place, as if they have traveled back in time to an amusement park, and feel the excitement and anticipation with the actors.

The annual blockbuster drama is about to start, and a series of activities will enrich the cultural life of the audience

As a blockbuster drama of Henan Art Center, "The Phantom of the Opera Sequel: True Love Eternal", which continues the world-class IP of "The Phantom of the Opera" and is known as the "Greatest Love Story of All Time", has attracted attention from all walks of life as soon as it was officially announced. The audience who came to the meeting site expressed their enthusiasm and love for the musical to the leading actors with bursts of applause and non-stop videos and photos. The actors talked from different angles, told stories in front of and behind the scenes, and shared their experiences.

In The Phantom of the Opera Sequel: Love Forever, Webb moves the story from Paris in Europe to New York in the United States, but the Phantom in the play still hasn't forgotten the love in his heart. The sequel takes place in 1907, ten years after the Phantom disappeared from the Paris Opera, Christine marries and has children, and grows into a prestigious soprano, but her husband, Viscount Raul, is in a state of collapse. With the help of Mrs. Gilry's mother and daughter, the Phantom travels to Coney Island in the United States and establishes a fantasy amusement park. Out of longing for Christine, the Phantom anonymously invites her to sing for his theater. Kristen travels to Coney Island with her husband and son, Gustav, little to know that everyone's fate will be changed by her return......

Musical theatre master Webber continues the new chapter "The Phantom of the Opera Sequel: True Love Forever" to interpret the charm of love

As a work that Weber spent nearly a decade polishing, this sequel once again demonstrates his amazing talent for melody. The play not only continues the tenderness of Weber's "Phantom" series, but also breaks through the introduction of multiple styles such as rock and roll, appealing to infinite emotions and singing, showing the good musical charm of "Phantom".

At the symposium of "When Henan Opera Meets West End Musicals", Wu Suzhen, the leading actor of the Henan Yu Opera Youth Troupe, sang a cappella on the spot, showing the charm of Henan Opera, and Dominic McAllister, the British Consul General in Wuhan, followed Wu Suzhen to learn to sing Henan Opera sentence by sentence.

Musical theatre master Webber continues the new chapter "The Phantom of the Opera Sequel: True Love Forever" to interpret the charm of love

According to its disclosure, in early June, the Edinburgh Fringe Festival masterpiece "HOME (Hometown)" will tour Zhengzhou and Nanyang, artists and professional youth music groups from Northern Ireland are also planning to visit Luoyang this year, and plans to send an educational delegation to Henan in September this year, focusing on exploring cooperation in various educational fields, including art and music education, aiming to establish a long-term friendship between Henan and Northern Ireland through these ongoing cultural exchange projects.

"China and the UK have different cultural backgrounds, and the artistic styles produced by different cultural soils are definitely different. Drama is the jewel in the crown of art, whether it is Chinese opera or Western musicals, it is a unique theater art, and it is a treasure for the progress of human civilization and cultural style. When Henan Opera meets musicals, it is really the beauty of each other, the beauty of the beauty, and the beauty of the same. Wang Juwu, deputy dean of the School of Music of Henan University, said that culture can transcend national borders, and he hopes that the audience can enter the theater to feel and experience it for themselves.

It is worth mentioning that on the eve of the performance, Henan Art Center also carefully planned a series of public welfare activities, including seven theme activities, such as Phantom Theme Afternoon Tea, Starring Meeting, Walking in the Central Plains, and Hitchhiker Gathering, all of which are open to the public free of charge. In particular, the "Phantom Theme Afternoon Tea", Li Bei, associate professor of the Department of Vocal Singing of the School of Music of Henan University, Li Zimu, a young singer, vice president of the Henan Pop Music Association, musical theater actor, Zhang Jianxun, a distinguished musical teacher of the School of Music of Zhengzhou University, and Li Yuanfang, a vocal lecturer of the College of Opera and Music, popularized the wonderful points of the original English musical "The Phantom of the Opera Sequel: True Love Eternal" for the audience. These activities not only enrich the cultural life of the citizens, but also deepen the audience's understanding and love for musicals, and improve the audience's ability to appreciate art.

Zhengguan News reporter Su Yu

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